Re: wxEuphoria: how can I INTERCEPT html link clicks?
- Posted by DanM Jan 08, 2009
Sigh, I spoke too soon. It may be obvious, but it doesn't work.
In the html example, the following code does not actually execute, though it appears to:
procedure on_link_clicked( atom html_win, sequence href, sequence target ) load_html_page( html, href ) return end procedure set_link_event( html, routine_id("on_link_clicked") )
That is, if I comment out the "load_html_page" line, it still DOES jump to whatever link is clicked on, and if I put a status bar message output in that procedure, the message doesn't display; those two together tell me that the event handler isn't actually functioning, something else is, and it's the something else that I want to intercept or prevent from occurring, so I can use the clicking on a "link" make something else occur instead.
So, any ideas how I can actually intercept a clicked link?