Re: getting hardware data

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bill said...
ChrisB said...

(probably going to have a lot of huffing about what open source really is now, but never mind)


You and CK Lester as admins for an open source project.

Someone comes along and uses that project to not only
make a profit for themselves (OK) but make their product
closed source (dodgy) and protected (even more dodgy).

If I make contributions to Euphoria it is to an open-source
project. I understand people may want to use that software
for profit, and I don't have a problem with that.

I do have some problem with the program being closed source,
but that is a recognised user choice. I really think that
hardware dongles are far beyond what is acceptable.

Euphoric gave advice how to do this with no recognition that
the request was in any way out of order.

It's sheer exploitation on Hacker's part. No one gets paid for open-source development. feel that people are perfectly entitled to produce closed source protected software for profit using open source then I wonder how it is that you can j

Wow, what did I start here?

Bill, in the first place, I'm a long time user of Euphoria and paid subscriptions for many years before Eu became open-source. Secondly, suppose I were donating to Euphoria or contributing to its development, would it be ok to "exploit" then? the irritating thing is that you assumed I was doing no such thing, regardless of the moral issue. Thirdly, I haven't made any profit from the software, which isn't for sale, and in fact I only made it available for free to a few people, I wanted to prevent it from being distributed to all and sundry for reasons I won't go into.


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