1. Version 4 question

Error I get running Version 4,

<0023>:: A namespace qualifier is needed to resolve 'DOS32' 
because 'DOS32' is declared as a global/public symbol in: 

My question is why is 'e:\euphoria\include\misc.e' in there at all?

  • e:\euphoria is my Version 3 folder.
  • e:\euphoria-40b4 is my Version 4 folder.

I changed my enviromnmental with the following bat file.

@@PATH=%PATH% E:\euphoria-40b4\bin 
@SET EUDIR=E:\euphoria-40b4  
@SET EUINC=E:\euphoria-40b4\include;e:\eu\win32lib 
@start /b E:\euphoria-40b4\bin\eui.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 

Don Cole

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2. Re: Version 4 question

dcole said...

My question is why is 'e:\euphoria\include\misc.e' in there at all?

My guess is that somewhere in your source, you have an 'include misc.e' rather than 'include std/misc.e'

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3. Re: Version 4 question

Because you are including image.e in e:\euphoria\include

If you did that intentionally, then that is the cause of the problem - eui looks in the same folder that an include file is in to locate sibling include files.

dcole said...

Error I get running Version 4,

<0023>:: A namespace qualifier is needed to resolve 'DOS32' 
because 'DOS32' is declared as a global/public symbol in: 

My question is why is 'e:\euphoria\include\misc.e' in there at all?

  • e:\euphoria is my Version 3 folder.
  • e:\euphoria-40b4 is my Version 4 folder.

I changed my enviromnmental with the following bat file.

@@PATH=%PATH% E:\euphoria-40b4\bin 
@SET EUDIR=E:\euphoria-40b4  
@SET EUINC=E:\euphoria-40b4\include;e:\eu\win32lib 
@start /b E:\euphoria-40b4\bin\eui.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 

Don Cole

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4. Re: Version 4 question

jimcbrown said...

Because you are including image.e in e:\euphoria\include

If you did that intentionally, then that is the cause of the problem - eui looks in the same folder that an include file is in to locate sibling include files.

That's it Jim. image.e shouldn't have been in e:\euphoria\include.

And Matt that caused a slew of sibling misc.e s not std/misc.e s.

Thank you both. I moved image.e and now it works fine.

Don Cole

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5. Re: Version 4 question

dcole said...
jimcbrown said...

Because you are including image.e in e:\euphoria\include

If you did that intentionally, then that is the cause of the problem - eui looks in the same folder that an include file is in to locate sibling include files.

That's it Jim. image.e shouldn't have been in e:\euphoria\include.

And Matt that caused a slew of sibling misc.e s not std/misc.e s.

Thank you both. I moved image.e and now it works fine.

There is an image.e in the include directory for 4.0. We've included the old standard library (somewhat modified, with obsolete routines removed, etc). The proper solution should be to fix your include statement. If you want the old, 3.1 library, use "include image.e". If you want to use the 4.0 library (which, for new code, you should), use "include std/image.e".


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