1. EuGTK Days Between Dates

Irv Mullins has released EuGTK 4.14.0

--  GTK Days Between Dates, requires OpenEuphoria 4.x 
--  a simple EuGTK demo program by Kenneth Rhodes 
--  Check out Irv Mullins EuGTk 4.14.0 
--  https://sites.google.com/site/euphoriagtk/Home/ 
include std/datetime.e 
include std/convert.e 
include GtkEngine.e 
datetime dt1, dt2 
object sd, ed 
atom yyyy,mm,dd 
sequence wdn1, wdn2 -- week day name 
constant instructions = { 
"Calculate the number of days between dates",  

Enter numeric values for starting date, and ending date 
in the format yyyymmdd 
The program displays the number of days between the  
starting and ending date as well as the week day names 
of the starting and ending dates 

constant -- INTERFACE 
    win = create(GtkWindow,"title = Compute Days Between Dates,size=300x50,border=10,$destroy=Quit"), 
    pan = create(GtkBox,"orientation=VERTICAL,spacing=10"), 
    StartDate = create(GtkEntry,"placeholder text= Start Date yyyymmdd e.g. 20180628"), 
    EndDate = create(GtkEntry,"placeholder text= EndDate yyyymmdd e.g. 20180807"), 
    btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox), 
    btn1 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit"), 
    btn2 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-help","Help"), 
    btn3 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok","GetDaysBetweenDates") 
    gtk:add(pan,{StartDate, EndDate}) 
    set(btn3,"grab focus") 
--         You might want to add these functions to std/datetime.e            -- 
global function DaysBetweenDates(datetime dt1, datetime dt2)             -- 
	return floor(diff(dt1,dt2)/86400)  -- 86400 = seconds in a day         -- 
end function                                                                                              -- 
global function week_day_name(datetime dt)                                          -- 
    return {day_names[weeks_day(dt)]}                                                    -- 
end function                                                                                               -- 
global function Help() -- 
    return Info(win,"instructions",instructions[1],instructions[2]) 
end function 
global function GetDaysBetweenDates()  -- 
    atom dbd 
    sd = get(StartDate,"text") 
    sd = to_string(sd) 
    ed= get(EndDate,"text") 
    ed = to_string(ed) 
    yyyy = to_number(sd[1..4])  
    mm = to_number(sd[5..6])  
    dd = to_number(sd[7..8]) 
    dt1 = {yyyy,mm,dd,0,0,0} 
    wdn1 = week_day_name(dt1)  
    yyyy = to_number(ed[1..4])  
    mm = to_number(ed[5..6])  
    dd = to_number(ed[7..8]) 
    dt2 = {yyyy,mm,dd, 0,0,0} 
    wdn2 = week_day_name(dt2)  
    dbd = DaysBetweenDates(dt1,dt2) 
    Info(win, "Days Between Dates", 
	text:format("There are [] days between [] [] and [] []", {dbd, wdn1, sd, wdn2, ed})) 
    return 1 
end function 
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2. Re: EuGTK Days Between Dates

Nice! Here's a different take on it, using calendars to click and date parsing, so various formats can be typed in:

--  GTK Days Between Dates, requires OpenEuphoria 4.x  
--  a simple EuGTK demo program by Kenneth Rhodes  
--  Check out Irv Mullins EuGTk 4.14.0  
--  https://sites.google.com/site/euphoriagtk/Home/  
--  Added a couple calendars for ease of use - Irv 
--  Dates can be typed in using various formats, 
--  or selected from the calendars via mouse. 
include std/datetime.e  
include GtkEngine.e  
constant instructions = {  
"Calculate the number of days between dates",   

Select start and end dates from the calendars, then  
click the OK button, or type a date into the box below 
the calendar. 
Date formats include: m/d/yy, m/d/yyyy, yyyy/m/d, etc. 
The program displays the number of days between the   
starting and ending date as well as the week day names  
of the starting and ending dates  

