Re: Quick And Simple Bezier Curve Drawing or other

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here another spline i use for timelines.

namespace QSPLINE 
ifdef BITS32 then 
  constant FAIL = #3FFFFFFF 
end ifdef 
sequence SetUpSplineDerived = {} 
--Routine returns the table of 2nd derivatives needed for the cubic spline 
--interpolation routine spline(). x[*] and y[*] are the input vectors. 
--It is assumed that the x values are ordered but not necessarily equally spaced. 
--That is, xin[0] < xin[1] < xin[2] < ... xin[n-1]. 
public function SetUpSpline(sequence x, sequence y) 
  atom tmp, dx, dx0, dx1, h 
  integer n = length(x) 
  if n != length(y) then SetUpSplineDerived = {} return false end if 
  if n <= 1 then SetUpSplineDerived = {} return false end if 
  integer im1, ip1, n1 = n - 1  
  sequence g = repeat(0.0, n) 
  sequence temp = repeat(0.0, n1) 
  temp = repeat(0.0, n1) 
  SetUpSplineDerived = {} 
  g[1] = 0.0   
  temp[1] = 0.0 
  for i = 2 to n1 do 
    ip1 = i+1 
    im1 = i-1 
    dx = x[i] - x[im1] 
    dx0 = x[ip1] - x[i] 
    dx1 = x[ip1] - x[im1] 
    if dx <= 0.0 or dx0 <= 0.0 or dx1 <= 0.0 then 
      SetUpSplineDerived = {} 
      return false 
    end if 
    tmp = dx/dx1 
    h = 2.0 + tmp*g[im1] 
    g[i] = (tmp - 1)/h 
    temp[i] = (y[ip1]-y[i])/dx0 - (y[i] -y[im1])/dx 
    temp[i] = (temp[i]*6.0/dx1 - tmp*temp[im1])/h 
  end for 
  g[n1] = 0.0 
  for j = n-1 to 1 by -1 do 
    g[j] = temp[j] + g[j] * g[j+1] 
  end for 
  LOWEST_X = x[1] 
  SetUpSplineDerived = g 
  return true 
end function 
--This routine returns the cubic spline interpolation at the point x0. 
--g[*] is the table of 2nd derivatives needed for the cubic spline formula 
--(see the spline0() function). 
--x[*] and y[*] are the input vectors of x-y data. 
--All of the vectors are of length n. 
--It is assumed that the x values are ordered but not necessarily equally spaced. 
--That is, xin[0] < xin[1] < xin[2] < ... xin[n-1]. 
public function Spliner(atom  x0, sequence x, sequence y) 
  if SetUpSplineDerived={} then return FAIL end if 
  atom tmp, dx, xi, xi1, xi1d, xid, y0 
  integer i, top, bot, n = length(x) 
  bot = 0 
  top = n 
  while (top-bot) > 1 do -- find location in table through bisection 
    i = shift_bits((top+bot), 1) 
    if x[i] <= x0 then 
      bot = i 
      top = i 
    end if 
  end while 
  dx = x[top]-x[bot] 
  xi1 = x[top]-x0 
  xi = x0-x[bot] 
  xi1d = xi1/dx 
  xid = xi/dx 
  tmp = (SetUpSplineDerived[bot]*(xi1d*xi1-dx)*xi1 + SetUpSplineDerived[top]*(xid*xi-dx)*xi) / 6.0 
  y0 = tmp + y[bot]*xi1d + y[top]*xid 
  return y0 
end function 
public function spline_from_to(sequence x, sequence y, atom from_x1, atom to_x2, atom step_by=1) 
  if SetUpSplineDerived={} then return {} end if 
  if FAIL >= from_x1 and to_x2 <= from_x1 then return {} end if 
  if step_by <= 0 then return {} end if 
  sequence output={} 
  atom counter = from_x1 
  while counter <= to_x2 do 
    output &= Spliner(counter,x,y) -- interpolate with spline 
    counter += step_by 
  end while 
  return output 
end function 

procedure splinetest() 
  integer i, k, n=7, nout=19 
  atom delta, delta3, truth 
  atom x0, y0, twopi_ = PI*2 
  sequence x, y, deriv 
  y = repeat(0.0, n) 
  x = repeat(0.0, n) 
  delta = twopi_/(n-1) 
  delta3 = delta/3 
  -- define  unequally spaced x values 
  x[1]=delta*0  x[2]=delta/3 
  x[3]=delta    x[4]=delta*2.33333333 
  x[5]=delta*3  x[6]=delta*4.33333333 
  -- generate one cycle of a sinusoid; with nonequally spaced samples 
  for i = 1 to n do 
  end for 
  printf(1,"           interpolated         original     truth:\n") 
  printf(1,"    x           y         k       y[k]       sin(x)\n\n") 
  bool worked = SetUpSpline(x, y)   -- find 2nd derivative of data 
  for i = 0 to nout-1 do 
    truth = sin(twopi_*i/(nout-1)) 
    x0 = i*delta3 
    y0 = Spliner(x0, x, y) -- interpolate with spline 
    if  abs(x0-x[k]) < 10e-6 then 
       printf(1,"%9.6f   ", x0) 
       printf(1,"%9.6f    ", y0) 
       printf(1,"%2d    ", k) 
       printf(1,"%9.6f   ", y[k]) 
       printf(1,"%9.6f\n", truth) 
       k += 1 
      printf(1,"%9.6f   ", x0) 
      printf(1,"%9.6f                      ", y0) 
      printf(1,"%9.6f\n", truth) 
    end if 
  end for 
end procedure 

sequence x={1,10,20,30,40,50} 
sequence y={0, 100, 50, 100, 50, 10} 
bool worked = SetUpSpline(x, y) 
?spline_from_to(x, y, 1, 50, 1) 
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