Re: Ubuntu on tabets
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Mar 22, 2013
The problem with you, Mr. Jim Brown, is that you are looking at little facts about Euphoria,
I am not. You are. You raised the points which I rebutted. If you are unable to come up with a proper response to mine, or at least are unable to point out the contradiction that you claim exists (and that I have been unable to locate), then you should say so, instead of diverging into a completely unrelated segway.
instead of looking at Linux in general and the relative merits of Kernel 3.7.
Matt has already addressed the absurdness of this. Again, you demonstrate your lack of knowledge here. In fact, you've raised this before, and Matt and others have addressed it then. Tellingly, I've never seen you make a response to this:
Why? What difference does a 3.7 kernel make to a euphoria developer? You keep going on about this, and have yet to tell us why we should care about this new kernel. This is important for people who build linux distributions. This is not important for people who build linux applications.
I'll ask again with Matt, Why?
(If you start posting about this again without seriously answering Matt's question, you'll find those posts being removed. This is getting too repetitive in an ad nauseum/argument by repetition fashion.)
The other problem is that you are looking at things from a technical community college perspective with an emphasis on “how”,
How what? Nevermind the false technical community college implication (I've never attended one), what's this emphasis on how going towards?
when what is expected of you is to look at it is from a Ph.D. thesis point of view about Linux and address the ever recurring “whys”.
There's nothing wrong with this. Why the heck are we discussing why's about Linux on an Euphoria forum, though? There are better places for that (like kernel-developers).
of a really good and simple to use, bug-free common ARMuphoria and Androiduphoria,
No software is ever really bug free.
and remove your Androidophobia for ever.
I have none.
There are millions of devices waiting for a better quality programming language.
I have no disagreements here.
If you must argue against this statement, you better argue with Linus and the author of the above mentioned article (J.A. Watson)
I don't know of J.A. Watson, but there are plently of things that Linus and I would disagree on. So what?
Anywho, I think the fundamental issue between us is this:
So I would urge you to pick up a good distro using kernel 3.7.9 or better and start attacking the non-existent problem
Why would I waste effort attacking a non-existent problem? You and I both agree that no problem exists, but you want me to waste time anyways?