1. Namespaces
- Posted by "Glen T. Brown" <gbrown at SAUDIONLINE.COM.SA> Sep 27, 1999
----- Original Message ----- From: Irv Mullins <irv at ELLIJAY.COM> Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 3:55 AM Subject: Re: little question once again > Rob has promised that the namespace problem will next on his list of > things to do. I have no idea how he will accomplish this, but I personally > prefer the method you suggest - using the include file name as the prefix, eg: > foo.position(3.5) bar.position(5,5) which leads to more of an object oriented > approach to building programs. Not a bad thing IMHO. Hello all, I am sitting here reading my daily digest of all the best info on Euphoria and very much enjoying the little discussion on the subject of "Re: little question once again". When Irv brings this very intriguing concept to the surface anout include files not getting along with each other. There is something that we all can do to help, instead of relying on 'Rob' to solve all the little problems. Of course this "fix" would be the responsibility of every one of us that cares. You said that it would be nice if, in order to access a routine from an include file that you had to use that files name as a prefix to the routine. I think this sounds like a great idea although possibly cumbersome if someone wanted to name their include file something like 'thisismyincludefileforfubar.e'. However in the spirit of best wishes. You could take on the responsibility of applying the prefix process and just name you routines in the include file with a specific prefix. -- this is foo.e -- the routines in this file do next to nothing -- use them at your own risk global constant foo_Nil = nil, foo_Max=+inf global procedure foo_up(object anyjunk) anyjunk = foo_Nil -- throw it away end procedure global function foo_down(object morejunk) morejunk = foo_Max return(morjunk) end function -- this has been an example of worthless programming -- I claim no responsibilities whatsoever for the content or how you use it -- thank you for your attention Now, in order to use any of the stuff in 'foo.e' you would be forced to add the foo_whatever prefix because that is now a part of the variable name. Also if you do this. Rob is not forced to make changes if he doesn't want too. Of course. If that is something that he planed to do anyway.......... L8R
2. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Bernie Ryan <bwryan at PCOM.NET> Sep 27, 1999
The namespace disscusion has been a issue on the list for 2 years and if you search the archive for old messages you will find that someone on the list in the past has already suggested your idea. After a long debate Rob determined that he would try to add namespaces to Euphoria.
3. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Everett Williams <rett at GVTC.COM> Sep 27, 1999
On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 15:28:28 +0300, Glen T. Brown <gbrown at SAUDIONLINE.COM.SA> wrote: >When Irv brings this very intriguing concept to the >surface anout include files not getting along with each other. There is >something that we all can do to help, instead of relying on 'Rob' to solve >all the little problems. Of course this "fix" would be the responsibility >of every one of us that cares. > First, this isn't a little problem. It is central to the future of the language. >You said that it would be nice if, in order to access a routine from an >include file that you had to use that files name as a prefix to the routine. My preference is to allow "named" includes to keep the prefixes short. These might be something of the order of include foo=foo_this_name_is_to_long_to_easily_use.e very much like a globally declared constant, which in reality, it is. Now everything gets prefixed with foo. To prevent the build up of includes recursively calling includes, the interpreter can strip off the prefix and compare file names to prevent multiple copies of an include being loaded. This would require aliasing when the same variables and routines were called with different prefixes, but scoping will take care of most of the real problems in this area. Some of Ralf's ideas on scoping of variables in includes could also be used here. I'm running out of gas on this one :) but leaving it entirely to the programmers to stay out each others' way is likely to cause a great deal of trouble in the future. Everett L.(Rett) Williams rett at gvtc.com
4. Namespaces
- Posted by jcvaldezo at hotmail.com Dec 19, 2002
<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV> <P>In the first place I would like to thank Don Phillips for being so helpful and participative in this list. His windows scroll routine was just what I needed. Congratulations!<BR></P> <P>Regarding the namespace problem I have always the following one:</P> <P>DLL.E has NULL defined as global.</P> <P>WIN32LIB has it defined too.</P> <P>How can I avoid receiving an error message without editing any of the files? How could the local definition helpme avoid this problem? I think this problem has happend to many of the list members. How do you solve it? All my directories are filled with edited local copies of win32lib in every version released.</P> <P>Thanks. </P> <P>Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo! (Merry Christmas and happy -prosperous- new year!)</P> <P>Carlos Valdés</P> <P><BR> </P></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV><FONT face=arial,helvetica>
5. Namespaces
- Posted by kbochert at ix.netcom.com Jun 24, 2001
-------Phoenix-Boundary-07081998- My vote goes for the simple "include file as F" syntax which is simple to use and backward -compatible. However there are 2 fine points which don't seem to have been mentioned yet. 1) Namespaces should not be referenced with the dot operator! The dot operator is more or less standardized across languages to reference members of objects, structures and sometimes arrays. It is not necessary or desirable for Euphoria to buck this trend. In a similar way, the colon operator generally refers to namespaces (as in C++ or XML). EX ------------ include file.e as F ... F:x =3D 1 -- set the x defined in file.e to 1 --------------- Euphoria may wish, someday, to use '.' for objects! 2) Even when a file has been included 'as X', it should still be possible to reference its globals without decoration, as long as the reference does not conflict with another global. EX 1------------ include stack.e as ST .. a =3D ST:pop () -- call the pop function in stack.e b =3D pop () -- the only 'pop' is in stack.e, so it is called EX 2-------- include stack.e as ST function pop () -- local function b =3D pop() -- local a =3D ST:pop() -- must use 'ST:' to get to stack's version ------------ The basic rule is that ':' is a scope resolution operator. Its use is only necessary where scope must be resolved. When it is not used, normal scope resolution takes place, (local, file, then global) and normal error messages are generated. Karl Bochert -------Phoenix-Boundary-07081998---
6. Namespaces
- Posted by jzeitlin at cyburban.com Jun 25, 2001
I have been watching the discussion on namespaces, and thinking about the problems involved, from the standpoint of a user (as opposed to the standpoint of an implementor). I find that I am in agreement with those whose namespacing proposals leave defining the identity of the namespace in the control of the _user_ of a module, rather than in the _creator_ of the module, or the file-system (i.e., taking the namespace identity from the file name). This is because... 1. ...if control is left to the creator of the module, all we have done is moved back one level with respect to the problem that namespace creation is intended to solve - that of collision of names. By placing control of the namespace identity in the hands of the user of the module, collision is avoided (unless multiple modules may be imported into the same namespace). Granted, collision is less likely, as only namespace collision stands as an issue, rather than specific identifier collision - but a complete solution that avoids even this level of collision is preferred over a partial solution. 2. ...if control lies with the file system, we have the issue of needing to make broad changes to working programs if file names change. Such a change may be due to a move to a different Euphoria-available environment (e.g., moving from Windows to DOS), or a rethinking of the proper name of a module (as in the event of enhancement, without removing extant functionality). The broader a change that needs to be made, the more opportunity there is for introducing error, even with modern automated tools. If the user defines the namespace identity, a single change, of the name of the file imported, is all that need be made. For cross-environment portability, the need for broad change can be avoided by restricting module names to eight characters (which is the limit in DOS, the most restrictive of environments for which Euphoria is currently available) - but this itself leads to a need for potentially unclear or arbitrary names. Furthermore, as programs or modules are exchanged in source form with others, it becomes increasingly difficult to come up with useful names that avoid collision with others - unless some other solution, such as a centralized registry, is found. Given past industry experience, it is unlikely that such a centralized registry could be made to work as intended. It is to be noted that I do not propose a specific syntax for defining a namespace; while I have my preferences, none of the proposals heretofore seen for user control of namespace identity are unacceptable to me. However, I perceive direct user control over the namespace identity to be an essential component of any proposal to implement namespaces in Euphoria. -- Jeff Zeitlin jzeitlin at cyburban.com (ILink: news without the abuse. Ask via email.)
7. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Lewis Townsend <keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM> Jun 25, 2001
Hello Rob, Here is one idea that I don't think has been mentioned recently. It might have been in one of the garbled digests which I deleted. Here it si: Add another namespace qualifyer: "public" or something else, the name isn't important to me, just the functionality. Symbols declared with this qualifier are only shared with files that directly include the file/namespace in which it is declared. Basically like global only not available throughout the whole program. just my 2 cents. I like many of the other suggestions but feel this is neccesary. thanks in advance, Lewis Townsend
8. Namespaces
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> Oct 23, 2000
How do people prefer namespaces to behave? For example, imagine that you had a namespace option in Euphoria like this: import <file> into <namespace> that behaved like include does, but the imported code would have to be accessed through the namespace prefix. So if you had a file like this: -- test.e global integer number and you wrote: import test.e into foo import test.e into bar Would you expect 'foo.number' and 'bar.number' to reference the *same* variable, or different variables? My thinking is that it would be more along the lines of how Euphoria currently behaves to have them refer to the same variable. On the other hand, it's awfully convenient for each namespace to have it's own local data, like classes. Thanks! -- David Cuny
9. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Bernie <xotron at PCOM.NET> Oct 23, 2000
-- David: I had a look at py and was very impressed with your concepts. I would recomend that you use the : ( colon ) for namespaces and reserve the . ( dot ) for future use in structure access notation. Thanks Bernie
10. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Irv <irv at ELLIJAY.COM> Oct 23, 2000
On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, David Cuny wrote: > How do people prefer namespaces to behave? ... > import test.e into foo > import test.e into bar Further experimentation shows that this is a much more involved question than I at first thought. It'll take several posts to explore the possibilities, but let's start by evaluating the simplest alternative: As I see it, there could be a couple of reasons a programmer might do multiple imports if references to foo and bar will point to the SAME variable space: 1. A mistake.(forgot it was already included) 2. Obfuscation of code. foo.name = "Fooman" bar.name = "Barman" ? foo.name => "Barman" Not something I normally do (intentionally). Besides, there's always shroud. I see no upside to this, therefore if multiple includes are going to point to the SAME space, they should be prohibited. In exploring what happens if multiple includes point to DIFFERENT instances of the included variables, we need to examine three different areas: stand-alone variables sequences routines I have some experiments in each of these areas which I'll post individually. Regards, Irv
11. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Oct 23, 2000
On 23 Oct 2000, at 3:25, David Cuny wrote: > How do people prefer namespaces to behave? For example, imagine that you had > a namespace option in Euphoria like this: > > import <file> into <namespace> > > that behaved like include does, but the imported code would have to be > accessed through the namespace prefix. So if you had a file like this: > > -- test.e > global integer number > > and you wrote: > > import test.e into foo > import test.e into bar > > Would you expect 'foo.number' and 'bar.number' to reference the *same* > variable, or different variables? My thinking is that it would be more along > the lines of how Euphoria currently behaves to have them refer to the same > variable. On the other hand, it's awfully convenient for each namespace to > have it's own local data, like classes. Unequivocally *different* !!! After all, if i wanted the same data, i'd not use different names to get to it. And if Py or Eu has a method to multitask that we haven't discovered yet (see my previous post on multitasking,, did anyone try that for me, or explain why it would not work?), i would not want namespace conflicts to kill that off. Now, as an offshoot of this in variable naming, i have tried to write code that would get me the same var *in some circumstances* no matter how i asked for it: %table.top.color %table.color.top %color.table.top could all be the same, but not this: %top.table.color or %color.top.table Which got into a complicated syntax parsing for the var names, which wasn't my point at the time. But my point here is this, if the programmer knows what she is writing, and she writes foo.number() in the code, she should not get bar.number(), especially if we get threads, and something execs bar(), doing something totally unrelated to foo(), changing a local var there that foo.number's processing is/was based on. You could get some nasty hard.to.track bugs that way too. Kat
12. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 23, 2000
The reason I was asking about namespaces is because I think a lot of people are looking to namespaces as a way to implement OOP in Py. I don't think that it's that good of a fit, either in Py, or in Euphoria. Although namespaces *could* be implemented in an OOP sort of way, that would be inconsistant with the rest of Euphoria. My guess (and that's all it is, an uninformed guess) is that Robert's implementation of namespace will simply be a way to make local (non-global) objects in a file visible. At least, this approach seems sensible to me. For example: -- foo.e integer i -- bar.ex import foo.e as stuff -- 'i' is visible as 'stuff.i' All the namespace prefix does is make local objects visible to the importer. Because globals have the 'side effect' of being visible to anyone after they are declared, I don't even think they properly belong in the namespace: -- foo.e global integer.i -- bar.ex import foo.e as stuff -- 'i' is global, NOT 'stuff.i' Finally, I suspect that the 'modules are loaded once' rule is going to continue: -- foo.e integer i -- bar.ex import foo.e as stuff -- 'i' is visible as 'stuff.i' import foo.e as nonsense -- 'i' is visible as 'nonsense.i' the file 'foo.e' file will be loaded a single time, and made visible through the 'stuff' and 'nonsense' namespaces under 'bar.ex'. But 'stuff.i' and 'nonsense.i' both refer to the same variable. This is all speculation, but I think that trying to turn namespaces into objects goes against the Euphoria way of doing things. The problem with trying to turn namespaces into OO is that they are statically bound. Now, I *know* that there are tons of languages out there that implement namespaces dynamically (such as Python). But I don't think that Robert is likely to take that direction, and I'm not sure that's the right approach for Py, either. What I *do* think would work well would be the addition of associative arrays. Here's three examples from JavaScript, which basically do the same thing: myCar.make = "Ford" myCar.model = "Mustang" myCar.year = 1969 myCar["make"] = "Ford" myCar["model"] = "Mustang" myCar["year"] = 1969 myCar = {make:"Ford", model:"Mustang", year:1969} Anyway, that's my two bits... Thanks! -- David Cuny
13. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Fam. Nieuwenhuijsen" <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> Oct 24, 2000
David, I too am a little impressed, or at least awake again. The py code could be a great testing phase for new features of Euphoria. My questions, answers and ideas ..... - I like the associated list, but why aren't you using it for the namespace ? It would be much more consistent, and easy. foo.e["i"] - I don't the namespace solution (hack ?!) of using the filename. Instead, do something like this, to avoid the whole global/local/naming issue: include foo.pi bar as foo_bar i as foo_i end include - I don't like the auto creation of variables, why not distinguish: integer x = 5 -- declare & initialize x = 5 -- only assign a value - I like for-in-do .. everybody does. (except Robert obviously) - Where is the { left, middle, right } = my_func () notation ? - And how to procedures work now ? Good luck and succes .. Cheers, Ralf N. nieuwen at xs4all.nl
14. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 24, 2000
Ralf wrote: > David, I too am a little impressed, or at > least awake again. The py code could be a > great testing phase for new features of Euphoria. Yeah, that's one of the reasons I'm promoting it. It's primarily an incarnation of my wish list for additions to Euphoria - most of the features could be added right in. I won't guarantee that they are 100% compatible with existing code, though. > I like the associated list, but why aren't you > using it for the namespace Because I got blindsided with dealing with reloading modules, and was convinced that a truly stupid hack was the only way to do it. I'm recoding namespaces using a-lists now. They are broken in the latest release. > I don't the namespace solution (hack ?!) of using > the filename. Instead, do something like this, to > avoid the whole global/local/naming issue: Wait for the next release. If it's still broken, complain again.> I don't like the auto creation of variables ... I'll probably be adding a 'option explicit' for people who don't like auto creation. For the moment, objects will remain 'typeless', though. The declaration will probably look like: declare x = 10, y, z = 10 > I like for-in-do .. everybody does. It's just a convenience notation, but it works well with sequences. I'm thinking that the shorthand: for i in 10 is probably too much of a hack, though. > - Where is the { left, middle, right } = my_func () notation ? An example, please? > And how to procedures work now? The same as functions, but you ignore the result. For example: x = sin(1) -- it's a function! sin(1) -- it's a procedure! This would be another neat thing in Euphoria, so you could avoid: ignore = foo() > Good luck and success .. Thanks! -- David Cuny
15. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Oct 24, 2000
On 24 Oct 2000, at 8:46, Cuny, David@DSS wrote: > Ralf wrote: > > I don't like the auto creation of variables ... > > I'll probably be adding a 'option explicit' for people who don't like auto > creation. For the moment, objects will remain 'typeless', though. The > declaration will probably look like: > > declare x = 10, y, z = 10 If you add the declare, you can't do the dynamic name generation, cause the programmer would haveto know all the names of all the vars as she is writing the code. Kat
16. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Fam. Nieuwenhuijsen" <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> Oct 24, 2000
David wrote: > > I don't the namespace solution (hack ?!) of using > > the filename. Instead, do something like this, to > > avoid the whole global/local/naming issue: > > Wait for the next release. If it's still broken, complain again.Yes, but I just don't want variable names to get any longer than they already are. I don't want the filename as part of the variable name. Look: include foo.py do def x as x def y as y def foo_circle as circle end include foo_circle (3, 6) Why ? Because of these advantages: - shorter variable names - no collision with variables that are not used. - you see precizely what variables are "imported" Secondly, you should only be able to import global variables. Local variables are "hands-off". Otherwise there is no way to lock an include, and the type of errors and issues you have to deal with. No way. > for i in 10 > > is probably too much of a hack, though. Well indeed, its not that nessecary. But I don't consider for-each to be more than just an easy to use notation. Example: for each item in call_func () do end for PS. How do like: find each ' ' in "Hello World, how many spaces ?" as pos do printf (1, "Found a space at %d \n", {pos}) end find > > - Where is the { left, middle, right } = my_func () notation ? > > An example, please? { eof_status, value } = get (0) > > And how to procedures work now? > > The same as functions, but you ignore the result. For example: Yes, but what if there is NO result ? Are you forced to return an result ? I prefer functions & procedures, without enforcing the end user to use the return value, but also without enforcing the routine to return a value. Cheers, Ralf N. nieuwen at xs4all.nl UIN: 9389920
17. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Fam. Nieuwenhuijsen" <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> Oct 24, 2000
> If you add the declare, you can't do the dynamic name generation, cause the > programmer would haveto know all the names of all the vars as she is writing the code. You will need to know all the names of all the vars anyway, otherwise you can't look them up. And if you to look them up dynamically as well, then there is already the a-list. BTW. I would say that enforcing an declare statement or allow auto creation of variables is pretty much the same in the aspect of allowing dynamical variables. Why would that automatically be illegal ? Or am I just missing the point ? Ralf N. nieuwen at xs4all.nl
18. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 24, 2000
Kat wrote: >> declare x = 10, y, z = 10 > > If you add the declare, you can't do the dynamic > name generation, cause the programmer would have to > know all the names of all the vars as she is writing > the code. Yes, they are mutually exclusive. I rather like the dynamic assignment, and if Robert added something like: without declarations it could be added to Euphoria without (I think) breaking any code. Euphoria could still allow declarations (for speed and type checking), and allow 'lazy' programmers to mix in on-the-fly variables. -- David Cuny
19. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 24, 2000
Ralf wrote: >> Wait for the next release. If it's still >> broken, complain again.> > Yes, but I just don't want variable names to get > any longer than they already are. I don't want > the filename as part of the variable name. If you want, you can import the module into the current namespace with: import "foo.py" I'll also probably add the Python-styled import: from "foo.py" import x, y, z that should take care of the issue. I have no idea how Robert might want to approach this in Euphoria. > Secondly, you should only be able to import > global variables. Local variables are "hands-off". > Otherwise there is no way to lock an include, and > the type of errors and issues you have to deal with. > No way. That's true, you can't lock an include. I'm taking the Python route here, where enforcement is more a matter of policy. Put it this way: when was the last time you got a compiler error warning you were changing the value of a constant? > find each ' ' in "Hello World, how many spaces ?" as pos do > printf (1, "Found a space at %d \n", {pos}) > end find There's a chance that a LISP-style map/apply sort of routine will be added at some point. I've always wanted one of those for Euphoria, although I suppose you can emulate them with routine_id. It would be a lot easier if routine_id were scoped differently; then you could write something like: function apply( sequence s, sequence routine ) integer id id = routine_id(routine) if id = -1 then printf( 1, "can't apply routine, %s not defined", {routine} ) abort 0 else for i = 1 to length(s) do s[i] = call_func( id, {s[i]} ) end for end if return s end function Here's an entirely worthless example: -- convert red to green function red_to_green( integer i ) if i = red then return green else return i end if end function s = apply( s, "red_to_green" ) > { eof_status, value } = get (0) Just write: eof_status, value = get(0) After looking at Python, it became obvious that there was no reason to use braces in the syntax. It'll be nice if Robert decides to add this to Euphoria; I really like this notation. > Yes, but what if there is NO result? You don't like to read the documentation, do you?
