Why do People Use Euphoria?
- Posted by SDPringle Jul 02, 2022
As probably all of the users here know, I am a occasional developer for Euphoria. I see myself as more of a curator. When deciding what language to use for a programming project, I go through the following process.
First, see if the software already exists. If it's free, I decide against doing it. Second, Decide on constraints to language choice. This is automatic. If it needs to run on a free web-hosting service you're stuck with PHP and Javascript. That's the reality of the situation. If it needs to run in the front end, it is Typescript or Javascript and maybe some framework like React. Third, see which APIs are available for and which languages have native support for it. I don't mean using c_func/c_proc. I mean an API that already exists and is not buggy. Fourth, based on the available APIs choose the language.
This process almost always leads me to use Typescript/Javascript/Node, C plus plus or Python. If I need something that only needs to do things available in the standard library of Euphoria, I'll probably use EUPHORIA.
Although for display and IO, I prefer C plus plus iostream to Euphoria's printf or puts in Euphoria; for walking over a directory, Euphoria's simplified dir or walk_dir saves time. The boost path class is a good analogue and I guess it is more a matter of custom than being better or less intiutive.
You can write a faster program in C plus plus but you can run a program faster in EUPHORIA.
Why do you use EUPHORIA? In which situations would you not use Euphoria?
SD Pringle