Re: In defense of the team
- Posted by krg May 30, 2012
I couldn't agree more. Everyone who spends a great deal of time developing the language does so voluntarily, and none of them are paid for their tireless efforts.
Heck, even if you were to pay $$$ license fees to Microsoft, Oracle or any other vendor, there is no guarantee that the vendor would change certain aspects of the language to suit customer requests, or add any or all features customers request.
With open source projects like Euphoria, the source code is made available and anyone is free to customize the language to their own needs.
I am grateful to Rob Craig for releasing Euphoria into the public domain in the first place, and to the current team that enhances and maintains it.
And like luk321 said, I too use a combination of tools to solve software problems. No one insisted I use Euphoria or any other language - I choose to use each language on the balance of its merits and warts.
So to the team - thanks again for your tireless efforts.