Re: BREAKing into Euphoria

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An update. Dont mind the cd lib stuff. Shows usage of iupmglplot. Also shows how to drastically reduce IUP message polling CPU by reduced polling during idleness.

with define DEBUG_TYPE	--popup debugger after type check failures otherwise comment out for the normal crash 
include euphoria/debug/debug.e 
include std/math.e 
include std/console.e 
include std/os.e 
--include dll.e 
--include machine.e 
include gui/iup/iup.e 
include gui/iup/iup_config.e 
include gui/iup/iup_mglplot.e 

include gui/iup/cd.e 
include gui/iup/cdiup.e 
constant user32 = open_dll( "user32" ) 
constant xSetForegroundWindow = define_c_func( user32, "SetForegroundWindow", {C_ULONG}, C_UINT	) -- BOOL SetForegroundWindow(HWND) 
constant xGetForegroundWindow = define_c_func( user32, "GetForegroundWindow", {}, C_UINT	) -- HWND GetForegroundWindow(void) 
atom focusOld=0		 --start with NULL (invalid) 
atom debugTime=0 
procedure traceOn(integer val) 
	poke4(0x5b1a20, val)	 --ie TraceOn=val 
	poke4(0x5b1440, 1)		 --color_trace = TRUE;	--ie ensures the debugger pops up in color (not static uninit value of 0 ie B/W) 
end procedure 
global procedure goDebug(integer focusDebug)	--go to the debugger at the next trac'able line 
	focusOld=c_func(xGetForegroundWindow)		--save the current focus'ed win handle 
	if focusDebug then 
		c_func(xSetForegroundWindow, {hCon} ) 
	else	-- don't want to set focus to debugger; ie waiting for some iup gui user activity to enter trace'able code, so 
	end if				--switch to (debugger) console window 
	traceOn(1)		--TraceOn=1 ie trace out to the debugger at next "with trace" code. 
end procedure 
global procedure tr(object condition={}, sequence errorMessage={}) 
--atom condition <> 0, then print errorMessage, else ignore. Eg tr(1>0, {"%s %d", "five=", 5}) 
--string 'condition' for simple error message 
	if atom(condition) and condition = 0 then return end if				 --failed condition if its numeric 
	if length(errorMessage) >= 2 and sequence(errorMessage[1]) then	--formatting string, args ... 
			errorMessage=sprintf(errorMessage[1], errorMessage[2..$]) 
	end if 
	if atom(condition) then 
		condition=sprintf("%d", condition) 
	elsif length(condition) then 
		errorMessage=sprintf("%s %s", {condition, errorMessage}) 
	end if 
	if length(errorMessage) or length(condition) then --non-empty string, so elaborate error 
		printf(1, "\ntr(%s): %s\n", {condition, errorMessage}) 
	end if 
end procedure 
atom breakTime=0 
function breakFunc(integer event) 
	puts(1, "Break pressed... ") 
	breakTime -= time() 
	if breakTime > -1	then 
		traceOn(0)	--cancel trace out to debugger (set first press), so terminate immediately 
		puts(1, "quick break repeat; exiting app...\n") 
		return 0		--Quickly repeated break, so act as if break not handled by this fn, ie pass on to next handler (eu terminates) 
	end if 
	breakTime = time()		--update timestamp 
	return 1	--handled the control signal so return TRUE for no further action. 
