Re: Preliminary libffi progress

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Icy_Viking said...

This might work better than having a struct function. Though I do think Euphoria would benefit from a struct type of some kind.

If you wish to compare, here is a version without libffi that can run the core_basic_windows.ex demo:

include std/dll.e  
include std/machine.e  
include structs.e 
public constant LIGHTGRAY  = { 200, 200, 200, 255 } -- Light Gray 
-- Structures Definition 
-- Vector2, 2 components  
public sequence RL_VECTOR2 = 
"typedef struct Vector2 {" & 
"  float x;" &                -- Vector x component  
"  float y;" &                -- Vector y component  
"} Vector2;" 
-- Vector3, 3 components 
public sequence RL_VECTOR3 = 
"typedef struct Vector3 {" & 
"    float x;" &                -- Vector x component 
"    float y;" &                -- Vector y component 
"    float z;" &                -- Vector z component 
"} Vector3;" 
-- Color, 4 components, R8G8B8A8 (32bit) 
public sequence RL_COLOR = 
"typedef struct Color {" & 
"    unsigned_char r;" &        -- Color red value  
"    unsigned_char g;" &        -- Color green value  
"    unsigned_char b;" &        -- Color blue value  
"    unsigned_char a;" &        -- Color alpha value  
"} Color;"  
sequence Vector2 = allocateStructure(RL_VECTOR2) 
sequence Vector3 = allocateStructure(RL_VECTOR3) 
sequence Color = allocateStructure(RL_COLOR) 
constant raylib = open_dll( "raylib.dll" ), 
  xInitWindow        = define_c_proc( raylib, "+InitWindow", {C_INT,C_INT,C_POINTER} ), 
  xWindowShouldClose = define_c_func( raylib, "+WindowShouldClose", {}, C_BOOL ), 
  xCloseWindow       = define_c_proc( raylib, "+CloseWindow", {} ), 
  xGetWindowPosition = define_c_func( raylib, "+GetWindowPosition", {}, C_POINTER ), 
  xSetTargetFPS      = define_c_proc( raylib, "+SetTargetFPS", {C_INT} ), 
  xClearBackground   = define_c_proc( raylib, "+ClearBackground", {C_POINTER} ), 
  xBeginDrawing      = define_c_proc( raylib, "+BeginDrawing", {} ), 
  xEndDrawing        = define_c_proc( raylib, "+EndDrawing", {} ), 
  xDrawText          = define_c_proc( raylib, "+DrawText", {C_POINTER,C_INT,C_INT,C_INT,C_POINTER} ), 
public procedure InitWindow( integer width, integer height, sequence title ) 
	c_proc( xInitWindow, {width,height,allocate_string(title)} ) -- title string is allocated/freed automatically 
end procedure 
public function WindowShouldClose() 
	return c_func( xWindowShouldClose, {} ) 
end function 
public procedure CloseWindow() 
	c_proc( xCloseWindow, {} ) 
end procedure 
public function GetWindowPosition() 
	Vector2[SU_ADDRESS] = c_func( xGetWindowPosition, {} ) -- returns {x,y} 
	return readStructure(Vector2) 
end function 
public procedure SetTargetFPS( integer fps ) 
	c_proc( xSetTargetFPS, {fps} ) 
end procedure 
public procedure ClearBackground( sequence color ) 
	writeStructure(Color, color ) 
	c_proc( xClearBackground, Color[SU_ADDRESS] ) -- color is {r,g,b,a} 
end procedure 
public procedure BeginDrawing() 
	c_proc( xBeginDrawing, {} ) 
end procedure 
public procedure EndDrawing() 
	c_proc( xEndDrawing, {} ) 
end procedure 
public procedure DrawText( sequence text, integer posX, integer posY, integer fontSize, sequence color ) 
	writeStructure(Color, color ) 
	c_proc( xDrawText, {allocate_string(text),posX,posY,fontSize,Color[SU_ADDRESS]} ) 
end procedure 
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