constant -- INTERFACE  
    win = create(GtkWindow,"title = Compute Days Between Dates,border=10,$destroy=Quit"),  
    pan = create(GtkBox,"orientation=vertical,spacing=10"),  
    cal1 = create(GtkCalendar,"name=cal1,font=8,$day-selected=Update"), 
    StartDate = create(GtkEntry,"placeholder text=Start Date,$activate=Parse,data=cal1"), 
    cal2 = create(GtkCalendar,"name=cal2,font=8,$day-selected=Update"),  
    EndDate = create(GtkEntry,"placeholder text=End Date,$activate=Parse,data=cal2"),  
    btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox),  
    btn1 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit"),  
    btn2 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-help","Help"),  
    btn3 = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok","GetDaysBetweenDates")  
    gtk:add(pan,{cal1, StartDate, cal2, EndDate})  
    set(btn3,"grab focus")  
--         You might want to add these functions to std/datetime.e            --  
global function DaysBetweenDates(datetime dt1, datetime dt2)               
	return floor(diff(dt1,dt2)/86400)  -- 86400 = seconds in a day           
end function                                                                                              --                                                                              
global function Help() --  
    return Info(win,"instructions",instructions[1],instructions[2])  
end function  
global function Update() -- update date displays whenever either changes; 
return 1 
end function 
global function Parse(atom ctl, object cal) -- 
object cdate = get(ctl,"text") 
cal = unpack(cal) -- get target calendar;  
object dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%m %d %Y") 
 if atom(dt) then dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%d %m %Y") end if  
 if atom(dt) then dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%y %m %d") end if 
 if atom(dt) then dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%Y %m %d") end if 
 if atom(dt) then dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%Y %d %m") end if 
 if atom(dt) then 
    set(ctl,"text",cdate & " <- ERROR") 
   if dt[1] < 1900 then dt[1] += 1900 end if 
      set(cal,"date",dt) -- set target calendar; 
 end if	 
return 1 
end function 
global function GetDaysBetweenDates()  --  
Update() -- make sure dates are displayed in entry boxes; 
atom dbd  
 dt1 = get(cal1,"datetime"), -- dt format to compute with; 
 dt2 = get(cal2,"datetime"), 
 dd1 = get(cal1,"date",0), -- default format for display; 
 dd2 = get(cal2,"date","%A, %B %d,\nwhich is day %j of the year %Y") -- custom fmt; 
 dbd = DaysBetweenDates(dt1,dt2)  
 Info(win, "Days Between Dates",  
	text:format("There are [] days",dbd), 
	text:format("between <b>[]</b>\nand <b>[]</b>", {dd1,dd2}))  
return 1  
end function  
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3. Re: EuGTK Days Between Dates

Absolutely Wonderful Irv! smile

All that extra functionality with so little extra code.

I think I'm going to change my forum user name to Tom_Sawyer. blink

Regards, Ken Rhodes

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4. Re: EuGTK Days Between Dates

-- The custom format display is the same as the default format 
-- on my system 
dd1 = get(cal1,"date",0), -- default format for display;  
-- Tuesday, 24 Jul, 2018  -- display 
dd2 = get(cal2,"date","%A, %B %d,\nwhich is day %j of the year %Y")  
-- Thursday, 18 Oct, 2018   -- display 
-- infobox display also reports the default format 
-- for dd2: 
-- "There are 86 days"  
-- "between Tuesday, 24 Jul, 2018" 
-- "and Thursday, 18 Oct, 2018" 
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5. Re: EuGTK Days Between Dates

I've updated the parsing function to be more versatile when typing in dates.

Date formats include: m/d/yyyy, m/d/yy, yyyy/m/d, etc. Others may work too, such as Jan 4, 2000 or 15 january, 1926, or 4-2-65, or Thurs Dec 12, 42.

global function Parse(atom ctl, object cal) -- 
object date_in = get(ctl,"text") -- save for error msg; 
boolean twodigityear = TRUE 
object x = split_any(date_in," ,/")  
  x = pad_tail(x,3,"") 
  for i = 1 to 12 do  
    for j = 1 to 3 do 
	if length(x[j]) > 2 and to_number(x[j]) > 0 then twodigityear = FALSE end if 
        if match(month_abbrs[i],proper(x[j])) = 1 then  
	 x[j] = sprintf("%d",i) 
	end if 
    end for  
  end for 
x = join(x,"-") 
cal = unpack(cal) -- get target calendar; 
object dt = datetime:parse(x,"%m %d %Y") 
  if atom(dt) then dt = datetime:parse(x,"%d %m %Y") end if 
  if atom(dt) then dt = datetime:parse(x,"%Y %m %d") end if 
  if atom(dt) then  
     set(ctl,"text",date_in & " <= ERROR") -- show orig input; 
     set(ctl,"color=red,overwrite mode=TRUE") 
     set(ctl,"select region",1,-1) 
     return -1 
     if twodigityear then dt[1] += 1900 end if 
     set(ctl,"color=black,overwrite mode=FALSE") 
  end if 
return 1 
end function 
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6. Re: EuGTK Days Between Dates

Thanks to Irv for the updated parse function.

Regarding my problem with the custom display format...

dd1 = get(cal1,"date",0), -- default format for display;  
-- Displays Thursday, 18 Oct, 2018 
-- custom format for display 
dd2 = get(cal2,"date","%A, %B %d,\nwhich is day %j of the year %Y")   
-- Displays Thursday, 18 Oct, 2018 --same as default format 

While exploring one of the new demo programs in your latest
EuGTK 4.14.0 release I encountered an error message advising
me that the code requires GTK3 3.20 and that I have 3.18.9
installed on my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS computer.

So, I speculated that the custom display format might require
GTK3 3.20 and that might account for the display of the default
format as opposed to the custom display format. Perhaps I should
upgrade to the latest Ubuntu release.

Does the custom date display option require GTK3 3.20?

Ken Rhodes

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7. Re: EuGTK Days Between Dates

No, the custom date doesn't require the latest GTK version, but that is one of the small bug fixes I have made to EuGTK 4.14.1. I was planning to post that on Aug 1, but might do it sooner if I can find no more insects.

Of course, you can always get(cal,"datetime") and then use datetime:format.

EuGTK 4.14.1 also adds a few programs from the RDS archives, which I updated to use EuGTK and Eu 4.1, to make them easier to use.

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