Re: Phix 0.8.2 uploaded

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katsmeow said...

I cannot get all the checks to be bold-grey. about half are lite-skinny-grey.

That's fine, it just means some are inherited

katsmeow said...

Same 404 in the same ole same ole. Waaaiiiitttt... RE-edited the installation.e, program is downloading.........

Excellent, almost there

katsmeow said...

till it froze with

File C:\Users\user\ saved 
Delete downloaded zip files?(Y/N):N 
secondary installation complete 
fatal error: VCRUNTIME140.DLL could not be loaded 
 try installing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015..19 
 [and maybe] 

What? Waasn't this self-hosted, self-compiling, and no need for any compiler knowledge?

Yeah, I guess I should automate that... at least download them for you and issue an explanatory message/warning... it's (now) on my to-do list.
Anyway, you are almost there, that should be the last step [or two], and I don't recall it asking any tricky questions.

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