In defense of the team
- Posted by luk321 May 30, 2012
In response to some criticisms voiced in other places...
To those people who have the final responsibility for the growth and direction of the euphoria programing language, praises be, for not allowing certain critics of this language, to pressure or bully you into changing aspects of this language, according to the own particular will and tastes of those critics.
No one forces me to use the euphoria programing language, but i voluntarily choose to use it.
And in addition to the euphoria language, i also use various other programing language tools, such as python and lua and C, to solve various computing problems.
And in each of the programming language tools that i use, some features and syntactic forms exist which i disagree with, which i do not like. In other words, each of these languages contains things that my limited knowledge and perspective considers to be “defects”.
But when i encounter those things that i consider to be defects, in the course of writing my programs in these languages, i try my best to adapt my programs in such a way as to, in effect, work around those perceived “defects”, or to minimize their appearance and influence in my programs.
But i do not expect that those who have the final responsibility for the creation and growth of those languages, to bend to my own will and taste, simply because i don't happen to “like” those things that i perceive as defects, or even because i think that i have a really compelling argument, based on some tiny part of the current and transitory state of human science, why i think those responsible for those languages, should change them.
It is obvious that the use of any language, whether to communicate with computers or with humans beings, involves continual compromise by those who use these tools.
If I as the user of some programing language cannot politely convince that group who stands finally responsible for the welfare of that language, to change some part of that language according to my own will and taste, then i remain civil and do not employ profanity or verbal bullying, nor make demands, nor act indignant and offended, in an attempt to get them to comply with my own desires.
And the fact that i have access to the source code of various programming languages that i use, gives me the freedom to make my own custom tools and libraries, if i happen to feel enough motivation to spend the time and effort necessary to learn the various intricate details of how those languages work.
Let us let those who have the final responsibility for this programming language, fulfill that responsibility. Engaging in contention with them is fruitless and wasteful. Let us not labor to drag them down.
I thank the development team for the gift of the effort and work they spend in developing this refreshing and euphoric programming language.