Re: Roadmap to Euphoria 4.2

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irv said...

And worse, if I understand it correctly, the docs are generated from comments in the source code. Which means unless they are corrected there as well, the next time the docs are generated, they revert to the old version.

The std/lib docs are written directly into the source-code. The eudoc program separates the documentation from the source-code and saves the contents as a .txt file. Because documentation is written using creole markup, the creole program can convert the text docs into html. Given html files I can convert them into a pdf using wkhtmltopdf.

The remaining docs are individual .txt files using creole formatting. Eudoc can be used to combine all .txt files (individual and from std/lib) into complete documentation. Then creole does the txt to html conversion.

This all works even if it sounds convoluted.


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