Re: wikipedia draft
- Posted by petelomax Jan 08, 2021
Two quickies:
"Phix 8.1, released in March 2020" -> "Phix 0.8.1, released in March 2020"
"argument are passing by-value" -> "arguments are passed by value"
Also, if you think it would help, other significant recent releases include:
0.8.2 was released November 2020 (unit tests)
0.8.0 was released April 2019 (gmp,xml,sqlite)
0.7.9 was released Apr 2018 (maintenance release)
0.7.8 was released Mar 2018 (zip)
0.7.7 was released Feb 2018 (ipc,serialise)
0.7.6 was released Jul 2017 (try/catch,regex,json)
How about:
switch statement requires explict fallthrough if that is wanted, rather than doing the wrong thing when the break statement is accidentally omitted.
I think the scary "it does not support" paragraph really ought to stay, and maybe add: The author wryly comments "That should scare off and attract the right people"