1. Open Source

Has anyone mentioned Creative Commons? Sorry, I haven't been lurking 
as regularly as I might wish.

I must confess, I'm not totally convinced by the need to go open source. 
Check out <http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=235278> where 
Bill Hilf discusses Microsoft's changed attitude to FOSS and why Office 
will never be open source.

Kind regards,
Bruce M. Axtens,
Internal Engineer,
Strapper Technologies.

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2. Re: Open Source

Bruce M. Axtens wrote:
> Has anyone mentioned Creative Commons? Sorry, I haven't been lurking 
> as regularly as I might wish.
> I must confess, I'm not totally convinced by the need to go open source. 
> Check out <<a
> href="http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=235278">http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=235278</a>>
> where
> Bill Hilf discusses Microsoft's changed attitude to FOSS and why Office 
> will never be open source.
> Kind regards,
> Bruce M. Axtens,
> Internal Engineer,
> Strapper Technologies.

Hi there Bruce,

That video was a bit too long for me (60mins) so perhaps
someone can sum up 'why' MS wont go open with Office.


Take care,

E boa sorte com sua programacao Euphoria!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

 From "Black Knight":
"I can live with losing the good fight,
 but i can not live without fighting it".
"Well on second thought, maybe not."

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3. Re: Open Source

You should watch it, I thought it was insightful, and somewhat confirmed some of
my own beliefs about opensource software.

MS won't go open source with Office, because it doesn't fit in their business
model and because it really doesn't matter. Office is one of their core assets.

At the end of the day, everyone has to make money or we would have no software.
Successful opensource projects make money in different ways than by protecting
their intellectual property. Such as by providing paid support, a la RedHat.

Interestingly, MS offers some 'shared source' licenses for developers to use.
They got their team of lawyers to draw up a set of simple and concise eula's that
try to allow the developers to maintain control of their code.

I've had a look at them and I think they are quite good. Worth considering at

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4. Re: Open Source

On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 13:13:24 -0700, Chris Bensler
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>I've had a look at them and I think they are quite good.

Surprisingly short and snappy. The cynic in me wonders if this is a
ruse, ie non-enforcable - it would be interesting to know whether any
of these have actually been upheld in court...

The succinctness of Ms_RL is interesting, in the way it bothers not to
list any stuff you cannot do. [Ms_RL itself is quite prohibitively
restrictive, internal and M$ only; the wording is crystal though.]
Really not what I would have expected from M$ at all.


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5. Re: Open Source

Pete Lomax wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 13:13:24 -0700, Chris Bensler
> <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:
> >I've had a look at them and I think they are quite good.
> ><a
> >href="http://www.microsoft.com/resources/sharedsource/licensingbasics/sharedsourcelicenses.mspx">http://www.microsoft.com/resources/sharedsource/licensingbasics/sharedsourcelicenses.mspx</a>
> Surprisingly short and snappy. The cynic in me wonders if this is a
> ruse, ie non-enforcable - it would be interesting to know whether any
> of these have actually been upheld in court...
> The succinctness of Ms_RL is interesting, in the way it bothers not to
> list any stuff you cannot do. [Ms_RL itself is quite prohibitively
> restrictive, internal and M$ only; the wording is crystal though.]
> Really not what I would have expected from M$ at all.
> Regards,
> Pete

MS uses those EULA's for their shared source programs.
People can get access to the Windows source code for educational or government
purposes. Stuff like that.

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6. Open Source

Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come we now
  can't have a Goto?

Don Cole

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7. Re: Open Source

don cole wrote:

>   Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come we now
> can't have a Goto?

We could also ask:
"Now that everyone can use tools for calculating like (s)he wants,
how come that nobody uses a slide rule?".
The answer to both your and my question is the same: It's obsolete,
nowadays there are better tools for the regarding purpose.


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8. Re: Open Source

don cole wrote:
>   Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come we now
> can't have a Goto?
> Don Cole

Ah, that's the beuty of open source. If you want a goto, YOU have a goto. You 
just have to make it yourself, and then make the source available for everyone
to decide if they want it. But you've still got one.


