Re: Tasks - communication
- Posted by useless_ Oct 21, 2012
I am sure Euphoria is able to do 1 + 1 = 2 OR
desirable_compiler = (need_for_Tasks_communication & using_D) - watcom_compiler
Not sure what you're getting at here.
considering that you yourself seconded the idea of "D Programming Language's approach" being very good
You are technically right in saying "I never made that statement."
However, you seconded DerekParnell's statment which reads - see 8. Re: Tasks - communication
"I like the D Programming Language's approach to this, namely that all data is assumed to be shared between tasks unless explicitly said otherwise." You seconded this statement. My understanding of the action of a seconder is that he does not repaet the words of a motion, but his seconding of the motion implies that he FULLY AGREES with the motion.
Here is what I meant to second:
all data is assumed to be shared between tasks unless explicitly said otherwise.
I misread what Derek wrote, however. If D's approach is that all data is assumed to be shared between tasks unless explicitly said otherwise, then I am against it.
I like the approach where all data is assumed to not be shared between tasks unless explicitly stated to be the case, and don't care at all for D's.
This being the case, I withdraw my rhetorical motion to second.
You can't do that, just like i cannot send taskmsgs.e to boatie or Derek.