wxEuphoria image scaling
- Posted by buzzo Nov 20, 2014
set_bitmap_size seems to crop the image from 0,0 to width, height..
rescale ( atom image, atom width, atom height, atom quality ) might work if I could find info on quality.
the documentation mentions "scale", but can not find it.. same with wxwidgets docs
no problems if I do not attempt to rescale .. but if I do then, flash and gone..
bmp = create( wxBitmap, {BM_FROM_FILE, filename, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY} ) convert_to_image ( bmp ) bmp_size = get_bitmap_size( bmp ) puts(1,to_string(bmp_size[1]) & " " & to_string(bmp_size[1]) & "\n") rescale ( bmp,floor(bmp_size[1] * .1),floor(bmp_size[2] * .1) , 1) draw_bitmap( dc, bmp, 10,500, wxFalse )
needing help ..