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9. Re: Open Source

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> don cole wrote:
> >   Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come 
> > we now can't have a Goto?
> We could also ask:
> "Now that everyone can use tools for calculating like (s)he wants,
> how come that nobody uses a slide rule?".
> The answer to both your and my question is the same: It's obsolete,
> nowadays there are better tools for the regarding purpose.

Someone should tell this luser:




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10. Re: Open Source

Matt Lewis wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
> > 
> > don cole wrote:
> > 
> > >   Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come 
> > > we now can't have a Goto?
> > 
> > We could also ask:
> > "Now that everyone can use tools for calculating like (s)he wants,
> > how come that nobody uses a slide rule?".
> > The answer to both your and my question is the same: It's obsolete,
> > nowadays there are better tools for the regarding purpose.
> Someone should tell this luser:
> <a
> href="http://lkml.org/lkml/2003/1/12/128">http://lkml.org/lkml/2003/1/12/128</a>
> :P

Quote from that post:
"I think goto's are fine, and they are often more readable than large
amounts of indentation."

That's the same like saying: "At night it's colder than outside."
Fortunately, Linus had written some other stuff, which is considerably
better. smile


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11. Re: Open Source

don cole wrote:
>   Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come we now
> can't have a Goto?
> Don Cole

There has been sustained opposition to it in the past, on the premise that it
promotes unmaintainable code.

My take on this s that either:

1/ If there were more control flow structures, like exif (exit current if
statement), next (evaluate next loop conditional clause), retry (reatsrt at top
of loop, skip conditional clause), and if all those, as well as exit, could have
an optional parameter, either a relative integer or a label string (to exit
nested blocks), then goto wouldn't be needed. That would be my preference.

2/ Some will object the extra keywords. Another possibility is to have a managed
goto: goto statements will need a label, so that come_from() will return which
label was jumped from last, and come_back() would return to statement following
last taken goto. This scheme is exposed in gretar details in the OpenEu
specifications at http://oedoc.free.fr .

3/ Yet another: define a new "with RAD" directive, off by default, that would
turn on constructs deemed of use at development stage only, not release stage.
goto and assert() would be candidates for such constructs.

4/ And after all, I don't care. If someone can use goto effectively, it should
be there; if someone uses it to release poor code, that code will be hardly
maintained and will go out of sight in a darwinian way.

Note that, if goto is allowed, then there must be some way to deal with a goto
made inside a for loop, because of the special scoping rules for loop indexes.
goto-ing into a routine should not be allowed. goto-ing into another file's top
level code may be useful at times, but has issues of its own. See the goto_far
statement in OpenEu specs, and also discussions on the OpenEu list on Topica.


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12. Re: Open Source

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> Matt Lewis wrote:
> Quote from that post:
> "I think goto's are fine, and they are often more readable than large
> amounts of indentation."
> That's the same like saying: "At night it's colder than outside."
> Fortunately, Linus had written some other stuff, which is considerably
> better. smile

I don't follow your saying.  It's actually a very interesting thread.
Here are two of the better posts advocating gotos:


Note:  This post isn't actively advocating for gotos in euphoria--though
I think there's a place for them, especially in the form of something
like a "continue" statement.  It's also amusing [to me] to note that
much of the speed of euphoria is due to gotos.


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13. Re: Open Source

ChrisBurch2 wrote:
> Ah, that's the beuty of open source. If you want a goto, YOU have a goto. You
> just have to make it yourself, and then make the source available for everyone
> to decide if they want it. But you've still got one.
> Chris

Correction thats the beauty of of a *GNU open source license*. Rob's
open source license does not require that the new source code be
made available to everyone.

Ken Rhodes
Folding at Home: http://folding.stanford.edu/
100% MicroSoft Free
SuSE Linux 10.0
No AdWare, SpyWare, or Viruses!
Life is Good,  smile

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14. Re: Open Source

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> don cole wrote:
> >   Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come we now
> > can't have a Goto?
> We could also ask:
> "Now that everyone can use tools for calculating like (s)he wants,
> how come that nobody uses a slide rule?".
> The answer to both your and my question is the same: It's obsolete,
> nowadays there are better tools for the regarding purpose.
> Regards,
>    Juergen

Don't make it a religion.  "Goto" is not the devil.  By the way in assembler
there is only "goto"
conditional ones like those that jump to a label if some flag is set or unset
and unconditionnal jump.  Even at call to subroutine is a goto preceded by som
push an registry saving.

