Re: Structs

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wow Pete this great i like to suggest some things, that, i am sure i will to have to edit. but here it goes:

-- The object-oriented features of PHIX all come from classes. The class hierarchy has as its root the class Object.  
-- Object defines a minimum level of functionality that each derived class has, and a default implementation for that functionality. 
-- Classes are programmer defined types. Support for classes are what makes PHIX an object oriented language, giving it encapsulation,  
--   inheritance, and polymorphism. PHIX classes support the single inheritance paradigm, extended by adding support for abstract classes.  
-- A class can be exported, which means its name and all its non-private members (those that are not decorated with public) are exposed  
--   externally to the DLL or EXE 
-- All member functions of 'synchronized' (decorator for a class) classes are synchronized for threads.  
-- Classes can not be nested 
-- optinal '(' with 'T' list for generics ')', when brackets are used, atleast one 'T' has to be in the list 
-- if a class is decorated with [public] it is visible outside the definition file 
-- if a class is decorated with [abstract] class 
	-- Class methods are defined exactly like a normal procedure or function procedure. 
	-- Abstract procedures/functions can be declared within an abstract class. Abstract procedures are not implemented within a class. 
	-- They are simply placeholders defining how a given method is implemented in classes which inherit an abstract class. 
-- optinal '(' with 'T' list for generics ')', when brackets are used, atleast one 'T' has to be in the list 
-- Base class construction is done by calling the base class constructor by the name 'super' 
-- [abstract | override] Procedure/function header 
-- Class methods are defined exactly like a normal procedure or function procedure. Abstract procedures can be declared within an abstract class.  
-- Abstract procedures are not implemented within a class. They are simply placeholders defining how a given method is implemented in classes which  
--  inherit an abstract class. 
-- To override a class method defined in an inherited class you prefix the method definition with the OVERRIDE keyword. Overridden methods preserve the  
--  interface but replace the implementation. Method calls will always refer to the method implementation according to the dynamic type of a object. 
-- By overriding a method no new component is established. The existing method is replaced with the overridden method. 
-- Methods that are decorated with 'final' can not be overriden. 
class point 
  atom x, y, w, h      -- initialized with NAN 
  string description   -- initialized with "" 
  public dummyint = 1  -- if = 1 is omitted, it should also be initialzed, maybe to the larges neg. INT possible 
  public sequ = {4, 5, 6}  -- or default initialized with {} 
  point() -- initializer, does nothing 
  end point 
  point(atom x, atom y, atom w, atom h) -- initializer overloaded 
    .x = x .y = y .w = w .h = h     -------  the period '.' is short for this 
  end point 
  point(atom x, atom y, string description) -- initializer overloaded 
    .x = x .y = y .description = description 
  end point 
  public procedure description(string descript) 
    .description = descript 
  end description 
  public function description() 
    return .description 
  end function 
  public procedure setxy(atom x, atom y) 
    .x = x .y = y 
  end description 
  public procedure getx() 
    return .x 
  end description 
  public procedure getMultiplierSequence() 
    return .sequ 
  end description 
end class 
-- make a new class - maybe there should be a new keyword 'class', but object should be able to be synonym 
object p1 = new(point())  -- or 
object p2 = new(point(1,2,3,4))  -- or 
object p3 = new(point(1,2,"some text")) 
-- make a new sequence of classes 
sequence s1 = new(point(1,2,"some text"), 100) 
-- copy a sequence of classes. s2 contains a distinct new deep copy of s1, therefore s2[1] != s1[1], but with same data content 
sequence s2 = s1 
sequence s2[2] = {}  -- s2[2] is empty, s1[2] is not 
bool test = ISMEMBER(s2[2], point) -- returns true 
-- destroy a/the class/es 
p3 = {} 
s1 = {} 
-- use 
p3.x = 0.01 -- error variable not public, must be set by setxy(atom x, atom y) or some other defined method 
p3.dummyint = 1 -- correct is public 
integer testint = p3.dummyint -- correct is public 
sequence w = sq_mul(5, p3.sequ)  -- w is {20, 25, 30} (out of phix help) 
w = sq_mul(5, p3.getMultiplierSequence()) 
--sequence use 
s1[50].setxy(0.1, 0.2) 
-- inherit class point 
class circle extend point  -- single inheritance, the compiler check for circulars an pukes if necessary. 
  atom radius 
end class 
-- abstract classes describe a list of functions that a class that inherits from the abstract class must implement.  
--   A class that implements an abstract class can be converted to a reference to that abstract class. 
abstract class phix1 
    procedure foo() 
    function bar(integer x) 
    final procedure finalproc(integer x) -- this procedure or function may not be implemented in a class 
    end procedure 
end class 
-- An instance of an abstract class cannot be created. 
class phixC extend point implements phix1 -- ,phix2, .. 
    function bar(integer x) -- ok 
    end procedure 
    procedure foo() -- ok 
    end procedure 
    procedure finalproc() -- error, cannot override final finalproc 
    end procedure 
end class 

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