1. Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by penpal0andrew Jun 27, 2009
- Last edited Jun 28, 2009
Here is a test case to show what I am doing:
without warning include win32lib.ew integer win, button1 integer color atom taskthetask procedure thetask() while w32True do setWindowBackColor( win, color ) color = color + 20 task_yield() end while end procedure taskthetask = task_create(routine_id("thetask"),{}) procedure click1(integer self, integer event, sequence parms) task_schedule(taskthetask,{0.1,0.3}) -- do every 200 ms end procedure procedure main() color = 0 win = createEx(Window, "Test task schedule", 0, 0, 0, 400, 200, 0, 0) button1 = createEx(Button, "start task", win, 0, 80, 90, 20, 0, 0) setHandler(button1, w32HClick, routine_id("click1")) WinMain(win, Normal) end procedure main()
The problem is that it is very sluggish to run the task. But if I move the mouse around inside the window, the task works at its proper speed.
So, how do I get a task to run every 200 ms, whether or not someone is doing something else at the same time. And yes, I still want other stuff to go on if the user chooses.
Andy K.
2. Re: Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by LarryMiller Jun 27, 2009
- Last edited Jun 28, 2009
Here is a test case to show what I am doing:
without warning include win32lib.ew integer win, button1 integer color atom taskthetask procedure thetask() while w32True do setWindowBackColor( win, color ) color = color + 20 task_yield() end while end procedure taskthetask = task_create(routine_id("thetask"),{}) procedure click1(integer self, integer event, sequence parms) task_schedule(taskthetask,{0.1,0.3}) -- do every 200 ms end procedure procedure main() color = 0 win = createEx(Window, "Test task schedule", 0, 0, 0, 400, 200, 0, 0) button1 = createEx(Button, "start task", win, 0, 80, 90, 20, 0, 0) setHandler(button1, w32HClick, routine_id("click1")) WinMain(win, Normal) end procedure main()
The problem is that it is very sluggish to run the task. But if I move the mouse around inside the window, the task works at its proper speed.
So, how do I get a task to run every 200 ms, whether or not someone is doing something else at the same time. And yes, I still want other stuff to go on if the user chooses.
Andy K.
My experience with Euphoria tasks is limited so I won't suggest how best to use them. But I do see why you are having this problem. A typical Windows application spends most of it's time waiting for messages. While a thread is waiting for a message it can do nothing else. A Euphoria process has but one thread. Yes, Euphoria has tasks but they are implemented within the interpreter and the system knows nothing of them.
While the single euphoria thread is waiting for a message it can do nothing else, and that means that Euphoria's task sheduler isn't even running. There is no way it can call your thread. When you move the mouse or press a key it becomes active again and the scheduler is able to run again.
I don't think that Euphoria threads are a good fit here. If or when Euphoria has real threads this will be possible. Until then you will need to find another way. One way would be to use a timer that sends a message every 200ms.
3. Re: Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by penpal0andrew Jun 27, 2009
- Last edited Jun 28, 2009
The problem is that it is very sluggish to run the task. But if I move the mouse around inside the window, the task works at its proper speed.
So, how do I get a task to run every 200 ms, whether or not someone is doing something else at the same time. And yes, I still want other stuff to go on if the user chooses.
Andy K.
My experience with Euphoria tasks is limited so I won't suggest how best to use them. But I do see why you are having this problem. A typical Windows application spends most of it's time waiting for messages. While a thread is waiting for a message it can do nothing else. A Euphoria process has but one thread. Yes, Euphoria has tasks but they are implemented within the interpreter and the system knows nothing of them.
While the single euphoria thread is waiting for a message it can do nothing else, and that means that Euphoria's task sheduler isn't even running. There is no way it can call your thread. When you move the mouse or press a key it becomes active again and the scheduler is able to run again.
I don't think that Euphoria threads are a good fit here. If or when Euphoria has real threads this will be possible. Until then you will need to find another way. One way would be to use a timer that sends a message every 200ms.
Yes. I am now using the setTimer, onTimer event and it is working.
4. Re: Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Jun 27, 2009
- Last edited Jun 28, 2009
So, how do I get a task to run every 200 ms, whether or not someone is doing something else at the same time. And yes, I still want other stuff to go on if the user chooses.
