Re: Tasks - communication

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Mr Jim Brown:
I have programmed for 30 years. I have come accross countless statements as exemplified by Euphoria
Euphoria is a powerful but easy-to-learn programming language. It has a simple syntax and structure with consistent rules, and is also easy to read.

I had machine language, then assembler thrown at me and I adapted. I had GWBasic followed by QBasic folllowed by VisualBasic and about 50 variants of BASIC.
I had many more showed down my throat as "similar to BASIC" - that applies to Euphoria too.
JAVA and HTML were thrown at me as "easy languages"

I had dBase III thropwn at me followed by Clipper and FoxPro, and MS Access and SQL - all "simple database tools" and I accepted and programmed.

I did NOT shudder. I accepted and programmed in those as best as I could
Today I am seeing and experienced C language programmer who has the co-operation of half a dozen experts in C refusing to even bother about D language or to look at it.

I gives me a very clear idea of your abilities and inclinations.

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