Off Topic: Some random thoughts...
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) May 15, 2020
Forked from Re: Is everybody okay?
I can clearly remember dozens of people, including temporary interns, that I worked with 50 years ago. Is it normal to be so forgetful?
I'll acknowledge that everyone's memory works differently
I don't think it's a memory problem, to be fair.
Since someone mentioned the evil "politics", here's a thought: I'm the same age as the Democrat Presidential candidate. He "can't remember" something that happened 27 years ago.
Well, what the people who were close to him at that time are saying seems to be along the lines of "I don't remember her and I don't remember that happening, and that's something I would have remembered if it had happened." Which seems to me to be a lawyer-inspired perjury-proof way of saying, "It didn't happen."
In other words, it's not faulty memory, it's a denial.
we can't expect to hold each other to our own personal standards.
Hmm. So, he's admitted to having in the past hugged women and etc in ways that simply are a violation of respect for one's personal space. However, he's also said that the times has changed and he will change his behaviour.
I think you are right. In any case, the best I can say here is that he's admitted he was wrong and he's learned from his mistakes.
I'm not going to defend him,
If the allegation from 27 years ago is true, and he did it, then it's not defendable.
Also, my default mode is to believe the women, so ...
Actually, the only armchair theory that I've been able to come up with to square the circle here is
Plus he's a politician, so who knows what he's being truthful about.
Is it too much to ask for a truthful politician?
Probably the best solution:
We Need This Now!
A shame she's not eligible (yet) to run for vice president.
I wish we had a "None of the Above" option like in the movie "Brewster's Millions". If neither candidate gets more than 50% of the vote we start over and neither candidate can run again.
Brilliant! I love it.