Re: Object-oriented preprocessor

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I have tested the program as a preprocessor with following command and it works with no change.

eui -p oex:preprocessor.ex test_classes.oex 

It translates following class-like program:

include win32lib_r2.ew as win 
class TWin32() 
  integer self.hwnd = 0 
  sequence self.caption = "" 
  atom self.pOwner = 0 
  object self.x = 0, self.y = 0, = 0, = 0 
  object self.styleFlags = 0 
  procedure create(sequence params) 
    self.caption = params[1] 
    self.pOwner = params[2] 
    self.x = params[3] 
    self.y = params[4] = params[5] = params[6] 
    self.styleFlags = params[7] 
  end procedure 
end class 
class TWindow(TWin32) 
  sequence self.additional = "unused" 
  procedure create(sequence params) 
    self.additional = params[8] 
    self.hwnd = win:create(Window, 
      self.caption, self.pOwner, 
      self.x, self.y,,, 
  end procedure 
end class 
class TMleText(TWin32) 
  procedure create(sequence params) 
    self.hwnd = win:create(MleText, 
      self.caption, self.pOwner, 
      self.x, self.y,,, 
  end procedure 
  procedure set(sequence params) 
    win:setText(self.hwnd, params[1]) 
  end procedure 
  function get(sequence params) 
    return win:getText(self.hwnd) 
  end function 
end class 
sequence mainWin = new(TWindow) 
mainWin.create({"MLE Test", 0, 0, 0, 300, 300, 0, "unused"}) = 400 
sequence mle = new(TMleText) 
mle.create({"", mainWin.hwnd, 10, 10, 200, 200, 0}) 
mle.set({"Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"}) 
WinMain(mainWin.hwnd, Normal) 

Resulting code, test_classes.pp.oex, is as follows:

include win32lib_r2.ew as win 
include classes.e 
f_debug = open("debug.log", "w") 
--- class TWin32 --------------------------------------------------------------- 
integer TWin32 = class("TWin32") 
addProperty(TWin32, "hwnd", 0) 
addProperty(TWin32, "caption", "") 
addProperty(TWin32, "pOwner", 0) 
addProperty(TWin32, "x", 0) 
addProperty(TWin32, "y", 0) 
addProperty(TWin32, "cx", 0) 
addProperty(TWin32, "cy", 0) 
addProperty(TWin32, "styleFlags", 0) 
function TWin32_create(integer instanceID, sequence params) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "caption", params[1]) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "pOwner", params[2]) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "x", params[3]) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "y", params[4]) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "cx", params[5]) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "cy", params[6]) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "styleFlags", params[7]) 
  return 0 
end function 
addMethod(TWin32, "create", routine_id("TWin32_create")) 
--- class TWindow -------------------------------------------------------------- 
integer TWindow = class("TWindow", TWin32) 
addProperty(TWindow, "additional", "unused") 
function TWindow_create(integer instanceID, sequence params) 
  callParentMethod(instanceID, "create", params) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "additional", params[8]) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "hwnd", win:create(Window, getProperty(instanceID, "caption"), getProperty(instanceID, "pOwner"), getProperty(instanceID, "x"), getProperty(instanceID, "y"), getProperty(instanceID, "cx"), getProperty(instanceID, "cy"), getProperty(instanceID, "styleFlags"))) 
  return 0 
end function 
addMethod(TWindow, "create", routine_id("TWindow_create")) 
--- class TMleText ------------------------------------------------------------- 
integer TMleText = class("TMleText", TWin32) 
function TMleText_create(integer instanceID, sequence params) 
  callParentMethod(instanceID, "create", params) 
  setProperty(instanceID, "hwnd", win:create(MleText, getProperty(instanceID, "caption"), getProperty(instanceID, "pOwner"), getProperty(instanceID, "x"), getProperty(instanceID, "y"), getProperty(instanceID, "cx"), getProperty(instanceID, "cy"), getProperty(instanceID, "styleFlags"))) 
  return 0 
end function 
addMethod(TMleText, "create", routine_id("TMleText_create")) 
function TMleText_set(integer instanceID, sequence params) 
  win:setText(getProperty(instanceID, "hwnd"), params[1])  
  return 0 
end function 
addMethod(TMleText, "set", routine_id("TMleText_set")) 
function TMleText_get(integer instanceID, sequence params) 
  return win:getText(getProperty(instanceID, "hwnd"))  
end function 
addMethod(TMleText, "get", routine_id("TMleText_get")) 
integer mainWin = classes:new("mainWin", TWindow) 
callMethod(mainWin, "create", {"MLE Test", 0, 0, 0, 300, 300, 0, "unused"}) 
setProperty(mainWin, "cx", 400) 
integer mle = classes:new("mle", TMleText) 
callMethod(mle, "create", {"", getProperty(mainWin, "hwnd"), 10, 10, 200, 200, 0}) 
callMethod(mle, "set", {"Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"}) 
WinMain(getProperty(mainWin, "hwnd"), Normal) 

Of course, you have to update eu.cfg to your own configuration.

I wonder if it would make sense to rewrite whole Win32Lib_r2 one of both ways (with the preprocessor or in the resulting style).


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