Re: Ubuntu on tabets
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Mar 22, 2013
The problem with you, Mr. Jim Brown, is that you are looking at little facts about Euphoria, instead of looking at Linux in general and the relative merits of Kernel 3.7. If you look at the impact of kernel 3.6 over 3.5 or even 3.4, it is nothing compared to the huge impact of 3.7, based on the tremendous effort put into merging the various ARM versions and bringing it closer to x86.
And the problem with you, Mr EUWX, is that you seem to think that this has some sort of bearing on euphoria. Or any other userland program, for that matter.
So I would urge you to pick up a good distro using kernel 3.7.9 or better and start attacking the non-existent problem of a really good and simple to use, bug-free common ARMuphoria and Androiduphoria, and remove your Androidophobia for ever. There are millions of devices waiting for a better quality programming language. If you must argue against this statement, you better argue with Linus and the author of the above mentioned article (J.A. Watson)
Why? What difference does a 3.7 kernel make to a euphoria developer? You keep going on about this, and have yet to tell us why we should care about this new kernel. This is important for people who build linux distributions. This is not important for people who build linux applications.
To get a native android port of euphoria, we probably would need to target euphoria on the JVM (or, I guess, Dalvik, but it ought to be about the same thing). It might be kinda cool to be able to write android apps using euphoria instead of java, but I don't see this happening any time soon. And it's completely totally absolutely categorically positively unequivocally unrelated to the version of the linux kernel.