Re: Is this a bug or a feature?
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 28, 2022
The solution is to put all your includes at the beginnng of the program. Barely worth a ticket.
No I think this is still a bug. The interpreter tracks goto in a "stack" that is pushed and popped as it encounters additional include files, and it seems to not be "popping" back correctly.
But ideally yes, you'd put all of your includes at the top, but we should account for edge cases because including from anywhere in the file should work the same for all code.
Which was one of the first errors when I started looking at this. In this context, what does wtf mean?
It literally means what it says on the tin: what the fuck. You can find that message here: source/parser.e:378.
Did you experience this in the same code that had an issue with post-include goto labels not working? The two could be related.