Re: Task scheduler sluggish

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Win32lib has to be modified to be compatible with multitasking. I'm confused about the current condition of win32lib since everything is in a state of flux until 4.0 is released. I remember having problems about a year ago and I got it to work by inserting some task_yield() statements in win32lib.ew. I have no idea if that is now included in the latest release of win32lib. Does anyone know?

I have win32lib.ew (version 0.60.6) with task_yield() inserted in 3 places. I don't remember if it came that way or if I modified my copy...I haven't used it for a while, but it seems to work properly.

Around line 33393:

procedure eventLoop(object pData) 
    sequence temp 
    atom msg 
    atom getRC 
    integer inc 
    integer el 
    integer lTock 
    ActiveEL &= 0 
    el = length(ActiveEL) 
    -- Allocate a message buffer 
    msg = w32acquire_mem(0, SIZEOF_MSG) 
    lTock = 0 
    -- message loop 
    while ActiveEL[el] = 0 
      and vWinMainState = kStarted do 
        if vIdleCheck then 
            while w32Func(xGetQueueStatus, {QS_ALLEVENTS}) = 0 do 
                lTock += 1 
                if sequence(invokeHandler(Screen, w32HIdle, {lTock, msg})) then 
                    -- The user wishes to stop being idle and instead 
                    -- use the data they have loaded into the msg structure. 
                    lTock = -2 
                end if 
                task_yield() --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
            end while 
            if lTock >= 0 then 
                getRC = w32Func( xPeekMessage, { msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE } ) 
                if getRC > 0 and peek4u(msg+4) = WM_QUIT then 
                end if 
                -- I've decided to ignore the undocumented windows message WM_SYSTIMER ('280') 
                -- so it won't stop the idling tock counting. 
                if lTock > 0 and peek4u(msg+4) != WM_SYSTIMER then 
                    -- Signal end of idleness period. 
                    VOID = invokeHandler(Screen, w32HIdle, {-1, msg}) 
                    lTock = 0 
                end if 
                lTock = 0 
            end if 
            getRC = w32Func( xGetMessage, { msg, 0, 0, 0 } ) 
            if  getRC = 0 
             or getRC = -1 then 
            end if 
        end if 
        -- Gather some entropy for the random integer routine 
        w32Seed = remainder((w32Seed * peek4u(msg+16)) 
                            + 1 + peek4u(msg+20) * peek4u(msg+24), 
        w32Proc( xTranslateMessage, { msg } ) 
        w32Proc( xDispatchMessage, { msg } ) 
        task_yield() --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
    end while 

And around line 33482:

global procedure doEvents(integer id) 
    atom msg, hWnd 
    if vWinMainState != kStarted then 
    end if 
    if id = 0 then 
    hWnd = 0 
    if validId(id) = w32False then 
    end if 
    hWnd = getHandle(id) 
    end if 
    -- Allocate a message buffer 
    msg = w32acquire_mem(0, SIZEOF_MSG) 
    if w32Func( xPeekMessage, { msg, hWnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE } ) then 
        w32Proc( xTranslateMessage, { msg } ) 
        w32Proc( xDispatchMessage, { msg } ) 
    end if 
    task_yield() --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
end procedure 
r_doEvents = routine_id("doEvents") 
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