Re: eu 4773 dos
- Posted by BRyan Nov 23, 2013
mattlewis said...
BRyan said...
I think we're closing in on the last tooth that needs to be pulled. When you run that, do you get some sort of command printed in the console that has whatever the Watcom DOS compiler is, plus whatever C file it's compiling?
Alternatively: Look inside the makefile. Somewhere, it builds the command line. Figure out where it builds the part that tells the compiler to look for header files (it will be either the /I or -I flag).
Please report this information (AKA, how the compiler is invoked).
The incdir is set makefile.wat │EXE=$(EX) │INCDIR=-i $(TRUNKDIR)\include
One thing that does not make sense to me is that the code in makefile.wat
for building the both translators is the same.
I would think the DOS translator would use a different EU_TARGET
translator : .SYMBOLIC version.h @echo ------- TRANSLATOR ----------- wmake -h $(BUILDDIR)\transobj\main-.c EX=$(EUBIN)\eui.exe EU_TARGET=ec. OBJDIR=transobj $(VARS) DEBUG=$(DEBUG) MANAGED_MEM=$(MANAGED_MEM) wmake -h objlist OBJDIR=transobj EU_NAME_OBJECT=EU_TRANSLATOR_OBJECTS $(VARS) wmake -h $(BUILDDIR)\euc.exe EX=$(EUBIN)\eui.exe EU_TARGET=ec. OBJDIR=transobj $(VARS) DEBUG=$(DEBUG) MANAGED_MEM=$(MANAGED_MEM) dostranslator : .SYMBOLIC version.h @echo ------- DOS TRANSLATOR ----------- wmake -h $(BUILDDIR)\dostrobj\main-.c EX=$(EUBIN)\eui.exe EU_TARGET=ec. OBJDIR=dostrobj $(VARS) DEBUG=$(DEBUG) MANAGED_MEM=1 OS=DOS wmake -h objlist OBJDIR=dostrobj EU_NAME_OBJECT=EU_TRANSDOS_OBJECTS $(VARS) OS=DOS wmake -h $(BUILDDIR)\eucd.exe EX=$(EUBIN)\eui.exe EU_TARGET=ec. OBJDIR=dostrobj $(VARS) DEBUG=$(DEBUG) MANAGED_MEM=1 OS=DOS