Re: If you wanted to distribute a dll

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xecronix said...
public function include_derived_ext_paths(sequence libdir, sequence lib) 
-- *snip* -- 

This does not currently work on Windows. The join_path() function adds a leading backslash to the path if the first element is not a root directory (i.e. C:\).

include std/console.e 
include std/filesys.e 
display( join_path({ "C:\\", "Euphoria", "bin" }) ) 
display( join_path({ "C:\\Euphoria", "bin" }) ) 


I suggest adding an ifdef WINDOWS block to handle this accordingly for now.

namespace libhelper 
include std/filesys.e 
public function include_derived_ext_paths(sequence libdir, sequence lib) 
    sequence inc_paths = include_paths(1) 
    sequence retval = {} 
    sequence dll_name = sprintf("%s.%s", {lib, SHARED_LIB_EXT}) 
    retval = append(retval, dll_name) 
    sequence current = join_path({current_dir(), dll_name}) 
ifdef WINDOWS then 
    if current[1] = '\\' then 
        -- trim leading backslash character 
        current = current[2..$] 
    end if 
end ifdef 
    retval = append(retval, current) 
    for i = 1 to length(inc_paths) do 
        sequence inc_path = inc_paths[i] 
        sequence last_char = {inc_path[$]} 
        if equal(last_char, SLASH) then 
            inc_path = inc_path[1..$-1] 
        end if 
        retval = append(retval, join_path({inc_path, libdir, "ext", dll_name})) 
    end for 
    return retval 
end function 


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