Re: Phix DLL dependency issue

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lesterb said...

By replacing all the iup dlls in PGui\win32 with the ones from my installation, everything works again.

What I would like is for Phix to use my existing IUP installation and deal with binding errors myself.
I will have a look at doing this (in a sanitary way if such a thing is possible).

Hmm, I seem to have faffed about a bit there. In pGUI.e/iup_open_dll I see:

        if chdir(dll_path)=0 then ?9/0 end if 
        path = current_dir()&SLASH&path 

and I suspect that second line is at least a bit bogus, and should perhaps just be removed.

And in iup_init1(),

    if s!={} then 
if platform()=WINDOWS then  -- DEV (while manually installed on lnx) 
        printf(1,"unable to locate %s directory\n",dll_dir) 
        {} = wait_key() 
end if 
    end if 

is probably a bit over-zealous/pre-emptive. Perhaps where that code currently is might be better as

dll_path = "" 

and avoid any subsequent attempts to chdir(""), eg/ie replace that line above with

if dll_path!="" and chdir(dll_path)=0 then ?9/0 end if 

and only issue an error if/after we couldn't open the dll.

Oh, I nearly forgot, I was going to say, "what happens if you just delete/rename the demo\pGUI\win32 directory?", however a
quick look at the code suggested that would not end well - when of course it should [as in when this is properly fixed] be fine.


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