Re: Call to c_func() short-circuited

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alrobnett said...

... I have given up on trying to run DOS on my Windows 10, 64 bit machine. I intend now to convert to EU4. Are there documents or hints regarding making the conversion? If not, I will simply correct errors as I come to them. ...

Most of the old Euphoria 2 functions were brought forward to 3 and to 4, so there won't be too many that require a complete change. Just keep the Eu 4 documentation handy. Bear in mind that your code may contain many user-written routines which can now be replaced by a one-line Eu 4 call. So if you see something complex, ask yourself "exactly what does this do?", and then look thru the Eu docs to see if there isn't a routine already build and tested which can do the same job.

Also, I would take a very hard look at each and every C call, since they are:
A: often a source of weird errors and crashes if you aren't a C guru, and
B: difficult to debug, since there are no rational error messages available.
C: often replaceable with simple easy to understand Eu code.

As for "peeking into the file buffer" - might want to re-think that. Your new computer no doubt has enough memory to handle a huge binary tree as a Euphoria sequence, along with efficient routines for manipulating that sequence.

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