Re: Get images or binary files from web form
- Posted by achury Aug 10, 2022
I did it by hand and worked well.
- Upload jpg file to the web.
- Wait a lot, the program is slow because use getc, I'll modify later.
- Go down, after the binary dump, appear twice the sequence dump.
- Copy the sequence.
- Search for 13,10,13,10 After The second time appears is the first byte of your file.
- Search for 13,10,45,45 near the end. This is the last separator, your file ends just before that.
include std/io.e sequence filedata={255,216,255,224,0,16,74,70,73,70,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,255, ... ,2,34,32,63,255,217} print (1,length(filedata)) write_file("file2.jpg", filedata)