Re: Andrea Cini's euwingui

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ChrisB said...


Yes, that's it - the return of one of the great tools.

Thanks Jim


There's a bug in the wrapper. The return values of v3_c_func() are passed in from a memory block allocated by 3.1.1 code, but after this is turned back into a 4.0 object, the block of RAM is never freed.

I can't compile a new dll.e right now, but here's the new euconvert.e and euconvertinc.e needed to fix this.


include std/dll.e 
include std/machine.e 
include std/text.e 
include std/get.e 
constant thedll = open_dll("euconvert.dll"), 
v3_define_c_func_ = define_c_func(thedll, "v3_define_c_func", {C_POINTER}, C_INT), 
v3_define_c_proc_ = define_c_func(thedll, "v3_define_c_proc", {C_POINTER}, C_INT), 
v3_c_func_ = define_c_func(thedll, "v3_c_func", {C_INT, C_POINTER}, C_POINTER), 
v3_c_proc_ = define_c_proc(thedll, "v3_c_proc", {C_INT, C_POINTER}) 
v3_free_ = define_c_proc(thedll, "v3_free", {C_POINTER}) 
if find(-1, {thedll, v3_define_c_func_, v3_define_c_proc_, v3_c_func_, v3_c_proc_} ) then 
	puts(1, "thedll, v3_define_c_func_, v3_define_c_proc_, v3_c_func_, v3_c_proc_\n") 
	? {thedll, v3_define_c_func_, v3_define_c_proc_, v3_c_func_, v3_c_proc_} 
	puts(1, "error opening one of the above\n") 
end if 
public function v3_define_c_func(atom dll, sequence name, sequence args, atom ret) 
	sequence all = {dll, name, args, ret} 
	all = sprint(all) 
	atom addr = allocate_string(all) 
	integer r = c_func(v3_define_c_func_, {addr}) 
	return r 
end function 
public function v3_define_c_proc(atom dll, sequence name, sequence args) 
	sequence all = {dll, name, args} 
	all = sprint(all) 
	atom addr = allocate_string(all) 
	integer r = c_func(v3_define_c_proc_, {addr}) 
	return r 
end function 
public function v3_c_func(integer func, sequence args) 
	sequence all = sprint(args) 
	atom addr = allocate_string(all) 
	atom ret = c_func(v3_c_func_, {func, addr}) 
	all = peek_string(ret) 
	-- since this was allocated by a v3 runtime, we need to make sure 
	-- that it is freed by the same runtime that did the allocation 
	c_proc(v3_free_, {ret}) 
	all = value(all) 
	return all[2] 
end function 
public procedure v3_c_proc(integer func, sequence args) 
	sequence all = sprint(args) 
	atom addr = allocate_string(all) 
	c_proc(v3_c_proc_, {func, addr}) 
end procedure 


include dll.e 
include get.e 
include misc.e 
include machine.e 
function peek_string(atom addr) 
        sequence s 
        integer c 
        s = "" 
        while 1 do 
                c = peek(addr) 
                if c = 0 then 
                end if 
                s &= c 
		addr = addr + 1 
        end while 
        return s 
end function 
function toobject(sequence s) 
        if atom(s) then 
                s = peek_string(s) 
        end if 
        s = value(s) 
        if atom(s[2]) then 
                s = "" 
                s = s[2] 
        end if 
        return s 
end function 
global function v3_define_c_proc(integer x) 
	sequence s 
        s = toobject(x) 
        return define_c_proc(s[1], s[2], s[3]) 
end function 
global function v3_define_c_func(integer x) 
	sequence s 
        s = toobject(x) 
        return define_c_func(s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]) 
end function 
global function v3_c_func(integer i, integer x) 
	sequence s 
        s = toobject(x) 
        i = allocate_string(sprint(c_func(i, s))) 
	return i 
end function 
global procedure v3_c_proc(integer i, integer x) 
	sequence s 
        s = toobject(x) 
        c_proc(i, s) 
end procedure 
global procedure v3_free(integer x) 
end procedure 
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