Re: Novice Level Project - simple, fun and useful

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ChrisB said...


Are you recording values as whole numbers, or as decimals? It won't matter so much when you are only doing addition and subtraction, but if it ever does tax or percentage calculations, then it can lead to rounding errors - I made this mistake in my veterinary practice management program, and had to a lot of little 'kludges' later ro get the right tax calculations.

Nice project.




Values are entered/recorded/stored as atoms. Negative values,debits, are initially entered as positive numbers then multiplied by -1 to produce a negative number which is then stored. When viewing a negative value which is to be edited, it is displayed with its sign and the new negative value is entered including the sign.

I enter values with two decimal places c.f. 25.00. I have noticed when editing such a value is displayed as 25 with no decimal point; however, 25.25 displays for editing as 25.25.

Any suggestions for improvement will be appreciated.

Thanks, Ken

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