Re: wikipedia draft

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Strings are fully mutable, with variable length slice substitution:

string s = "food"   ?s   -- outputs "food" 
s[2..3] = "e"       ?s   -- outputs "fed" 
s[2..1] = "east"    ?s   -- outputs "feasted" 

the above, wp-ready:

Strings are fully mutable, with variable length slice substitution:  
 <font color="#004080">string</font><font color="#000000"> s</font><font color="#0000FF"> =</font><font color="#008000"> "food" </font><font color="#0000FF"> ?</font><font color="#000000">s  </font><font color="#000080"><i> -- outputs "food"</i></font> 
 <font color="#000000">s</font><font color="#0000FF">[</font><font color="#000000">2</font><font color="#0000FF">..</font><font color="#000000">3</font><font color="#0000FF">] =</font><font color="#008000"> "e"     </font><font color="#0000FF"> ?</font><font color="#000000">s  </font><font color="#000080"><i> -- outputs "fed"</i></font> 
 <font color="#000000">s</font><font color="#0000FF">[</font><font color="#000000">2</font><font color="#0000FF">..</font><font color="#000000">1</font><font color="#0000FF">] =</font><font color="#008000"> "east"  </font><font color="#0000FF"> ?</font><font color="#000000">s  </font><font color="#000080"><i> -- outputs "feasted"</i></font> 

Exception handling:

    integer i = 1/0 
    -- or, for example, throw("file in use") 
catch e 
end try 
puts(1,"still running...\n") 


"attempt to divide by 0" -- or "file in use" 
still running... 

the above, wp-ready:

Exception handling: 
 <font color="#008080">try</font> 
 <font color="#004080">   integer</font><font color="#000000"> i</font><font color="#0000FF"> =</font><font color="#000000"> 1</font><font color="#0000FF">/</font><font color="#000000">0</font> 
 <font color="#000080"><i>   -- or, for example, throw("file in use")</i></font> 
 <font color="#008080">catch</font><font color="#000000"> e</font> 
 <font color="#0000FF">   ?</font><font color="#000000">e</font><font color="#0000FF">[</font><font color="#004600">E_USER</font><font color="#0000FF">]</font> 
 <font color="#008080">end try</font> 
 <font color="#7060A8">puts</font><font color="#0000FF">(</font><font color="#000000">1</font><font color="#0000FF">,</font><font color="#008000">"still running...\n"</font><font color="#0000FF">)</font> 
 "attempt to divide by 0" -- or "file in use" 
 still running... 

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