EuGTK Days Between Dates

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Irv Mullins has released EuGTK 4.14.0

--  GTK Days Between Dates, requires OpenEuphoria 4.x 
--  a simple EuGTK demo program by Kenneth Rhodes 
--  Check out Irv Mullins EuGTk 4.14.0 
include std/datetime.e 
include std/convert.e 
include GtkEngine.e 
datetime dt1, dt2 
object sd, ed 
atom yyyy,mm,dd 
sequence wdn1, wdn2 -- week day name 
constant instructions = { 
"Calculate the number of days between dates",  

Enter numeric values for starting date, and ending date 
in the format yyyymmdd 
The program displays the number of days between the  
starting and ending date as well as the week day names 
of the starting and ending dates 

constant -- INTERFACE 
    win = create(GtkWindow,"title = Compute Days Between Dates,size=300x50,border=10,$destroy=Quit"), 
    pan = create(GtkBox,"orientation=VERTICAL,spacing=10"), 
    StartDate = create(GtkEntry,"placeholder text= Start Date yyyymmdd e.g. 20180628"), 
    EndDate = create(GtkEntry,"placeholder text= EndDate yyyymmdd e.g. 20180807"), 
    btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox), 
    btn1 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit"), 
    btn2 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-help","Help"), 
    btn3 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok","GetDaysBetweenDates") 
    gtk:add(pan,{StartDate, EndDate}) 
    set(btn3,"grab focus") 
--         You might want to add these functions to std/datetime.e            -- 
global function DaysBetweenDates(datetime dt1, datetime dt2)             -- 
	return floor(diff(dt1,dt2)/86400)  -- 86400 = seconds in a day         -- 
end function                                                                                              -- 
global function week_day_name(datetime dt)                                          -- 
    return {day_names[weeks_day(dt)]}                                                    -- 
end function                                                                                               -- 
global function Help() -- 
    return Info(win,"instructions",instructions[1],instructions[2]) 
end function 
global function GetDaysBetweenDates()  -- 
    atom dbd 
    sd = get(StartDate,"text") 
    sd = to_string(sd) 
    ed= get(EndDate,"text") 
    ed = to_string(ed) 
    yyyy = to_number(sd[1..4])  
    mm = to_number(sd[5..6])  
    dd = to_number(sd[7..8]) 
    dt1 = {yyyy,mm,dd,0,0,0} 
    wdn1 = week_day_name(dt1)  
    yyyy = to_number(ed[1..4])  
    mm = to_number(ed[5..6])  
    dd = to_number(ed[7..8]) 
    dt2 = {yyyy,mm,dd, 0,0,0} 
    wdn2 = week_day_name(dt2)  
    dbd = DaysBetweenDates(dt1,dt2) 
    Info(win, "Days Between Dates", 
	text:format("There are [] days between [] [] and [] []", {dbd, wdn1, sd, wdn2, ed})) 
    return 1 
end function 
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