Going Back to 2000! with Yuku's aku.e

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So, I have written a library called debug_printing.e (yes, this was before @GHaberek's implementation of such functionality, which I should look into because he does programming way better than me--but I digress), and I was having an issue in my source with the dp() ("debug_print") call suddenly not working. I have been confused about this for months... maybe years.

Anyway, today I sat down to really consider what was going on (because I really needed to), and after a ton of dp() calls all over the place, I finally found the culprit of why the debug printing stopped working after a while.

Inside @Yuku's aku.e, there is this code:

global object pppath 
if platform() = 3 then pppath = '/' else pppath = '\\' end if 
 -------- 23 
-- hapus console yang ga perlu!!! 
object hapuscon_kernel32, 
if platform() = 2 then 
	hapuscon_kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") 
	hapuscon_freeconsole = define_c_func(hapuscon_kernel32, "FreeConsole", {}, C_LONG) 
	hapuscon_tp = c_func(hapuscon_freeconsole, {}) 
end if 

I whittled it down with this ridiculousness:

-- Standard Library ... by Aku 2000-2003 
include debug_printing.e 
dp("here inside aku.e") 
include graphics.e 
include get.e 
include machine.e 
include dll.e 
include wildcard.e 
include file.e 
dp("here inside aku.e past includes") 
dp("aku 1") 
object tp, tp2 
global object pppath 
if platform() = 3 then pppath = '/' else pppath = '\\' end if 
 -------- 23 
-- hapus console yang ga perlu!!! 
object hapuscon_kernel32, 
dp("aku 2") 
if platform() = 2 then 
dp("aku 3") 
	hapuscon_kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") 
dp("aku 4") 
	hapuscon_freeconsole = define_c_func(hapuscon_kernel32, "FreeConsole", {}, C_LONG) 
dp("aku 5") 
	hapuscon_tp = c_func(hapuscon_freeconsole, {}) 
dp("aku 6") 
end if 
dp("aku 7") 

Can anybody guess where it was stopping? I'll wait a minute...

OK! The last dp() printed was "aku 5"!

Gol dern it! @Yuku was disabling console printing!

So, my question is... Why?

I've simply commented out that line, so it no longer cancels my console printing.

I'm also impressed that it's 2023 and I'm still using a 20-year-old library. grin

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