Re: I don't like the intro page of the documentation.

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Kat said...

There's too much punctuation. It's not correct to drop in commas after every modifier or phrase.

And it isn't unique, but i don't remember all the languages with sequences, etc

Oops ... I'm sorry to have started this tweaking, Tom. Anyhow, with Kat's thoughts in mind, how's this tweak ...

A one-of-a-kind language.
Euphoria has a simple data-type design. Its three built-in data-types achieve what in a conventional language requires many, harder to learn concepts.
An object can dynamically hold either an atom or a sequence. An atom can hold a single number (floating point or integer). A sequence is a variable length array of objects. Together, these can be used to build more complex types (eg. string, list, stack, tree, ... ). You can also use integer as a special form of atom to gain performance. Additionally you can define your own user-types. Euphoria is a remarkable blend of static and dynamic typing.

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