Re: I don't like the intro page of the documentation.

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DerekParnell said...
Kat said...

There's too much punctuation. It's not correct to drop in commas after every modifier or phrase.

And it isn't unique, but i don't remember all the languages with sequences, etc

Oops ... I'm sorry to have started this tweaking, Tom. Anyhow, with Kat's thoughts in mind, how's this tweak ...

A one-of-a-kind language.
Euphoria has a simple data-type design. Its three built-in data-types achieve what in a conventional language requires many, harder to learn concepts.
An object can dynamically hold either an atom or a sequence. An atom can hold a single number (floating point or integer). A sequence is a variable length array of objects. Together, these can be used to build more complex types (eg. string, list, stack, tree, ... ). You can also use integer as a special form of atom to gain performance. Additionally you can define your own user-types. Euphoria is a remarkable blend of static and dynamic typing.

I am not objecting to it, but i cannot see where that fits into Tom's original proposal. His pov on the front page is more of view from 50,000ft, with all the other languages laid out with it like farming plots from horizon to horizon. What Tom is doing is getting the pilot's attention, so he makes a second pass at reduced speed to read the details. Like seeing a small billboard advertisement on the highway at 70mph, and slowing down to read the second one a little more before pulling over to do business.

I think you want to say it has simple variables (which at this point you describe simply) which you can typecast if you like, nest if you like, that are handled extremely quickly, and have transparent garbage and pointer collections. Page1 tells you if it's a cow or corn farm. Page2 covers the details. Imo.


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