Re: How to add to Edit Text default context menu
- Posted by andi49 Nov 26, 2013
Wow that is a great program. I like your library better than win32lib. I should try to port my program. But before that, one would need to completely replace all of the functionality of the context menu. I found this website - Specifically, menu items need to be disabled if they are not currently appropriate. Thanks. If I port my program and run into problems, we will probably be in touch again. Also, isn't it funny that the 3 of us share the same name - me (Andrew / Andy), you (Andreas), and Andrea whose project you based yours on.
I think win32lib has much more to offer for bigger projects.
What do you mean with 'completly replace the functionality of the context menu'? That's a real big task.
I added some of the functionality (based on the picture in your link) to the program (only using functions allready in tinewg). 'Paste' is still not handled
and there is no 'getColorDialog' like in win32lib.
But maybe it helps you to go on.
include tinewg.exw include std/dll.e atom txtcol=CL_BLACK atom backcol=CL_WHITE sequence colors={CL_BLACK,CL_WHITE,CL_YELLOW,CL_BLUE,CL_RED} sequence colorstring={"Black","White","Yellow","Blue","Red"} -- create your own popup atom poptxt=CreatePopupMenu() AppendTextItem(poptxt,201,colorstring) atom popback=CreatePopupMenu() AppendTextItem(popback,301,colorstring) atom popup=CreatePopupMenu() AppendTextItem(popup,100,"Undo") AppendSeparator(popup) AppendTextItem(popup,101,"Copy") AppendTextItem(popup,102,"Paste") AppendTextItem(popup,103,"Cut") AppendTextItem(popup,104,"Delete") AppendTextItem(popup,105,"Select All") AppendSeparator(popup) AppendTextItem(popup,106,"Font") AppendPopup(popup,poptxt,"TextColor") AppendPopup(popup,popback,"BackColor") AppendSeparator(popup) AppendTextItem(popup,109,"CloseApp") Window("test") SetClientRect(WinHwnd,400,200) constant edit=Control(MultiEdit,"",50,0,350,200) SetColor(edit,txtcol,backcol) Activate(edit) -- SubClass the EditControl and handle the WM_RBUTTONDOWN yourself function EditWndProc(atom hwnd,atom msg,atom wParam,atom lParam) sequence rect,selec,newselec atom lengthselec if equal(msg,WM_CONTEXTMENU) then rect=GetWindowRect(edit) if SendMessage(edit,EM_CANUNDO,0,0) then EnableItem(popup,100,True) else EnableItem(popup,100,False) end if selec=GetSelection(edit) lengthselec=selec[2]-selec[1] if lengthselec then EnableItem(popup,{101,103,104},True) else EnableItem(popup,{101,103,104},False) end if SetSelection(edit,-1,-1) newselec=GetSelection(edit) if newselec[2]>0 then EnableItem(popup,105,True) else EnableItem(popup,105,False) end if SetSelection(edit,selec[1],selec[2]) TrackPopupMenu(popup,LoWord(lParam),HiWord(lParam),WinHwnd) return 0 -- WM_RBUTTONDOWN never reaches the original EditWindowProc -- so the default menu never appears end if return CallWindowProc(OldWndProc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam) end function constant OldWndProc=GetWindowLong(edit,GWL_WNDPROC) SetWindowLong(edit,GWL_WNDPROC,call_back(routine_id("EditWndProc"))) -- Your handler for your menu procedure menuhandler() sequence f atom textfont switch EventItem do case 100 then SendMessage(edit,EM_UNDO,0,0) case 101 then SendMessage(edit,WM_COPY,0,0) case 102 then SendMessage(edit,WM_PASTE,0,0) case 103 then SendMessage(edit,WM_CUT,0,0) case 104 then SendMessage(edit,WM_CLEAR,0,0) case 105 then SendMessage(edit,EM_SETSEL,0,-1) case 106 then f=ChooseFont() if sequence(f[1]) then textfont=NewFont(f[1],f[2],f[3],f[4],f[5]) SetFont(edit,textfont) end if case 109 then CloseApp() case 201,202,203,204,205 then EnableItem(popback,{301,302,303,304,305},True) txtcol=colors[EventItem-200] EnableItem(popback,EventItem-200+300,False) SetColor(edit,txtcol,backcol) case 301,302,303,304,305 then EnableItem(poptxt,{201,202,203,204,205},True) backcol=colors[EventItem-300] EnableItem(poptxt,EventItem-300+200,False) SetColor(edit,txtcol,backcol) -- and so on ... end switch end procedure SetHandler(WinHwnd,Menu,routine_id("menuhandler")) WinMain()