Re: installing Euphoria 4 on old machine (windows 98SE)
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Feb 20, 2011
But any official release version of Windows should be built with EALIGN4 on and Windows 9x support.
After thinking it over, I've come to the following.
We have one known user of Windows 9x, and that user is also the primary developer for 9x. That user, ne1uno, has stated that it's ok to officially drop 9x support. (I think Shawn is also using 9x but not as his primary system and he has also stated that he'll continue to use 3.1.1 on those systems regardless.)
A big part of the acceptance of continuing 9x support was the lack of data available on how many users would be affected by the lack of it. However, it's taken several months for a defective 4.0.0 release before the first report that 9x support has been broken (accidently) in 4.0.0.
Additionally, we have one major developer who has been fighting tooth and nail to get us to drop Windows 9x support. This person is a major contributor to the Windows support and development of Euphoria, and losing that developer would likely have a significantly negative affect on the support of the Windows platform.
It is absolutely important to keep this developer in the group. While since 4.0.0 was released, no poll was ever carried out (afaict) to see how many 9x users we have, the evidence I've seen so far suggests that keeping our mainline Windows developer is more important than keeping Windows 9x support.
For that primary reason, I've decided to change my position and go along with phasing out 9x.