Re: LBA access on harddrives

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useless_ said...

Is there a function i am not finding, related to puts()ing, or poking, or writing, or reading to/from LBA addresses on a harddrive? I see nothing under low level io.e operations.


Windows applications generally cannot do this; there apperently are ways, since a few low-level recovery tools do exist for Windows, but you'd have to find and wrap the needed API functions to use them from Eu. Note that writing to a partition may be tricky; if its a partition type Windows recognizes, it will invariably mount it and likely corrupt anything you try to write. If it is a custom type, it will tend to just pester you to format it. (On Linux, the standard Eu file I/O routines, seek/puts/etc, work just fine, even on multi-terabyte disks)

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