There is a place for "goto", with or whitout "goto" a good coder stay a good
coder and a bad one, a bad one.

Jacques D.

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15. Re: Open Source

jacques deschênes wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
> > 
> > don cole wrote:
> > 
> > >   Now that Euphoria open source. (The answer to everything.) How come we
> > >   now
> > > can't have a Goto?
> > 
> > We could also ask:
> > "Now that everyone can use tools for calculating like (s)he wants,
> > how come that nobody uses a slide rule?".
> > The answer to both your and my question is the same: It's obsolete,
> > nowadays there are better tools for the regarding purpose.
> > 
> > Regards,
> >    Juergen
> Don't make it a religion.  "Goto" is not the devil.  By the way in assembler
> there is only "goto" 

I do not make it a religion. Please do not put words into my mouth.
I just say that it's obsolete in high-level languages. This is of
course only true if a language provides sufficient other possibilities.
For instance in Euphoria, it would be useful not only to have an 'exit'
statement, but also the possibility to write something like

   exit <number of levels>

> conditional ones like those that jump to a label if some flag is set or unset
> and unconditionnal jump.  Even at call to subroutine is a goto preceded by som
> push an registry saving.
> There is a place for "goto", with or whitout "goto" a good coder stay a good
> coder and a bad one, a bad one.
> Jacques D.


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16. Re: Open Source

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> I do not make it a religion. Please do not put words into my mouth.
> I just say that it's obsolete in high-level languages. This is of
> course only true if a language provides sufficient other possibilities.
> For instance in Euphoria, it would be useful not only to have an 'exit'
> statement, but also the possibility to write something like
>    exit <number of levels>

I've often thought this, too, although that construct worries me.  What
happens if the levels change?  Even if they don't change, it's not trivial 
to figure out the target of that exit.  A label-based exit, OTOH, can be 
very useful, and explicit.

For example, perl allows you to name a block (which could be a while/for/etc)
and to use the next/last operators along with the block name:


A euphorian implementation might look like:
:mainloop for i = 1 to n do
    :jloop for j = 1 to m do
        if foo then 
            exit :mainloop 
        end if
        while foo > 5 do
            if bar then
               exit :jloop
            end if
    end for
end for

That keeps the labels firmly associated with their proper loops.  It 
makes the goal very clear, although at the expense of clarity of where
you're going:
for i = 1 to n do
    for j = 1 to m do
        if foo then 
            goto :mainloop 
        end if
        while foo > 5 do
            if bar then
               goto :jloop
            end if
    end for
end for

I can see benefits to both ways, though I think I would prefer keeping 
them associated with the loop.  It's also how exits work right now.


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17. Re: Open Source

jacques deschênes wrote:
> Don't make it a religion.  "Goto" is not the devil.  By the way in assembler
> there is only "goto" 
> conditional ones like those that jump to a label if some flag is set or unset
> and unconditionnal jump.  Even at call to subroutine is a goto preceded by som
> push an registry saving.
> There is a place for "goto", with or whitout "goto" a good coder stay a good
> coder and a bad one, a bad one.
> Jacques D.

Hi there,

The Curse of the Goto

I have to disagree here.  A bad 'coder' stays a bad coder with the continued
use of gotos, but he/she gets better without the use of the goto.

I used to think that gotos should not be used by beginning programmers
until they have done a significant body of code, and then they will have
the experience to realize the benefits and pitfalls.  I might be changing
my stand on this however, because who can say that at the end of the
day when they run into a big structuring problem, that they dont stick
in a goto somewhere where it really shouldnt be?  "I'll get back to
restructure that section of code at a later date, soon".  Then another
goto, then another, then another.  It's too tempting sometimes to 
stick in a goto rather than restructure a whole section of code.
Restructure might take hours, a goto maybe 10 seconds...who here can
fight that urge each and *every* single time this comes up?
If you have the discipline to use gotos only inside a loop or within
a short body of code alone where the readability actually gets better,
then good for you.  Many wont be able to do this when faced with a tough
dilemma that gets solved in a flash with a single (and ill placed)
goto.  Sometimes the fastest way home is not the safest.

