Re: EuGTK:Column Widths in GtkTreeView

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RESOLVED: Looks like I can grab the "allocation" property of the GtkTreeView!

irv said...

Now, if you try to code ? get(tv,"width"), and run in a terminal, you'll see an error message:

****** Invalid call: GtkTreeView->get_width  

Yep! I seen't it!

irv said...

because treeviews have no width. The window which contains the treeview does, however. Here's what works:

 ? get(get(tv,"window"),"width") -- crazy, eh? 

Well, the width of the "window" doesn't help, as that isn't the size of the TreeView. I want only the width of the container of the widget (I guess).

So, I have a GtkTreeView inside a GtkScrolledWindow inside a GtkBox inside a GtkPaned... and none of those have width, so I can't get the width of the GtkTreeView!

That's messed up.

How would I keep my columns relatively-spaced and remain completely inside the GtkScrolledWindow?!

Or maybe I've done something wrong.

Thank you for the guidance!

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