end function 
without trace		--we dont trace inside type checks 
ifdef DEBUG_TYPE then	 -- pinpoints the type error location with the debugger 
	function typeEnd() 
			goDebug(1)		--popup the debugger at the next traceable line 
			return 1			--no type abort; continue running 
	end function 
	function typeEnd() 
		return 0	--abort with type check error 
	end function 
end ifdef 
type Ihandle(atom x) 
	if x>NULL then	--ok positive 
		if trunc(x) = x then return 1 end if		 --no fractional part so x ok so continue running 
	end if 
	printf(1, "type Ihandle: bad value %d\n", {x}) 
	return typeEnd() 
end type 
type cdCanvas(atom x) 
	if x>NULL then	--ok positive 
		if trunc(x) = x then return 1 end if		 --no fractional part so x ok so continue running 
	end if 
	printf(1, "type cdCanvas: bad value %d\n", {x}) 
	return typeEnd() 
end type 
type cdContext(atom x) 
	if x>NULL then	--ok positive 
		if trunc(x) = x then return 1 end if		 --no fractional part so x ok so continue running 
	end if 
	printf(1, "type cdContext: bad value %d\n", {x}) 
	return typeEnd() 
end type 
with trace 
Ihandle plot 
function k_any( Ihandle self, atom c ) 
	tr(c='q', {"Debugging IUP client callback, c=%d", c}) 
	return IUP_DEFAULT 
--	return IUP_IGNORE 
end function 
function action( Ihandle self, integer c, atom after ) 
	if (c) then 
	end if 
	return K_asterisk 
end function 
--atom kernel32, xSetConsoleCtrlHandler, cbHR 
atom xSetConsoleCtrlHandler, cbHR 
procedure noIup() 
	integer key 
	while 1 do 
		puts(1,"sleeping press q to quit, break to debug\n") 
		printf(1,"awake, key=%d\n", {key}) 
		if key = 'q' then 
		end if 
	end while 
end procedure 
function iupStart( object argc, object argv ) 
	IupOpen( argc, argv ) 
	IupMglPlotOpen()    --init IupMGLPlot library 
	plot = IupMglPlot()		--creates a empty initial data set 
	for i=1 to 70 do 
		IupMglPlotAdd2D(plot, i, i*i) 
	end for 
	{}=IupMglPlotEnd(plot)		--puts the plot data into _plot. Now we can use IupSetAttribute() to modify plot data 
--	IupSetAttribute(text, "SIZE",	"200x") 
--	IupSetCallback(text, "ACTION", Icallback("action")) 
--	IupSetCallback(text, "K_ANY", Icallback("k_any")) 
	--IupSetAttribute(plot, "AXS_X", "NO")	--ok 
	--IupSetAttribute(plot, "LEGEND", "YES")	--ok 
	--IupSetAttribute(plot, "GRID", "XY")	--ok 
	IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_COLOR", "255 0 255")	--ok  "R G B" 
	IupSetAttribute(plot, "DS_MODE", "BAR")	--ok 
	IupSetAttribute(plot, "REDRAW", NULL) 

	Ihandle iCanvas = IupCanvas()		--Ihandle *cnvs 
--		cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas( CD_IUP, cnvs );	--static cdCanvas *cdcanvas .   H:\dl\graphics\CanvasDraw\v5.9\;cd\include\cd.h;  cdCreateCanvas(cdContext *context, void *data); 
	cdContext ctx=CD_IUP() 
	cdCanvas canvas = cdCreateCanvas(ctx, iCanvas )	--static cdCanvas *cdcanvas .   H:\dl\graphics\CanvasDraw\v5.9\;cd\include\cd.h;  cdCreateCanvas(cdContext *context, void *data); 
	cdCanvasForeground(canvas, CD_BLUE) 
--	cdCanvasLineWidth(canvas, 3); 
--	cdCanvasLineStyle(canvas, CD_CONTINUOUS); 
	cdCanvasRect(canvas, 0, 200, 0, 200) 
--	cdKillCanvas(canvas) 
	--	IupMglPlotNewDataSet(plot, 2)	--create another data set 
	Ihandle dlg = IupDialog(plot)	--create a dialogue element to put the plot into 
	IupSetAttributes(dlg, "RASTERSIZE=640x480") 
	IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "temperature/moisture") 
--	IupSetAttribute(plot, "READONLY", "NO") 
--    IupSetAttribute(dlg, "MARGIN", "100x100") 
end function 
without trace	 --we dont want to debug iupIdle or the iup event polling loop 
atom idleSleep=0 
function iupIdle() 
	idleSleep=.11	--iup is idle so increase the polling delay 
	return IUP_DEFAULT 
end function 
constant kernel32 = open_dll( "kernel32.dll" ) 
constant xGetConsoleWindow = define_c_func( kernel32, "GetConsoleWindow", {}, C_ULONG ) 
atom hCon = c_func( xGetConsoleWindow, {} ), hIup=0, hCurrent=0 
constant xGetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents = define_c_func( kernel32, "GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents", {C_ULONG , C_POINTER}, C_INT) 
	--HANDLE hConsoleInput, _Out_	LPDWORD lpNumberOfEventsRead 
constant dwordVar = allocate(4) 
------------------ CONSOLE INPUT FNs 
integer xReadConsoleInput = define_c_func( kernel32, "ReadConsoleInputW", {C_ULONG , C_ULONG, C_INT, C_POINTER}, C_INT) 
	--HANDLE hConsoleInput, _Out_	PINPUT_RECORD lpBuffer, _In_	 DWORD nLength, _Out_	LPDWORD lpNumberOfEventsRead 
if xReadConsoleInput = -1 then	-- Using "ReadConsoleInput" doesnt work, so we try this for the failed explicit "ReadConsoleInputW" 
	xReadConsoleInput = define_c_func( kernel32, "ReadConsoleInputA", {C_ULONG , C_ULONG, C_INT, C_POINTER}, C_INT) 
end if 
constant ptrInputRecord = allocate(24)	--mem block for a single INPUT_RECORD 
constant KEY_EVENT=1		 --EventType is a key press/release 
constant MENU_EVENT=8 
constant FOCUS_EVENT=16 
-- INPUT_RECORD typedef; abs address of record members in ptrInputRecord (ie includes +offset) 
constant EventType = ptrInputRecord+0 
	-- KEY_EVENT union; 
	constant bKeyDown=ptrInputRecord+4 
	constant wRepeatCount=ptrInputRecord+8 
	constant wVirtualKeyCode=ptrInputRecord+10 
	constant wVirtualScanCode=ptrInputRecord+12 
	constant AsciiChar=ptrInputRecord+14 
	constant dwControlKeyState=ptrInputRecord+16 
constant xGetStdHandle= define_c_func( kernel32, "GetStdHandle", {C_INT}, C_ULONG) 
constant hConsoleInput=c_func(xGetStdHandle, {-10} )	-- -10 = STD_INPUT_HANDLE 
if hConsoleInput = -1 then ?9/0 end if 
--BOOL SetConsoleTitle(char *lpConsoleTitle)		--Kernel32 
-- see	H:\dl\c\win32\console API.pdf	 EVENT_CONSOLE_CARET	 callback event . 