If this doesnt convince or at least show the main reasoning behind
the pitfalls of the goto, then i will shut up and allow you to take on
the Curse of the Goto for as long as you like.  Use gotos as freely
(or not) as you like, but when the Curse of the Goto rears up and bites
you on the backside, dont come back and claim that nobody warned you.

Take care,

E boa sorte com sua programacao Euphoria!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

 From "Black Knight":
"I can live with losing the good fight,
 but i can not live without fighting it".
"Well on second thought, maybe not."

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18. Re: Open Source

Al Getz wrote:
> jacques deschênes wrote:
> > 
> > Don't make it a religion.  "Goto" is not the devil.  By the way in assembler
> > there is only "goto" 
> > conditional ones like those that jump to a label if some flag is set or
> > unset
> > and unconditionnal jump.  Even at call to subroutine is a goto preceded by
> > som
> > push an registry saving.
> > 
> > There is a place for "goto", with or whitout "goto" a good coder stay a good
> > coder and a bad one, a bad one.
> > 
> > 
> > Jacques D.
> Hi there,
> The Curse of the Goto
> I have to disagree here.  A bad 'coder' stays a bad coder with the continued
> use of gotos, but he/she gets better without the use of the goto.
> I used to think that gotos should not be used by beginning programmers
> until they have done a significant body of code, and then they will have
> the experience to realize the benefits and pitfalls.  I might be changing
> my stand on this however, because who can say that at the end of the
> day when they run into a big structuring problem, that they dont stick
> in a goto somewhere where it really shouldnt be?  "I'll get back to
> restructure that section of code at a later date, soon".  Then another
> goto, then another, then another.  It's too tempting sometimes to 
> stick in a goto rather than restructure a whole section of code.
> Restructure might take hours, a goto maybe 10 seconds...who here can
> fight that urge each and *every* single time this comes up?
> If you have the discipline to use gotos only inside a loop or within
> a short body of code alone where the readability actually gets better,
> then good for you.  Many wont be able to do this when faced with a tough
> dilemma that gets solved in a flash with a single (and ill placed)
> goto.  Sometimes the fastest way home is not the safest.
> If this doesnt convince or at least show the main reasoning behind
> the pitfalls of the goto, then i will shut up and allow you to take on
> the Curse of the Goto for as long as you like.  Use gotos as freely
> (or not) as you like, but when the Curse of the Goto rears up and bites
> you on the backside, dont come back and claim that nobody warned you.
> Al
> E boa sorte com sua programacao Euphoria!
> My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

Since 1974 I have programmed in many languages including assemblers and rarely
feeled the need for a goto (execpt in asm).
In euphoria the only times I feel the need for it is because of the lack of
error handling like there is is Java,C# or delphi.
What I'm saying is that under the hood every thing is a goto as this is the only
thing that exist at cpu level and that I'm agains any dogma.

If I had to choose between a "goto" or a "try-fail-finally" error handling
machanism like there is in Delphi I would choose the last one.

Jacques Deschênes

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19. Re: Open Source

Kenneth Rhodes wrote:
> ChrisBurch2 wrote:
> > 
> > Ah, that's the beuty of open source. If you want a goto, YOU have a goto.
> > You
> > 
> > just have to make it yourself, and then make the source available for
> > everyone
> > to decide if they want it. But you've still got one.
> > 
> > Chris
> Correction thats the beauty of of a *GNU open source license*. Rob's
> open source license does not require that the new source code be
> made available to everyone.
Heh heh

Neither does that sentence.

(Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.)

Cheers smile


> Ken Rhodes
> Folding at Home: <a
> href="http://folding.stanford.edu/">http://folding.stanford.edu/</a>
> 100% MicroSoft Free
> SuSE Linux 10.0
> No AdWare, SpyWare, or Viruses!
> Life is Good,  smile

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20. Re: Open Source

Matt Lewis wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
> > 
> > Matt Lewis wrote:
> > 
> > Quote from that post:
> > "I think goto's are fine, and they are often more readable than large
> > amounts of indentation."
> > 
> > That's the same like saying: "At night it's colder than outside."
> > Fortunately, Linus had written some other stuff, which is considerably
> > better. smile
> I don't follow your saying.  It's actually a very interesting thread.

