Help With Editing the Euphoria Documentation

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Forked from Re: Roadmap to Euphoria 4.2

I wanted to put this (slightly modified) in its own thread so I don't keep losing it, and so people know how to help:

ghaberek said...

The documentation is generated from the code in include/std and the text files in docs/ (refman_2.txt, etc.). The only way to update the docs is to edit these files.

Here is the approximate workflow you'll need:

  1. Create a fork of the Euphoria source code
  2. Generate the HTML docs using eudoc and creole.
  3. Open the HTML docs in your browser and review.
  4. Make your corrections to the source or text files.
  5. Commit your changes to your local git repo.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 until you're done.
  7. Push your commits to your GitHub repo.
  8. Create a pull request.

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