Actually, there was a longer discussion about this in the original documentation, but didn't make it to the current docs. You don't need to return a result; Py will automatically return a zero value for you. If I had access to the Euphoria innards, I'd have it return a 'Null' or something. The catch is that you *always* have to use a return value with the 'return' statement. If you don't intend to use it, just write: return 0 The reason for *having* to return a result have to do with the parser not having more than 1 token look ahead. Jiri suggested using (), like so: return ( expr ) -- return expr return -- no explicit return value but that would require, on average, more work for the coder, and more chances for typos. So for now, I'm opting for a required value. -- David Cuny
20. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Oct 24, 2000
On 24 Oct 2000, at 19:34, Fam. Nieuwenhuijsen wrote: > > If you add the declare, you can't do the dynamic name generation, cause > the > > programmer would haveto know all the names of all the vars as she is > writing the code. > > > You will need to know all the names of all the vars anyway, otherwise you > can't look them up. And if you to look them up dynamically as well, then > there is already the a-list. <chatty.mode=on> I missed the definition of "alist" somehow. But i do a lot of this dynamic name generation, and call them again dynamically. It beats a loop to search a database, especially when you want to delete vars based on a wildcard match. For example: if ( %traceroute.done. [ $+ [ $gettok(%traceroutekick. [ $+ [ %traceroute.kickindex ] ] ,2,32) ] $+ . $+ [ $gettok(%sockname,2-,$asc(.)) ] ] == $null ) { .dde TiggrBot1 command "" /ddekickban $gettok(%traceroutekick. [ $+ [ %traceroute.kickindex ] ] ,2,32) $gettok(%sockname,2-,$asc(.)) $gettok(%traceroutekick. [ $+ [ %traceroute.kickindex ] ] ,3-,32) set -u10 %traceroute.done. [ $+ [ $gettok(%traceroutekick. [ $+ [ %traceroute.kickindex ] ] ,2,32) ] $+ . $+ [ $gettok(%sockname,2-,$asc(.)) ] ] did } That generates and uses vars by names i cannot possibly foresee, and seems to do it without any loss of speed (other than the calls to $gettok()) over using plain generic variable nomenclature such as "x". When starting up, i can simply do this: unset %traceroute.done.* and "forget" all the %traceroute.dones before from memory, no need to go find all of them by hand (altho in the above code, if the program is not interrupted, the vars auto- clear in 10 seconds anyhow). But %traceroute.available* isn't lost, nor is %traceroute.ok, nor etc. While in memory, i can find them by many various wildmatches, or by exact match, or a timewasting brute force SaveVarsToFile - SearchTheFile loop. The program can know what it knows, and know what it doesn't know quite easily. And yeas,, that code executes hundreds of times a day, without errors.Kat
21. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Oct 24, 2000
On 24 Oct 2000, at 10:26, Cuny, David@DSS wrote: > Kat wrote: > > >> declare x = 10, y, z = 10 > > > > If you add the declare, you can't do the dynamic > > name generation, cause the programmer would have to > > know all the names of all the vars as she is writing > > the code. > > Yes, they are mutually exclusive. <chatty.mode= still on> You could do a pre-processor if you are prone to typoing your var names. Or, the language could be told to notify the programmer in debug mode when vars are made or assigned, like this: I typed: //set -s %var hello and this appeared: *** Set %var to hello Yeas, it really did appear, how handy is that? > I rather like the dynamic assignment, and if Robert added something like: > > without declarations > > it could be added to Euphoria without (I think) breaking any code. Euphoria > could still allow declarations (for speed and type checking), and allow > 'lazy' programmers to mix in on-the-fly variables. I didn't consider it being lazy as much as it's using the native compiled language to do something faster than the interpreted code. If i used a loop to search a random length array used to hold the vars, i'd expect it to run 10x or more slower. Tests last yr generally bear this out, i switched to the "lazy" way pronto. Storing the parameters of the variable in the name also makes lookup in native code possible and quite a bit faster than nested search loops in interpreted code, especially when you don't know how many parms there are going to be, so you don't know just how deep to write the nested searches,, or even *what* you are searching for.. the *what* would make recursive search routines difficult, imho. I did make one mistake in an earlier email, i think... i'll clarify.. i can use indexed vars with wildmatches in them against a known var name, but doing a wildmatch on a "family" of vars won't return all of them without a loop. Kat
22. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 24, 2000
Kat wrote: > I missed the definition of "a-list" somehow. It's my shorthand for associated list. I think they originated from LISP. Jiri has posted an implementation to the Euphoria page. The list takes for internal form: { key list, value list } and Jiri's code offers the choice between using 'find' for small lists, and binary searches for large lists. Languages that allow it natively typically use a notation like this for creation: Kat = { job:"programmer", language:"euphoria", specialty:"bots" } and this for accessing: ? Kat["job"] -- returns "programmer" Languages like Python and JavaScript allow further syntactic sugar: ? Kat.job -- same as Kat["job"] They offer a lot of OOP-sort of functionality. If you want to play with them, take a look at Py. I think they'd make an interesting addition to Euphoria. -- David Cuny
23. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Irv <irv at ELLIJAY.COM> Oct 24, 2000
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Fam. Nieuwenhuijsen wrote: > Yes, but I just don't want variable names to get any longer than they > already are. I don't want the filename as part of the variable name. Look: > > include foo.py do > def x as x > def y as y > def foo_circle as circle > end include > > foo_circle (3, 6) Hi Ralf: Actually, I think I prefer the way Py handles the imports - it assures that items that were designed as part of a package remain obviously connected to that package. Optionally re-naming only bits and pieces could get really confusing. However, I do agree with your point about writing long variable names: Therefore the suggestion that we be allowed a "block prefix" notation: with foo do x = 3 -- this is foo.x y = 5 -- foo.y circle() -- foo.circle ..... end foo > > Secondly, you should only be able to import global variables. Local > variables are "hands-off". Otherwise there is no way to lock an include, and > the type of errors and issues you have to deal with. No way. As far as I know, there are no "local" variables, except for those inside routines. Anything declared outside a routine is fair game to be imported. I don't see that as being a big problem, but you could be right. Perhaps there should be a "local" block, wherein any variables would be visible only to routines in that one file. > > for i in 10 > > > > is probably too much of a hack, though. And not very clear in its meaning, either. > > > - Where is the { left, middle, right } = my_func () notation ? > > > > An example, please? > > { eof_status, value } = get (0) eof_status, value = get(0) -- no curly brackets required around the left-hand This is one of the best features, as far as I am concerned. It lacks one thing, which I have discussed with Dave: yr, mo, da = date() -- won't currently work, because date() returns 8 items. --m, d, y, hr, min, sec, dow, doy My suggestion was to warn, but not prohibit, partial assignments. A more useful alternative would be slicing function calls: i.e: hr, min, sec = date()[4..6] which I think may be possible. > Yes, but what if there is NO result ? Are you forced to return an result ? I > prefer functions & procedures, without enforcing the end user to use the > return value, but also without enforcing the routine to return a value. If there is no result, you just don't return one. Example: def foo() puts(1,"Hello") end def foo() Hello def foo() return "Hi" end def foo() -- nothing happens msg = foo() ? msg "Hi" Regards, Irv
24. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Fam. Nieuwenhuijsen" <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> Oct 24, 2000
- Last edited Oct 25, 2000
> The reason for *having* to return a result have to do with the parser not > having more than 1 token look ahead. Jiri suggested using (), like so: > > return ( expr ) -- return expr > return -- no explicit return value > > but that would require, on average, more work for the coder, and more > chances for typos. So for now, I'm opting for a required value. David, why not go for the ICON style returning of values: def match (x, s) for index = 1 to length(x) - length(x) do if equal (x, s[index..index+length(x)]) then return index end if end for end def A normal call would just return the first matching value, however, imagine what the 'each' keyword does: printf(1, "Found match as %d", {each match(x,s)}) More readable, look at this approach: for each match (x, s) as pos do s[pos] = '!' end for What do you all think about this feature ? Ralf N. nieuwen at xs4all.nl
25. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 24, 2000
Irv wrote: > hr, min, sec = date()[4..6] The only reason that this isn't part of the Py grammar is because it's not part of Euphoria. It's been discussed here before, and I don't recall it getting an overwhelming reception. My best complaint is that it looks odd, but that's no reason at all. It's certainly consistant with it's use elsewhere. You should be able to write: {"foo", "bar", "grill"}[x] which also looks a bit odd. But I've seen both used in Python, exactly in this manner. Maybe Robert could shed so light on this? -- David Cuny
26. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Irv <irv at ELLIJAY.COM> Oct 24, 2000
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV wrote: > Irv wrote: > > > hr, min, sec = date()[4..6] > > The only reason that this isn't part of the Py grammar is because it's not > part of Euphoria. It's been discussed here before, and I don't recall it > getting an overwhelming reception. I recall it being discussed a number of times, specifically because of the awkward requirement for a "go-between" variable when using parts of returns. Rob has said that it would generally be wasteful to discard portions of returned values, and better to just write a function to return what you are actually going to use. This makes sense, until you actually try to put it into practice. I can't re-write the date() function to return only the portion I intend to use. I can, of course, write my customer lookup functions to return only a slice, but the syntax winds up somewhat less readable than the "sliced" return would be. Regards, Irv
27. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Robert Craig <rds at ATTCANADA.NET> Oct 24, 2000
David Cuny writes: > {"foo", "bar", "grill"}[x] > > which also looks a bit odd. But I've seen both used in Python, > exactly in this manner. > > Maybe Robert could shed so light on this? Subscripting/slicing of general expressions, rather than just variables, is on my list, but it's pretty far down the list. It would take some effort to retrofit it, and I suspect I've made numerous subtle assumptions. Since you are inventing a new language, you have the luxury of starting with a clean sheet of paper, with no installed base of user-written code to support, no users to support, little existing code of your own to maintain etc... Someone once said that God created the world in just seven days, because he started from scratch, with no installed base to support.Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software http://www.RapidEuphoria.com back to the Translator...
28. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Irv <irv at ELLIJAY.COM> Oct 24, 2000
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Robert Craig wrote: > Since you are inventing a new language, you have the > luxury of starting with a clean sheet of paper, with no > installed base of user-written code to support, no users > to support, little existing code of your own to maintain etc... > Someone once said that God created the world in > just seven days, because he started from scratch, > with no installed base to support.A literal reading of Genesis would lead us to believe He dropped support for version 1.0, and destroyed all existing copies, after discovering numerous bugs. Irv
29. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 24, 2000
Robert Craig wrote: > Subscripting/slicing of general expressions, > rather than just variables, is on my list, > but it's pretty far down the list. It would take > some effort to retrofit it, and I suspect I've > made numerous subtle assumptions. Thanks, I just wondered if there were any compelling conceptual reasons against it. > with no installed base of user-written code > to support, no users to support, little existing > code of your own to maintain etc... I better revel in it while I can.> back to the Translator... I remember saying I couldn't think of any compelling reason why I'd want the translator. Now I've written Py, and need all the speed I can get my hands on. I suspect I'll figure out how to link it to C libraries at some point, and *really* be hooked. I really like how ec hides all the compiler, linker, and makefile details. The djgpp version even automatically compresses the executable. Very nice, especially for idiots like me. -- David Cuny
30. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <xaxo at AOL.COM> Oct 24, 2000
- Last edited Oct 25, 2000
Irv, Irv wrote: >>> A literal reading of Genesis would lead us to believe He dropped support for version 1.0, and destroyed all existing copies, after discovering numerous bugs. Irv <<< Are we still talking about God, or Microsoft?--Al
31. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by ck lester <cklester at YAHOO.COM> Oct 24, 2000
- Last edited Oct 25, 2000
Those weren't bugs, Irv, those were "artificial intelligence" programs gone awry!> > Someone once said that God created the world in > > just seven days, because he started from scratch, > > with no installed base to support.
> > A literal reading of Genesis would lead us to believe He dropped > support for > version 1.0, and destroyed all existing copies, after > discovering numerous > bugs. > > Irv _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
32. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Irv <irv at ELLIJAY.COM> Oct 25, 2000
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Al Getz wrote: > Irv, > > Irv wrote: > >>> > A literal reading of Genesis would lead us to believe He dropped support for > version 1.0, and destroyed all existing copies, after discovering numerous > bugs. > Irv > <<< > > Are we still talking about God, or Microsoft?> "Thank you for calling the Heaven Hotline. All lines are busy right now, please hold, and you will be connected with the first available representative." [harp music] "Thank you for holding. We appreciate your business. A representative will be with you shortly" [more harp music] <Click>"Heaven Hotline - Gabe speaking" #!$$ "Oh, hello Mr. Lot. How are things in Sodom?" $@$@#o!o! "More input/output problems? Didn't you read the warning in the maual about the indiscriminate use of peek and poke?" !##? "The manual? It's that big, rolled up sheepskin thingy" @#$#@ ! "Well, I suppose it is a bit of a difficult read. We're working on a "For Dummies" version. In fact, Moses and the Boss are down at Sinai hammering out a rough draft right now...." %%))!!!## "I see you have our premium service plan, Mr. Lot, so I'll send a couple of Field Service Reps around to try and fix your problem." ~!! :)? "Are they cute? erm... I guess so, but what..." !o@^^!0!! "Oh, I see. Thanks, I'll warn them about that. I'm afraid, Mr. Lot, that in order to fix your problem, they'll have to bring down the whole system. That may result in the loss of some data. By the way, how's the wife?" Irv
33. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <xaxo at AOL.COM> Oct 25, 2000
Irv (the 13th Apostle) wrote: >>> An extensive rewrite of the entire King James Version of the Holy Scriptures in modern English. <<< hee hee--Al "If your car wont start, close all the windows, then try again." --Bill Gates
34. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by =?iso-8859-1?B?U2tvZGE=?= <tone.skoda at SIOL.NET> Oct 26, 2000
Robert Craig wrote: > Subscripting/slicing of general expressions, > rather than just variables, is on my list, > but it's pretty far down the list. Can we see that list?
35. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Robert Craig <rds at ATTCANADA.NET> Oct 26, 2000
Skoda writes: >Robert Craig wrote: >> Subscripting/slicing of general expressions, >> rather than just variables, is on my list, >> but it's pretty far down the list. > Can we see that list? No. It's a large set of files, with cryptic notes written to myself. A lot of it refers to internal stuff that wouldn't mean anything to anyone else. If I'm uncertain of what to work on next, I'll present some alternatives to this list. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software http://www.RapidEuphoria.com
36. Namespaces
- Posted by MichaelANelson at WORLDNET.ATT.NET Feb 10, 2001
Al Getz presnts a useful idea for namespacing and his points about changing filenames is well-taken. If this were adopted, I would simplify the syntax to: prefix ClassA an require the statement at the top of the include file or at least before the first executable statement. My own preference would be to extend include: include filex.e as FileX But either idea could work. If it were desired, they could even be combined: if include as was used it would override prefix. -- Mike Nelson
37. Namespaces
- Posted by MichaelANelson at WORLDNET.ATT.NET Feb 14, 2001
After due consideration, I believe that iclude as the way Derek defined it would be the most workable solution and I must withdraw my previos support of Al's idea--not beacase it's a bad one, but that it presents some problems that include as doesn't. -- Mike Nelson
38. Namespaces
- Posted by irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Jun 06, 2004
I have a global function foo() declared in two includes: include inc1.e include inc2.e as two ? foo() I get an error: test.exu:4 A namespace qualifier is needed to resolve foo. foo is defined as a global symbol in: inc1.e inc2.e Why is this? Logically, there should now be two functions visible to my main program (test.exu), one named two:foo() and another function named just foo(). Obviously, I know how to "fix" it - just add a namespace to inc1.e also, and then go thru my code and add that namespace to all references to foo(). But why is that necessary? Irv
39. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com> Jun 06, 2004
Hi there, I brought that up something like a year ago, but dont remember what the outcome was. My suggestion was to simply add a default namespace to everything that doesnt have a namespace explicitly declared. Dont know if Rob wants to do this or not, but im pretty sure it wont hurt any existing code. Take care, Al Good luck with your programming!
40. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk> Jun 06, 2004
On Sun, 06 Jun 2004 07:54:44 -0700, irv mullins <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote: >Why is this? Logically, there should now be two functions visible to >my main program (test.exu), one named two:foo() >and another function named just foo(). I'm sure this isn't the shortest answer you'll get, but: You have two functions named foo(), one of which can be qualified using the namespace "two". There is nothing actually named "two:foo()", eg if you include misc.e as something, you can still call reverse(), you don't have to call "something:reverse()" [unless of course reverse() is defined somewhere else]. Clearly that can save alot of editing when there is only one conflict over a single name, not everything in the included file(s). Suppose you have a source, say customers.e, which contains add(), delete(), and update() routines, and you write some code which calls them and test it. You also create a file orders.e which contains the same named routines, but obviously they affect a different file or something, and again you write some code which calls them and test it. (It might make a bit more sense to think of third party routines or an application written by more than one programmer). Now you add them both to your main application, and of course you get a 'namespace qualifier required' on the first add() call (say). So you fix it, probably sensibly performing a global search for add(), and run the program again. If it worked the way you suggest, the program will compile cleanly, but, whichever way you went, half of the delete() and update() calls would be to the wrong one, and there would be no further error or warning messages to help you. If the interpreter assumed no namespace means the first include (ie the one with no "as" clause), then after one warning, you would have to perform a global search on every global in the source you added a namespace qualifier to, plus any further code you add will not give an error if you forget to specify the namespace when you should have. Does that make sense? Regards, Pete
41. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at bigpond.com> Jun 06, 2004
irv mullins wrote: > > > I have a global function foo() declared in two includes: > > include inc1.e > include inc2.e as two > > ? foo() > > I get an error: > > test.exu:4 > A namespace qualifier is needed to resolve foo. > foo is defined as a global symbol in: > inc1.e > inc2.e > > Why is this? Because in the statement '? foo()', the interpreter does not know which of the two foo() functions you wish to invoke. Because it can see two functions both named the same, and you haven't explictly identified which of them to run, it sees this as ambiguous. >Logically, there should now be two functions visible to > my main program (test.exu), one named two:foo() > and another function named just foo(). The first part is right, there are two foo() functions visible. But they are both *called* 'foo'. The namespace qualifier is NOT a part of the function's name. It is only used by the interpreter to disambiguate an identifier at the point of reference. > Obviously, I know how to "fix" it - just add a namespace to inc1.e also, > and then go thru my code and add that namespace to all references to foo(). > > But why is that necessary? Because! Just kidding ... Yes it would be nice if an unqualified reference to a global variable meant that the interpreter would just look in the 'unnamed' global namespace. But I'm sure that would just cause other headaches too. -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia
42. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com> Jun 07, 2004
Hi pete, Yes, it makes a lot of sense, but you have to realize that that is not the only way of looking at the problem. You're sort of saying that there's only one way it can be. Let's start over for a second here... I'll use NSQ as a shortie for "Name Space Qualifier"... Start of story... Apparently, we want to be able to refer to a function without an NSQ and mean to call the only said named function that never got an NSQ, even though there are other functions with the same name that had been declared with other NSQ's. ...End of story. Now the question is not whether it can be done or not, but how hard it would be to do. I guess you could weigh the difficulty of coding it in somewhere, but that's still secondary. I'm 'sort of' satisfied with the way it is now, but it would be better if libraries that depend highly on NSQ's could co-exist nicely with libraries that dont use them at all, without any modifications to either library. Since we are on the subjecti might as well bring up the 'second instance' problem too. You can't include a second instance of an include file, and that's a shame too. If you could, you could declare whole files of objects to be used again with the same properties as the original (and hard work'ed) file. Currently, you have to rename the file first (!?!).... <Sound(Qubert Drop)> Im sure i've just touched the surface on these issues. Take care, Al Pete Lomax wrote: > > On Sun, 06 Jun 2004 07:54:44 -0700, irv mullins > <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote: > > >Why is this? Logically, there should now be two functions visible to > >my main program (test.exu), one named two:foo() > >and another function named just foo(). > > I'm sure this isn't the shortest answer you'll get, but: > > You have two functions named foo(), one of which can be qualified > using the namespace "two". There is nothing actually named > "two:foo()", eg if you include misc.e as something, you can still call > reverse(), you don't have to call "something:reverse()" [unless of > course reverse() is defined somewhere else]. Clearly that can save > alot of editing when there is only one conflict over a single name, > not everything in the included file(s). > > Suppose you have a source, say customers.e, which contains add(), > delete(), and update() routines, and you write some code which calls > them and test it. > > You also create a file orders.e which contains the same named > routines, but obviously they affect a different file or something, and > again you write some code which calls them and test it. > > (It might make a bit more sense to think of third party routines or an > application written by more than one programmer). > > Now you add them both to your main application, and of course you get > a 'namespace qualifier required' on the first add() call (say). So you > fix it, probably sensibly performing a global search for add(), and > run the program again. If it worked the way you suggest, the program > will compile cleanly, but, whichever way you went, half of the > delete() and update() calls would be to the wrong one, and there would > be no further error or warning messages to help you. > > If the interpreter assumed no namespace means the first include (ie > the one with no "as" clause), then after one warning, you would have > to perform a global search on every global in the source you added a > namespace qualifier to, plus any further code you add will not give an > error if you forget to specify the namespace when you should have. > > Does that make sense? > > Regards, > Pete > > Good luck with your programming!
43. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk> Jun 07, 2004
On Mon, 07 Jun 2004 11:16:20 -0700, Al Getz <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote: >Yes, it makes a lot of sense, but you have to realize that >that is not the only way of looking at the problem. You're >sort of saying that there's only one way it can be. I was trying to explain how it is, and justify it, even though I neither designed nor wrote it<snip> >Now the question is not whether it can be done or not, >but how hard it would be to do. Technically, I suspect it would be rather trivial, but has not been done for fear of the problems it might cause. I would certainly have no concern over permitting eg: include file.e as "" to indicate that is the one you should use automatically when no namespace is specified (though it would still have to complain if the global was included more than once as "", or if it was included somewhere with no 'as' clause). Regards, Pete
44. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com> Jun 08, 2004
Hi pete, Ok thanks. I guess right now there are only two people asking about this. Good luck with your programming!
45. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Unkmar" <L3Euphoria at bellsouth.net> Jun 08, 2004
From: "Al Getz" Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 6:09 AM [...]
include mylib.e include yourlib.e as your your:routine() -- call your routine() routine() -- call my routine()
> Hi pete, > > Ok thanks. I guess right now there are only two people asking about > this. I support the request for NSQ's to be made better as suggested in a previous post. [...] unkmar - Lucius L. Hilley III
46. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Jun 08, 2004
unknown wrote: > > I support the request for NSQ's to be made better as suggested in a > previous post. > The real problem I have with namespacing is this: My EuGTK library, for example, has 150+ files, more or less one per GTK object. If I write a program that uses, for example, a window, a button and a text entry, then I would have to write:
include window.e as window include button.e as button include entry.e as entry
So far, so good, my code might look like:
mywin = window:new("Title") btn[1] = button:new("OK")
However, any *actual* program which is going to be useful is going to require between 50 and 150 of those GTK objects. So the first 50 to 150 lines of each and every program would be includes. That's just not acceptable, many whole programs are less than 100 lines. I would like to put all those "include...." lines in a separate "wrapper" file, which could be included via one line at the top of each program. But that's not possible, because namespaces aren't passed on. IOW, to the wrapper, window:new() is a separate function from button:new(), but to any program which includes the wrapper, the qualifiers are lost, and everything is again just "new()". Here are a couple of possibilities: 1. Fix the namespacing so it can be inherited. or 2. Add a new command which simply copies a file into the source at the place the command is found: IOW, an automatic source code "merge". call it "merge otherfile.e", or "import otherfile.e", or whatever you like. It should be simple to implement. If "otherfile.e" is a long list of "include x as y", then the result would be the same as copying and pasting that file using a text editor, except that Euphoria would do it automatically. I can think of other uses for something like this, such as copying long boilerplate text into a program. The boilerplate could then reside in a separate file which could be edited without having to mess with the source code. Irv
47. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> Jun 08, 2004
irv mullins wrote: > > > unknown wrote: > > > > I support the request for NSQ's to be made better as suggested in a > > previous post. > > <some snippage occurred> > I would like to put all those "include...." lines in a separate "wrapper" > file, which could be included via one line at the top of each program. > But that's not possible, because namespaces aren't passed on. <more snippage occurred> > Here are a couple of possibilities: > 1. Fix the namespacing so it can be inherited. > or > 2. Add a new command which simply copies a file into the source at the > place the command is found: IOW, an automatic source code "merge". > > call it "merge otherfile.e", > or "import otherfile.e", or whatever you like. It should be simple to > implement. Yes, please. Please, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Please, please, please. > I can think of other uses for something like this, such as copying long > boilerplate text into a program. The boilerplate could then reside in a > separate file which could be edited without having to mess with the source > code. Please, please, please. Yes, yes, yes. Please, yes. Yes, please. Thank you.
48. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Jun 08, 2004
cklester wrote: > > > irv mullins wrote: > > > > call it "merge otherfile.e", > > or "import otherfile.e", or whatever you like. It should be simple to > > implement. > > Yes, please. Please, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Please, please, please. > > > I can think of other uses for something like this, such as copying long > > boilerplate text into a program. The boilerplate could then reside in a > > separate file which could be edited without having to mess with the source > > code. > > Please, please, please. Yes, yes, yes. Please, yes. Yes, please. > Hmm. Come to think of it, we could have "merge otherfile.e", which would simply insert whatever was in otherfile.e into the code, as well as something like "merge otherfile.e as myvar", which would read it into an already declared constant or variable. Irv
49. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> Jun 08, 2004
irv mullins wrote: > > > Hmm. Come to think of it, we could have "merge otherfile.e", which > would simply insert whatever was in otherfile.e into the code, as well > as something like "merge otherfile.e as myvar", which would read it > into an already declared constant or variable. uh... say what?
50. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com> Jun 08, 2004
irv mullins wrote: > > Here are a couple of possibilities: > 1. Fix the namespacing so it can be inherited. > or > 2. Add a new command which simply copies a file into the source at the > place the command is found: IOW, an automatic source code "merge". > > Irv > Very good idea Irv. I second this. I have same problem with my library too. Here's a summary of the namespace issues that should be addressed: 1. global namespace fix (Me and others) 2. inheritance or dynamic merge (Irv & Me) 3. multiple include instances (Me) Take care, Al Good luck with your programming!
51. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Jun 08, 2004
Al Getz wrote: > Here's a summary of the namespace issues that should be addressed: > > 1. global namespace fix (Me and others) > 2. inheritance or dynamic merge (Irv & Me) > 3. multiple include instances (Me) Oh, yeah - I forgot about the multiple-include idea. You may remember Dave Cuny's "Py" language, which for a time allowed code such as:
include mailinglist.e as customer include mailinglist.e as supplier
resulting in two instances of mailinglist, each with their own independent set of variables and functions. Very handy. You could write:
customer:file = "customer.edb" supplier:file = "supplier.edb" customer:add("Coyote, W") supplier:add("Acme Anvils, Inc.")
and use the exact same code to manage both instances. Irv
52. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Jun 08, 2004
cklester wrote: > > > irv mullins wrote: > > > > > > Hmm. Come to think of it, we could have "merge otherfile.e", which > > would simply insert whatever was in otherfile.e into the code, as well > > as something like "merge otherfile.e as myvar", which would read it > > into an already declared constant or variable. > > uh... say what?
sequence license merge GPL_license.txt as license -- or perhaps better would be: import GPL_license.txt into license puts(1,license)
53. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> Jun 08, 2004
irv mullins wrote: > > cklester wrote: > > > > > irv mullins wrote: > > > > > > > > > Hmm. Come to think of it, we could have "merge otherfile.e", which > > > would simply insert whatever was in otherfile.e into the code, as well > > > as something like "merge otherfile.e as myvar", which would read it > > > into an already declared constant or variable. > > > > uh... say what? > > <font color="#330033"></font> > <font color="#FF00FF">sequence </font><font color="#330033">license</font> > <font color="#330033">merge GPL_license.txt as license</font> > <font color="#FF0055">-- or perhaps better would be:</font> > <font color="#330033">import GPL_license.txt into license</font> > <font color="#330033"></font> > <font color="#FF00FF">puts</font><font color="#330033">(1,license)</font> > <font color="#330033"></font> Oh! Basically reading in a textfile, right? I thought you meant something like: sequence myInclude merge some_include_file.ew as myInclude junk = myInclude:some_function() I don't think merging a text file into a variable is really necessary at that level. Why not just sequence myText myText = GetAFile( "GPL License.txt" ) ?
54. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Kat" <gertie at visionsix.com> Jun 08, 2004
On 8 Jun 2004, at 13:06, cklester wrote: > > > posted by: cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> > > irv mullins wrote: > > > > cklester wrote: > > > > > > > irv mullins wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > Hmm. Come to think of it, we could have "merge otherfile.e", which > > > > would simply insert whatever was in otherfile.e into the code, as well > > > > as > > > > something like "merge otherfile.e as myvar", which would read it into an > > > > already declared constant or variable. > > > > > > uh... say what? > > > > <font color="#330033"></font> > > <font color="#FF00FF">sequence </font><font color="#330033">license</font> > > <font color="#330033">merge GPL_license.txt as license</font> <font > > color="#FF0055">-- or perhaps better would be:</font> <font > > color="#330033">import GPL_license.txt into license</font> <font > > color="#330033"></font> <font color="#FF00FF">puts</font><font > > color="#330033">(1,license)</font> <font color="#330033"></font> > > Oh! Basically reading in a textfile, right? I thought you meant something > like: > > sequence myInclude > merge some_include_file.ew as myInclude > > junk = myInclude:some_function() > > I don't think merging a text file into a variable is really necessary > at that level. Why not just > > sequence myText > myText = GetAFile( "GPL License.txt" ) Is GetAFile() different from the getf() in file.e ? Kat
55. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Jun 08, 2004
cklester wrote: > I don't think merging a text file into a variable is really necessary > at that level. Why not just > > sequence myText > myText = GetAFile( "GPL License.txt" ) > Of course you're correct. That function would be easy enough to write. But in reality, all this discussion is just something to fill idle moments; I don't expect to see any improvement in the way namespacing works. Irv
56. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> Jun 08, 2004
irv mullins wrote: > > Of course you're correct. That function would be easy enough to write. > But in reality, all this discussion is just something to fill idle moments; > I don't expect to see any improvement in the way namespacing works. Oh, ye of little faith. :P "Pester the gods." - Anonymous
57. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> Jun 08, 2004
Kat wrote: > > On 8 Jun 2004, at 13:06, cklester wrote: > > > > posted by: cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> > > > > sequence myText > > myText = GetAFile( "GPL License.txt" ) > > Is GetAFile() different from the getf() in file.e ? Kat, I couldn't find a "getf()" in file.e. Am I missing something? Yes, GetAFile() was just pseudo-code.
58. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Don <eunexus at yahoo.com> Jun 08, 2004
Man that would be one cool item (the multiple inheritance). I personally have wanted this to redo a portion of my API code base (structures). It would improve the readability of my code alot. I was going to use it something like the dot operator in C/C++... Rect = new(RECT) Rect:left = 10 Rect:bottom = 20 -- etc etc As you pointed out, it will not currently work from including them all in one include file and including that. I am not going to try and include some thousand structs manually at the top of my files :P Don Phillips National Insturments mailto: eunexus at yahoo.com
59. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Kat" <gertie at visionsix.com> Jun 08, 2004
On 8 Jun 2004, at 14:10, cklester wrote: > > > posted by: cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> > > Kat wrote: > > > > On 8 Jun 2004, at 13:06, cklester wrote: > > > > > > posted by: cklester <cklester at yahoo.com> > > > > > > sequence myText > > > myText = GetAFile( "GPL License.txt" ) > > > > Is GetAFile() different from the getf() in file.e ? > > Kat, I couldn't find a "getf()" in file.e. Am I missing something? global function getf(sequence filename) object junk, file, filecontents file = open(filename,"r") if not equal(file,-1) then filecontents = "" junk = gets(file) while not equal(junk,-1) do filecontents &= junk junk = gets(file) end while close(file) return filecontents end if return -1 end function I use it often, it's for win/dos text files, i don't know who wrote it. I spose it would work for *nix too. That function is in all my file.e going back to 1999. Kat
60. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Kat" <gertie at visionsix.com> Jun 08, 2004
On 8 Jun 2004, at 14:46, Don wrote: > > > posted by: Don <eunexus at yahoo.com> > > Man that would be one cool item (the multiple inheritance). > I personally have wanted this to redo a portion of my API code base > (structures). It would improve the readability of my code alot. > > I was going to use it something like the dot operator in C/C++... > > Rect = new(RECT) > Rect:left = 10 > Rect:bottom = 20 -- etc etc > > As you pointed out, it will not currently work from including them > all in one include file and including that. I am not going to try > and include some thousand structs manually at the top of my files :P Download Karl's take on what Eu could be, Bach. Kat
61. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Don <eunexus at yahoo.com> Jun 09, 2004
> Download Karl's take on what Eu could be, Bach. > > Kat I thought about that once. Actually downloaded it also. Then I read the user agreement thing and it mentioned something about nag screen and /or pop up or something and trashed it... If its not in there anymore, I will consider it again... Don Phillips National Insturments mailto: eunexus at yahoo.com
62. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Robert Craig <rds at RapidEuphoria.com> Jun 09, 2004
irv mullins wrote: > But in reality, all this discussion is just something to fill idle moments; > I don't expect to see any improvement in the way namespacing works. There will be some improvement in the way namespacing works in 2.5. Remember the small change that Matt Lewis suggested way back when? I haven't forgotten about it. The massive rewrite from C into Euphoria created a lot of "dust" that still has to settle before I can release anything. Not too many bugs, just things like build procedures testing, documentation, performance tuning etc. A lot of components to build/test on a lot of platforms. I'm really not looking for any more major changes at this stage. Once the Euphoria in Euphoria interpreter is out, anyone will be able to add or change anything, or at least you'll be able to call my bluff when I say something is too hard.Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software http://www.RapidEuphoria.com
63. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com> Jun 09, 2004
Hi Don, That's exactly the way the WinClass library works. I've been copy'ing and paste'ing includes to make up for the lack of 'merge' (or whatever). Take care, Al Don wrote: > > > Man that would be one cool item (the multiple inheritance). > I personally have wanted this to redo a portion of my API code base > (structures). It would improve the readability of my code alot. > > I was going to use it something like the dot operator in C/C++... > > Rect = new(RECT) > Rect:left = 10 > Rect:bottom = 20 -- etc etc > > As you pointed out, it will not currently work from including them > all in one include file and including that. I am not going to try > and include some thousand structs manually at the top of my files :P > > > Don Phillips > National Insturments > mailto: eunexus at yahoo.com > Good luck with your programming!
64. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com> Jun 09, 2004
Hi irv, I never got around to trying Py, but it sounds similar. I've had the need to include several instances of the same file many times already. I suggested this way back when, but at the time hardly anyone was using the namespace feature. It sounds like more people are finally using it now so issues like this will keep comming up. The results will be an improved Euphoria, sooner or later. Take care, Al irv mullins wrote: > > > Al Getz wrote: > > > Here's a summary of the namespace issues that should be addressed: > > > > 1. global namespace fix (Me and others) > > 2. inheritance or dynamic merge (Irv & Me) > > 3. multiple include instances (Me) > > Oh, yeah - I forgot about the multiple-include idea. > You may remember Dave Cuny's "Py" language, which for a time > allowed code such as: > <font color="#330033"></font> > <font color="#0000FF">include </font><font color="#330033">mailinglist.e as > customer</font> > <font color="#0000FF">include </font><font color="#330033">mailinglist.e as > supplier</font> > <font color="#330033"></font> > > resulting in two instances of mailinglist, each with their own > independent set of variables and functions. Very handy. You could write: > <font color="#330033"></font> > <font color="#330033">customer:file = </font><font > color="#00A033">"customer.edb"</font> > <font color="#330033">supplier:file = </font><font > color="#00A033">"supplier.edb"</font> > <font color="#330033">customer:add(</font><font color="#00A033">"Coyote, > W"</font><font color="#330033">)</font> > <font color="#330033">supplier:add(</font><font color="#00A033">"Acme Anvils, > Inc."</font><font color="#330033">)</font> > <font color="#330033"></font> > > and use the exact same code to manage both instances. > > Irv > Good luck with your programming!
65. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at bigpond.com> Jun 09, 2004
Hi irv, using my macro utility, you could do it thus ... @insert mailinglist.e <ns=customer @insert mailinglist.e <ns=supplier customer_file = "customer.edb" supplier_file = "supplier.edb" customer_add("Coyote, W") supplier_add("Acme Anvils, Inc.") where the 'mailinglist.e' file would look something like ... sequence [[ns]]_file function valid_[[ns]](object pKey) integer lStatus lStatus = 0 @if [[ns]] eq customer . . . code to validate the customer data @endif @if [[ns]] eq supplier . . . code to validate the supplier data @endif return lStatus end function procedure [[ns]]_add(object pKey) if valid_[[ns]](pData) then open_db([[ns]]_file) rec_add(pKey) end if end procedure You could even have insert files ... @ newfld.i @inc global [[[[ns]]_fldno]] constant [[ns]]_[[fld]] = [[[[ns]]_fldno]] and @ recdef.i constant [[ns]]_Empty_Record = repeat(0,[[[[ns]]_fldno]]]) and used like this ... @insert newfld.i <ns=customer,fld=Name @insert newfld.i <ns=customer,fld=Address @insert newfld.i <ns=customer,fld=Phone @insert newfld.i <ns=customer,fld=Email @insert newfld.i <ns=supplier,fld=ID @insert newfld.i <ns=supplier,fld=Email @insert newfld.i <ns=supplier,fld=Address @insert recdef.i <ns=customer @insert recdef.i <ns=supplier to generate ... constant customer_Name = 1 constant customer_Address = 2 constant customer_Phone = 3 constant customer_Email = 4 constant supplier_ID = 1 constant supplier_Email = 2 constant supplier_Address = 3 constant customer_Empty_Record = repeat(0, 4) constant supplier_Empty_Record = repeat(0, 3) -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia
66. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Matt Lewis <matthewwalkerlewis at yahoo.com> Jun 09, 2004
Robert Craig wrote: > > > irv mullins wrote: > > But in reality, all this discussion is just something to fill idle moments; > > I don't expect to see any improvement in the way namespacing works. > > There will be some improvement in the way namespacing works > in 2.5. Remember the small change that Matt Lewis suggested > way back when? I haven't forgotten about it. To be fair, I didn't suggest it, but I implemented it using the Euphoria source code. I'm not sure who first suggested it (Pete maybe?). Matt Lewis
67. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Kat" <gertie at visionsix.com> Jun 09, 2004
On 9 Jun 2004, at 4:04, Matt Lewis wrote: > > > posted by: Matt Lewis <matthewwalkerlewis at yahoo.com> > > Robert Craig wrote: > > > > > > irv mullins wrote: > > > But in reality, all this discussion is just something to fill idle > > > moments; > > > I don't expect to see any improvement in the way namespacing works. > > > > There will be some improvement in the way namespacing works > > in 2.5. Remember the small change that Matt Lewis suggested > > way back when? I haven't forgotten about it. > > To be fair, I didn't suggest it, but I implemented it using the Euphoria > source code. I'm not sure who first suggested it (Pete maybe?). I don't remember who asked for namespaced functions, but i was prolly the first to ask for namespaced vars, for access to the name list of vars, for ability to build var-names in the program dynamically, and for a trap to know when a var was changed and to execute code at that time. For now, anyone wanting to do these things needs to use associated lists. Kat
68. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com> Jun 09, 2004
Kat wrote: > I don't remember who asked for namespaced functions, but i was prolly the > first to ask for namespaced vars, for access to the name list of vars, for > ability to build var-names in the program dynamically, and for a trap to know > when a var was changed and to execute code at that time. For now, anyone > wanting to do these things needs to use associated lists. Speaking of variables, namespacing (as implemented) does absolutely nothing to help the following type of situation:
-- Customer file: global object rec global constant NAME = 1, ADDR = 2, CITY = 3, STATE = 4 rec = {"Coyote, W.","55 Fifth St.","Tucson","AZ"} -- Supplier file: global sequence rec global constant NAME = 1, STATE = 2 rec = {"Acme Anvils, Inc.","PA"} -- Main program: include customer.e as customer include supplier.e as supplier printf(1,"Name:%s, State:%s\n", {customer:rec[customer:NAME], customer:rec[customer:STATE]})
Anyone else note a great duplication of effort here? How do you get the same result without qualifying every instance of NAME and STATE? Anyone remember how easily that was done with ancient Pascal? Irv
69. Namespaces
- Posted by jbrown105 at HotPOP.com Apr 29, 2001
--7JfCtLOvnd9MIVvH Why doesn't euphoria support inline namespaces? it would make combining include file much easier! instead, if you want namespaces, you either have to write a program that pulls them out into seperate files, or you have to write a program that renames the variables & routines in a program, like I did. Anyone know why? TIA, jbrown P.S. I inclose a namespace program in this email, and it renames the data, not make a hundred diffrent include files. -- Linux User:190064 Linux Machine:84163 http://jbrown105.1avenue.com --7JfCtLOvnd9MIVvH Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="namespace.ex" --namespace.ex --based on my combine.ex --based on David Cuny's concat.ex --Altered to adjust name according to namespace --Supports routine_id-ing routines in namespace --Doesn't support multiple namespaces (one inside the other) yet. --JBrown --combine.ex --global scopes aren't redefined --this MIGHT cause an error, however, euphoria should normally have an --error in that case too. --procedure-scope vars aren't saved, this makes code more readable --N/A if shroud is on --you can either choose not to combine files in a list, or --you can ignore include files on 1 dir (default: eu's include dir) --shrouding symbols is optional. --bug fixed: local symbols were being treated as global. --bug fixed: strings with \x were changed to \x\x. --bug fixed: file c:\myfile.e and myfile.e were the diffrent files. --added platform to sequence builtin --bug: using routine_id("abort_") gives error --"Unable to resolve routine id for abort" --to fix made routine_id-ing of builtin routines legal. with trace -- concat.ex -- version 1.0 -- -- replacement for Euphoria's bind routine include get.e