Sorry, I hadn't read the whole thread, but only the one post that you
had mentioned.

> Here are two of the better posts advocating gotos:
> http://lkml.org/lkml/2003/1/12/134

In this post #134, the author writes:
| *judicious* use of goto can prevent code that is so cluttered with stuff [...]
I often have read something like that from people who are advocating "goto".
That might be correct -- but after my experience, reality very often is

When people say so, that reminds me of a funny situation here in Germany.
We have a newspaper here, the content of which is on a level similar to the
British "The Sun" -- not exactly the stuff you need to read when you are
preparing your doctoral thesis. smile
When you ask people in Germany, you'll come to the conclusion that all people
agree that this newspaper is "trash", and that nobody does read it. The funny
thing only is, that more than 3 million copies of it are sold daily ...

This is somewhat similar to my experience with "goto". People who are advocating
"goto" say it should be used "judicious", and they themselves of course are
so. But when I look "in the wild", then I see something different. I know what
I'm talking about, after having read literally Megabytes of PowerBASIC (which
a "goto" statement) source codeby many different authors. So althought there
may be some rare situations when "goto" might be of some use (I never
such a situation, and I never needed to use "goto" with PowerBASIC.), according
to my experience, in the overwhelming majority "goto" is used to produce
code, which is hard to read an to maintain. Of course it's also possible to
bad readable and bad maintainable code *witout* "goto" (as I have learned from
archieves, this is even possible with Euphoria), but "goto" makes this job *a
easier. smile

In the same post above, it reads:
| The real problem is that C doesn't have a good multi-level "break" construct.

I can't actually say much about C, but the author seems to share my opinion:
That "goto" is not necessary, when a language has good "modern" possibilities
for controlling the program flow.

Then it reads:
| On the other hand, I don't know of any language that has a good one - some
| allow "break 3;" to break 3 levels- but that's still bad because you get
| screwed if somebody adds an 'if' clause....

Why will we get screwed if somebody adds an if clause? I don't understand
that. Anyway, if "break n" oder "exit n" is not sufficient, then we should
think about even more advanced statements, rather then using "goto", which
simply has a bad use/risk ratio.

> http://lkml.org/lkml/2003/1/12/252
> Note:  This post isn't actively advocating for gotos in euphoria--

I'm aware of that.

> though
> I think there's a place for them, especially in the form of something
> like a "continue" statement.

I'd actually appreciate a "continue" statement (which jumps from anywhere
inside a loop to its beginning), too. Please note that this is not what I
mean when I talk about "goto".
With "goto" I mean a statement that allows to jump to (almost) every point
in the code -- like "jmp" in assembler.

> It's also amusing [to me] to note that
> much of the speed of euphoria is due to gotos.

I think it is in the C source code of the interpreter/translator, no?
Don asked about "goto" *in Euphoria code*.
I use conditional and unconditional jumps myself, when I do ASM programming.
But I only use ASM code for small pieces of code, where speed is important.
And I only write ASM programs, when I have slept very well the night before. smile
I do not expect ASM code to be good readable or easily maintainable.

That's the difference to a higher-level language like Euphoria. In my opinion,
"goto" is obsolete *in such higher-level languages* -- not in lower-level
languages such as C or ASM.
Code in higher-level languages should be easy to read and maintain, they
should allow the coder to concentrate on the problem he wants to solve.
The language itself should be part of the soöution, not part of the problem. smile


I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.
[Mark Twain]

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21. Re: Open Source

I didn't know it was going to be this much of a problem.

Let's just forget Goto.

Don Cole

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22. Re: Open Source

don cole wrote:
> I didn't know it was going to be this much of a problem.
> Let's just forget Goto.
> Don Cole

Don't give up so easily -- it's been a contentious issue for as long as I can
remember. At least as contentious, if not more so, than the way that include
files and global variables should be handled.

BTW, well-written post above, Juergen.