I see that this has been answered already so I'll just add that in Windows use the Windows timer or Windows threads and do not use Euphoria's tasks, as they are really meant for console applications and not GUI applications.
One day, I hope that Euphoria will be able to use the operating systems's threads/tasks directly but that will have to wait for a bit longer yet.
5. Re: Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by ryanj Jul 03, 2009
Win32lib has to be modified to be compatible with multitasking. I'm confused about the current condition of win32lib since everything is in a state of flux until 4.0 is released. I remember having problems about a year ago and I got it to work by inserting some task_yield() statements in win32lib.ew. I have no idea if that is now included in the latest release of win32lib. Does anyone know?
I have win32lib.ew (version 0.60.6) with task_yield() inserted in 3 places. I don't remember if it came that way or if I modified my copy...I haven't used it for a while, but it seems to work properly.
Around line 33393:
procedure eventLoop(object pData) sequence temp atom msg atom getRC integer inc integer el integer lTock ActiveEL &= 0 el = length(ActiveEL) -- Allocate a message buffer msg = w32acquire_mem(0, SIZEOF_MSG) lTock = 0 -- message loop while ActiveEL[el] = 0 and vWinMainState = kStarted do if vIdleCheck then while w32Func(xGetQueueStatus, {QS_ALLEVENTS}) = 0 do lTock += 1 if sequence(invokeHandler(Screen, w32HIdle, {lTock, msg})) then -- The user wishes to stop being idle and instead -- use the data they have loaded into the msg structure. lTock = -2 exit end if task_yield() --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end while if lTock >= 0 then getRC = w32Func( xPeekMessage, { msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE } ) if getRC > 0 and peek4u(msg+4) = WM_QUIT then exit end if -- I've decided to ignore the undocumented windows message WM_SYSTIMER ('280') -- so it won't stop the idling tock counting. if lTock > 0 and peek4u(msg+4) != WM_SYSTIMER then -- Signal end of idleness period. VOID = invokeHandler(Screen, w32HIdle, {-1, msg}) lTock = 0 end if else lTock = 0 end if else getRC = w32Func( xGetMessage, { msg, 0, 0, 0 } ) if getRC = 0 or getRC = -1 then exit end if end if -- Gather some entropy for the random integer routine w32Seed = remainder((w32Seed * peek4u(msg+16)) + 1 + peek4u(msg+20) * peek4u(msg+24), #FFFFFFFF) w32Proc( xTranslateMessage, { msg } ) w32Proc( xDispatchMessage, { msg } ) task_yield() --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end while
And around line 33482:
global procedure doEvents(integer id) atom msg, hWnd if vWinMainState != kStarted then return end if if id = 0 then hWnd = 0 else if validId(id) = w32False then return end if hWnd = getHandle(id) end if -- Allocate a message buffer msg = w32acquire_mem(0, SIZEOF_MSG) if w32Func( xPeekMessage, { msg, hWnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE } ) then w32Proc( xTranslateMessage, { msg } ) w32Proc( xDispatchMessage, { msg } ) end if w32release_mem(msg) task_yield() --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end procedure r_doEvents = routine_id("doEvents")
6. Re: Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Jul 03, 2009
Win32lib has to be modified to be compatible with multitasking. I'm confused about the current condition of win32lib since everything is in a state of flux until 4.0 is released.
The current one at SourceForge has 2 of those task_yields() in it. It has not got the one that fires during the "idle" loop. I'll add that one in now.
7. Re: Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) Jul 03, 2009
Win32lib has to be modified to be compatible with multitasking. I'm confused about the current condition of win32lib since everything is in a state of flux until 4.0 is released.
The current one at SourceForge has 2 of those task_yields() in it. It has not got the one that fires during the "idle" loop. I'll add that one in now.
Uploaded as SVN#61
8. Re: Task scheduler sluggish
- Posted by ryanj Jul 04, 2009
Win32lib has to be modified to be compatible with multitasking. I'm confused about the current condition of win32lib since everything is in a state of flux until 4.0 is released.
The current one at SourceForge has 2 of those task_yields() in it. It has not got the one that fires during the "idle" loop. I'll add that one in now.
Uploaded as SVN#61
Thanks, DerekP. I should update to the latest win32lib...