-- H:\dl\c\win32\WinEvents API.pdf	p608 
sequence cmd = command_line() 
sequence argv = cmd[3..$] 
integer argc = length( argv ), iuret 
xSetConsoleCtrlHandler = define_c_func(kernel32,"SetConsoleCtrlHandler", 
		{C_POINTER, --	PHANDLER_ROUTINE	pHandlerRoutine,	// address of handler function 
		C_INT},		--	BOOL	fAdd	// handler to add or remove 
		C_INT)			-- BOOL 
cbHR = call_back(routine_id("breakFunc"))	 --{’+’, id} for cdecl 
if not c_func(xSetConsoleCtrlHandler,{cbHR,1}) then ?9/0 end if 
--noIup()		 --test interrupting a console (without iup) loop with async break key. 
iupStart( argc, argv ) 
IupSetGlobalFunction("IDLE_ACTION", Icallback("iupIdle"))	 --iup will call this idle callback so we can flag when iup is idle and reduce polling freq 
--	IupMainLoop()	 --blocks this foreground process until user closes GUI 
loop do		 --iup event polling loop 
	printf(1, "Press break to debug ") 
	? idleSleep & hCon & hIup & hCurrent & date() 
	----- peek into the keyboard queue for debugger keyboard code sent from external app (NB: we dont use get_key() because onTrace=1 which will cause long delays until the next tracable line occurs and the debugger starts) 
	if not c_func(xGetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents, {hConsoleInput, dwordVar} )	then ?9/0 end if 
	for i = 1 to peek4s(dwordVar) do	--read each event (if > 0) 
	end for 
	if hCurrent != hCon then 
	end if 
	if focusOld then	--old window focus before debugger invoked 
		if focusOld = hCon then focusOld=hIup end if	--debugging IUP window, so reject hCon 
		if focusOld != hCurrent and time()-debugTime > 0.3 then 
			--old windows not focussed and been some time (stuck in the debugger outside this block) since debugTime updated. 
			{}=c_func(xSetForegroundWindow, {focusOld} )	--focus the old windows 
			focusOld =0	 --and finnished refocusing old window, so invalidate (NULL) 
		end if 
		debugTime=time()		--update time last in this block 
	end if 
	idleSleep=.01			--do a short sleep for good user interaction speed, unless iup becomes idle and calls iupIdle() which will set a longer sleep to reduce CPU wastage 
	--IupSetAttribute(plot, "REDRAW", NULL) 
	until IupLoopStep() = IUP_CLOSE	-- poll and execute next iup event (if any). This will also call iupIdle() if iup gui event queue is idle 
end loop 
function getKey()	--get_key() replacement, that doesnt pause 
	if not c_func(xReadConsoleInput, {hConsoleInput , ptrInputRecord, 1, dwordVar})	then ?9/0 end if	--read 1 INPUT_RECORD event, NULL to store # events read. 
	-- *dwordVar stores the address of the win32 provided input record buffer 
	if peek2u(EventType) != KEY_EVENT	or not peek(bKeyDown) then				 ----ignore non-key events or key up events 
		return -1 
	end if 
	integer ch=peek(AsciiChar) 
	if ch = 3 then		 --external global 'Alt-Break' Autohotkey script attached to our console and sent break key (useful since we dont loose gui focus) 
	elsif ch = 0 then		 --a control key 
		return -1	 --ignore 
	end if 
--	? ch 
	return ch 
end function 
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