Version 4 question

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Error I get running Version 4,

<0023>:: A namespace qualifier is needed to resolve 'DOS32' 
because 'DOS32' is declared as a global/public symbol in: 

My question is why is 'e:\euphoria\include\misc.e' in there at all?

  • e:\euphoria is my Version 3 folder.
  • e:\euphoria-40b4 is my Version 4 folder.

I changed my enviromnmental with the following bat file.

@@PATH=%PATH% E:\euphoria-40b4\bin 
@SET EUDIR=E:\euphoria-40b4  
@SET EUINC=E:\euphoria-40b4\include;e:\eu\win32lib 
@start /b E:\euphoria-40b4\bin\eui.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 

Don Cole

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