Quick And Simple Bezier Curve Drawing or other

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for my CEEMD statistics i needed a Bezier function. i hope somebody else can use it.

-- Graphics Gems 5, Edited by Alan W. Paeth 
-- http://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Version-Morgan-Kaufmann-Computer/dp/0125434553/ 
-- Chapter IV.8  -  Quick And Simple Bezier Curve Drawing 
-- By Robert D. Miller 
-- Setup Bezier coefficient array once for each control polygon 
function BezierForm2D(integer NumCtlPoints, object px, object py) 
  atom  choose 
  integer k, n = NumCtlPoints-1 
  object cx = repeat(0.0, NumCtlPoints) 
  object cy = repeat(0.0, NumCtlPoints) 
  for k = 0 to n do 
    if k = 0 then  
      choose = 1.0 
    elsif k = 1 then  
      choose = n 
      choose *= (n-k+1.0)/ (k*1.0) 
    end if     
    cx[k+1] = px[k+1] * choose 
    cy[k+1] = py[k+1] * choose 
  end for 
  return {cx, cy} 
end function 
-- Return ptx,pty, t <= 0 <= 1, t specifies the point on the curve you want to get. t has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. 
-- given the number of Points in control polygon, 
-- BezierForm2D must be called once for any given control polygon 
function BezierCurve2D(integer NumCtlPoints, object cx, object cy, atom t) 
  integer k, n 
  atom t1, tt, u, ptx, pty 
  object bbx = repeat(0, NumCtlPoints) 
  object bby = repeat(0, NumCtlPoints) 
  n = NumCtlPoints-1 
  u = t 
  bbx[1] = cx[1] 
  bby[1] = cy[1] 
  for k = 2 to NumCtlPoints do 
    bbx[k] = cx[k] * u 
    bby[k] = cy[k] * u 
    u *= t 
  end for 
  ptx = bbx[NumCtlPoints] 
  pty = bby[NumCtlPoints] 
  t1    = 1-t 
  tt    = t1 
  k     = n 
  while k >= 0 do 
    ptx += (bbx[k+1] * tt) 
    pty += (bby[k+1] * tt) 
    tt *= t1 
    k -= 1 
  end while 
  return {ptx, pty} 
end function 
function CalcBezierCurve(atom x1, atom y1, atom x2, atom y2, atom x3, atom y3, atom x4, atom y4, atom stepSize) 
  atom ptx, pty, oldPtx, oldPty 
  integer k 
  object pnx = repeat(0, 4), pny = repeat(0.0, 4) 
  pnx[1] = x1   pny[1] = y1              --SCREEN COORDINATES 
  pnx[2] = x2   pny[2] = y2 
  pnx[3] = x3   pny[3] = y3 
  pnx[4] = x4   pny[4] = y4 
  object bcx = repeat(0, 4), bcy = repeat(0, 4) 
  {bcx, bcy} = BezierForm2D(4, pnx, pny) 
  for k = 0 to stepSize do 
    {ptx, pty} = BezierCurve2D(4, bcx, bcy, k/(stepSize*1.0)) 
    if k = 0 then 
      oldPtx = ptx 
      oldPty = pty 
      -- do something with oldPtx, oldPty, ptx, pty maybe - such as draw a line 
      oldPtx = ptx 
      oldPty = pty 
    end if 
  end for 
  return 1 
end function 
?CalcBezierCurve(100,300, 300,100, 500,600, 700,300, 50) 

should you be able to streamline it or make it more phix like please share.



You control the interpolation with the stepSize. If you use a small stepSize like 5, you get only 6 points (including start and end point of your screen coordinates) and if you draw lines between the points, it is most likely not a very nice curve. If you use a higher stepSize like 50, you get 51 interpolated points... and your curve looks smoother. the functions allows you to have points that go backward or close the Bezier.

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