I also kind of liked Jacques' post above regarding exception-handling
mechanisms. There should be a simple, Euphorian way to do that. I just don't know
what it is right now.

One suggestion: change the existing "exit" statement to optionally allow a label
and to work in both loops and if statements. You get 99% of the functionality of
the goto.

I also like the idea of "continue <label>" or "next <label>" where label is an
optional identifier at the beginning of a loop. But I haven't given it too much

As for handling tail-recursion? I have no idea.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple
system that works.
--John Gall's 15th law of Systemantics.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare


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23. Re: Open Source

Jason Gade wrote:
> I also like the idea of "continue <label>" or "next <label>" where label
> is an optional identifier at the beginning of a loop. But I haven't given it
> too
> much thought.

I would like to suggest three additions to the syntax of Euphoria which would
get around 99% of the desire for a goto. Nothing new but as suggested above:

   next var    -- Go to the iteration point of the for loop for this variable
   exit var    -- Ditto but exit the loop
   redo var    -- Ditto but re-run the loop without iterating the variable

For nested loops the interpreter would have to release variables which were
out of scope, but that is simple enough. If you have three nested loops
using I, J & K, say, and in the middle had "next I", then that would be coded
as exit K; exit J; next I;

for i=1 to 10 do
      for j=1 to 10 do
         for k=1 to 10 do
            if some condition met then
               next i
-- effectively: exit k
--              exit j
--              next i
            end if
         end for
      end for
   end for

These three would make the nested loop control much easier to code and much
easier to read. And the desire for goto would almost vanish. Most people who
ask for goto statements want them for exiting nested loops, it seems to me.

Any suggestions? Anyone able to add these to the interpreter?

Andy Drummond

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24. Re: Open Source

Andy Drummond wrote:
> Jason Gade wrote:
> > 
> > I also like the idea of "continue <label>" or "next <label>" where label
> > is an optional identifier at the beginning of a loop. But I haven't given it
> > too
> > much thought.
> > 
> I would like to suggest three additions to the syntax of Euphoria which would
> get around 99% of the desire for a goto. Nothing new but as suggested above:
>    next var    -- Go to the iteration point of the for loop for this variable
>    exit var    -- Ditto but exit the loop
>    redo var    -- Ditto but re-run the loop without iterating the variable
> For nested loops the interpreter would have to release variables which were
> out of scope, but that is simple enough. If you have three nested loops
> using I, J & K, say, and in the middle had "next I", then that would be coded
> as exit K; exit J; next I;
> }}}
>    for i=1 to 10 do
>       for j=1 to 10 do
>          for k=1 to 10 do
>             if some condition met then
>                next i
> -- effectively: exit k
> --              exit j
> --              next i
>             end if
>          end for
>       end for
>    end for
> </eucode>

> These three would make the nested loop control much easier to code and much
> easier to read. And the desire for goto would almost vanish. Most people who
> ask for goto statements want them for exiting nested loops, it seems to me.
> Any suggestions? Anyone able to add these to the interpreter?
> Andy Drummond

Your approach only works for for-loops, not for while-loops.
However, I can add the loop variable as an extra possible argument to
exit/next/retry which work in my modified interpreter - see my reply to the first
post from Don Cole-. Only the front end needs be modified:
* next and retry translate to ELSE adequate_target
* Patch[E|X]List() handles delayed block exits, otherwise do business as usual.
Hiding the loop var is done at end of for loop, unchanged.

The other constructs I parse are:
* exit 1 (exit loop above), 2 (two loops above), ... -1 (all loops), -2 (all
loops but the topmost),... exit 0 is the same as exit.
* exit some_string, where the loop has been labelled with some_string.
* The way I add labels is as follows:
for i=1 to n [by 2] [label "my string"] do
if <some_condition> label "my block" then

I have no qualms changing "retry" to "redo". "continue" seems a little ambiguous
to me, which is why I prefer "next" over it, but it's not much of an issue. I
also have an "exif" statement which exits (nested) if blocks, same syntax


