Re: interfacing Euphoria to the 'real' world
- Posted by useless_ Jan 12, 2014
Is there a complete working lib yet to allow Euphoria code to send and recieve signals from the "real world"? Possibly using the usb port?
What exactly do you mean by the "real world"? What do you want the usb port to connect to?
Whatever i want it to connect to. Anything functioning as a big PIO chip would be a great start. On the olde VIC20/C64, or a new lowly AVR, i can set a pin as output and write to it to turn something on, or set it as input to recieve a bit of data. Same goes for bytes. Many olde PIO chips have decent speed, many AVR could function as PIO chips. Many have buffers, can generate interrupts, handshake with other computers, generate parity bits, and make PWM signals. There were/are PIO chips made for most cpu families, and built into the modern microcontrollers.
But i have no wintel platform that can do that, and apparently i cannot buy one.