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25. Re: Open Source

> > 
> > I would like to suggest three additions to the syntax of Euphoria which
> > would
> > get around 99% of the desire for a goto. Nothing new but as suggested above:
> > 
> >    next var    -- Go to the iteration point of the for loop for this
> >    variable
> >    exit var    -- Ditto but exit the loop
> >    redo var    -- Ditto but re-run the loop without iterating the variable
> > 
> > For nested loops the interpreter would have to release variables which were
> > out of scope, but that is simple enough. If you have three nested loops
> > using I, J & K, say, and in the middle had "next I", then that would be
> > coded
> > as exit K; exit J; next I;
> > 
> > }}}
> >    for i=1 to 10 do
> >       for j=1 to 10 do
> >          for k=1 to 10 do
> >             if some condition met then
> >                next i
> > -- effectively: exit k
> > --              exit j
> > --              next i
> >             end if
> >          end for
> >       end for
> >    end for
> > </eucode>

> > 
> > These three would make the nested loop control much easier to code and much
> > easier to read. And the desire for goto would almost vanish. Most people who
> > ask for goto statements want them for exiting nested loops, it seems to me.
> > 
> > Any suggestions? Anyone able to add these to the interpreter?
> > 
> > Andy Drummond
> Your approach only works for for-loops, not for while-loops.
> However, I can add the loop variable as an extra possible argument to
> exit/next/retry
> which work in my modified interpreter - see my reply to the first post from
> Don Cole-. Only the front end needs be modified:
> * next and retry translate to ELSE adequate_target
> * Patch[E|X]List() handles delayed block exits, otherwise do business as
> usual.
> Hiding the loop var is done at end of for loop, unchanged.
> The other constructs I parse are:
> * exit 1 (exit loop above), 2 (two loops above), ... -1 (all loops), -2 (all
> loops but the topmost),... exit 0 is the same as exit.
> * exit some_string, where the loop has been labelled with some_string.
> * The way I add labels is as follows:
> for i=1 to n [by 2] [label "my string"] do
> if <some_condition> label "my block" then
> I have no qualms changing "retry" to "redo". "continue" seems a little
> ambiguous
> to me, which is why I prefer "next" over it, but it's not much of an issue.
> I also have an "exif" statement which exits (nested) if blocks, same syntax
> enhancements.
> CChris

I hadn't appreciated that you were producing a version of the interpreter,
so if you do I should be very pleased to sample it in due time. I have had a
of loops - and yes, I almost always use for loops rather than while loops
the latter needs some setup before they commence - in which I need to exit the
loop partway through. The if is easier but would gain from some kind of multiple
level exit route - your exif would be useful.
I have to say I am less impressed with the labelling system, though I can see
the reason behind it; it just smacks of the old goto system which I am sure
will want extended to become a full goto. Not a nice prospect.
I understand the change is only a front-end change, but it is the front-end code
which is hardest to sort out.  Would Rob be interested in having this kind of
change being incrporated into the official Euphoria? If the phrase is meaningful
now it is open-source and every Tom Dick & Harry can produce his own flavour!
We've gone from (benign) dictatorship to design by committee!


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26. Re: Open Source

I haven't used basic for so long. I don't know what I used goto for.

But for Euphoria I would think you need new command exitAllGoto.
for repeated gotos inside the loop use gosub or in our case 
procedure or function.

logical progression
--step [1]--
--step [2]--
 loop a
   loop b
     loop c
       condition met exitAllGoto step[4]
--step [3]--
--step [4]--

Don Cole

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27. Re: Open Source

Andy Drummond wrote:
> ... Would Rob be interested in having this kind of
> code change being incrporated into the official Euphoria? If the phrase 
> is meaningful now it is open-source and every Tom Dick & Harry 
> can produce his own flavour!
> We've gone from (benign) dictatorship to design by committee!

Yes we have!
I will not veto any change that gets majority support.
I will only cast a single vote, equal to anyone else.
I think "qualified" users should each have one vote.
(And of course, some person capable of doing the
work has to be in favor of a change, if it is ever
going be done.)

I would hate it if a general GOTO were added,
but I would not be too upset about some other
more restricted, structured statement being added,
though I have only had a few instances where I
felt it would be useful. I'll comment on your specific 
proposal if it ever goes to a vote.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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