include file.e include wildcard.e include misc.e integer slash, IGNORE if platform() = 3 then slash = '/' else slash = '\\' end if IGNORE = 0 sequence ignore_table, ignore_dir ignore_dir = getenv("EUDIR")&slash&"include" if ignore_dir[1] = -1 then ignore_dir = "include" end if ignore_table={ --the default euphoric files "dll.e", "file.e", "get.e", "graphics.e", "image.e", "machine.e", "misc.e", "mouse.e", "msgbox.e", "safe.e", "sort.e", "wildcard.e", ""} sequence charClass -- character classes constant DIGIT = 1, OTHER = 2, LETTER = 3, BRACKET = 4, QUOTE = 5, DASH = 6, WHITE_SPACE = 7, NEW_LINE = 8 charClass = repeat( OTHER, 255 ) charClass['a'..'z'] = LETTER charClass['A'..'Z'] = LETTER charClass['_'] = LETTER charClass['0'..'9'] = DIGIT charClass['['] = BRACKET charClass[']'] = BRACKET charClass['('] = BRACKET charClass[')'] = BRACKET charClass['{'] = BRACKET charClass['}'] = BRACKET charClass['\''] = QUOTE charClass['"'] = QUOTE charClass[' '] = WHITE_SPACE charClass['\t'] = WHITE_SPACE charClass['\n'] = NEW_LINE charClass['-'] = DASH "constant", "do", "else", "elsif", "end", "exit", "for", "function", "global", "if", "include", "not", "or", "procedure", "profile", "profile_time", "return", "to", "type", "type_check", "then", "warning", "while", "with", "without", "xor", "namespace"} --not really builtin, but treated so "and_bits", "append", "arctan", "atom", "call", "c_func", "c_proc", "call_func", "call_proc", "clear_screen", "close", "command_line", "compare", "cos", "date", "equal", "find", "floor", "get_key", "get_pixel", "getc", "getenv", "gets", "integer", "length", "log", "machine_func", "machine_proc", "match", "mem_copy", "mem_set", "not_bits", "object", "open", "or_bits", "peek", "peek4s", "peek4u", "pixel", "poke", "poke4", "position", "power", "prepend", "print", "printf", "profile", "puts", "rand", "remainder", "repeat", "routine_id", "sequence", "sin", "sprintf", "sqrt", -- missing "system", "system_exec", "tan", "time", "trace", "platform", "xor_bits" } ids, -- count of ids issued outFile, -- file to write to addtype, nextGoff, inname globalState = 0 routineFlag = 0 procState = 0 ids = 0 addtype = 0 nextGoff = 0 inname = 0 sequence oldProc, newProc, oldLocal, newLocal, oldGlobal, newGlobal, included, types, all_ids, name, names oldProc = {} newProc = {} oldLocal = {} newLocal = {} oldGlobal = {} newGlobal = {} included = {} types = {"atom", "integer", "object", "sequence"} all_ids = {} name = {} names = {} constant EuPlace = getenv( "EUDIR" ), --Place = { "", EuPlace & "\\", EuPlace & "\\INCLUDE\\" } Place = { current_dir()&slash, EuPlace & slash, EuPlace & slash&"include"&slash, "" } -- returns where a file is -- looks in the usual places -- look in the usual places --trace(1) if find(fName[length(fName)], {10, 13}) then fName = fName[1..length(fName)-1] end if for i = 1 to length( Place ) do if sequence( dir( Place[i] & fName ) ) then if platform() = 3 then return Place[i] & fName else return upper( Place[i] & fName ) end if end if end for printf( 1, "Unable to locate file %s.\n", {fName} ) abort(0) end function function curnames() sequence s s = "" for i = 1 to length(name) do s &= name[i] &"_" end for return s end function integer at sequence new --if equal(word, "char") then --trace(1) --end if -- negates global? if globalState = 2 and find( word, { "constant", "for","function","procedure","type" } ) then -- clear global flag globalState = 0 elsif nextGoff then globalState = 0 nextGoff = 0 end if if addtype then types &= {word} addtype = 0 end if if globalState = 2 and find(word, types) then globalState = 0 end if -- ignore if builtin if find( word, builtin ) then if equal(word, "type") then addtype = 1 end if return word --commented out so local types can be redefined end if -- ignore if identifier if find( word, identifier ) then return word end if -- scoped to current procedure? -- scopes reversed so last redefinition will be used if procState = 2 then --at = find( word, reverse(oldProc) ) at = find( word, oldProc ) if at then return newProc[at] end if end if -- scoped to current module? -- scopes reversed so last redefinition will be used --at = find( word, reverse(oldLocal) ) at = find( word, oldLocal ) if at then return newLocal[at] end if -- scoped to globals? -- scopes reversed so last redefinition will be used --at = find( word, reverse(oldGlobal) ) at = find( word, oldGlobal ) if at then return newGlobal[at] end if -- not found; add to appropriate list --if SHROUD_ON then --new = sprintf( "id_%d", {ids} ) --else new = word if globalState = 0 then --never change a global name --if find(new, all_ids) then new = sprintf( "%s%s", {curnames(), word} ) names &= {word} word = new --end if end if --end if if procState != 2 then --only add globals and locals, procs don't go in all_ids &= {new} --but proc names do. ids += 1 end if if procState = 2 then -- defined in a proc oldProc = append( oldProc, word ) newProc = append( newProc, new ) elsif globalState then -- global declaration oldGlobal = append( oldGlobal, word ) newGlobal = append( newGlobal, new ) else -- local oldLocal = append( oldLocal, word ) newLocal = append( newLocal, new ) end if return new end function function checkn(sequence word) if find(word, names) then return 1 end if return 0 end function integer at, char, i sequence out, word integer namewaiting, needtoreplace namewaiting = 0 needtoreplace = 0 out = {} at = 1 while at <= length( s ) do -- get a character char = s[at] -- identifier if charClass[char] = LETTER then word = {} -- read until end while charClass[char] = LETTER or charClass[char] = DIGIT do -- add to word word = append( word, char ) -- next letter at += 1 char = s[at] end while -- routine flag routineFlag = equal( word, "routine_id" ) needtoreplace = checkn(word) if equal(word, "namespace") then if inname = 0 then --need to change to support multiple names name = append(name, "") namewaiting = 1 inname = 1 else inname = 0 names = "" name = name[1..length(name)-1] end if out = "--" & out --comment out elsif namewaiting then namewaiting = 0 name[length(name)] = word else -- substitute? word = replaceWord( word ) end if -- global flag if equal( word, "global" ) then -- new occurance globalState = 1 elsif globalState = 1 then -- mark as used globalState = 2 end if -- manage proc state if equal( word, "function" ) or equal( word, "procedure" ) or equal( word, "type" ) then if procState = 0 then -- beginning of definition procState = 1 elsif procState = 2 then -- end function/procedure procState = 0 oldProc = {} newProc = {} end if elsif procState = 1 then -- move state ahead procState = 2 globalState = 0 end if -- substitute, if needed out = out & word -- number: handles hex as well elsif charClass[char] = DIGIT or char = '#' then word = {} -- read until end while charClass[char] = DIGIT or charClass[char] = LETTER or char = '#' do -- add to word word = append( word, char ) -- next letter at += 1 char = s[at] end while -- accumulated number out = out & word -- comment elsif char = '-' and s[at+1] = '-' then -- comment out = out & s[at..length(s)] -- move past end at = length(s)+1 -- character literal elsif char = '\'' then at += 1 if s[at] = '\\' then -- special at += 1 word = "'\\" & s[at] & "'" else -- normal word = "'" & s[at] & "'" end if -- move past quote at += 2 -- accumulate out = out & word -- quote elsif char = '"' then word = {'"'} while 1 do -- move ahead at += 1 -- special? if s[at] = '\\' then at += 1 --word = word & s[at-1] & s[at] word = word & '\\' & s[at] -- prevent reading as quote s[at] = ' ' else word = word & s[at] end if -- end of quote? if s[at] = '"' then -- move ahead and exit at += 1 exit end if end while -- handle routine_id if routineFlag then needtoreplace = 1 end if if needtoreplace then if routineFlag then -- remove quotes word = word[2..length(word)-1] end if if find(word, names) then word = curnames() & names[find(word, names)] end if -- scoped to current procedure? i = 0 if procState = 2 then i = find( word, oldProc ) if i then word = newProc[i] end if end if -- not found in procedure? if i = 0 then -- scoped to current module? i = find( word, oldLocal ) if i then word = newLocal[i] end if end if -- not found procedure or module? if i = 0 then -- scoped to current module? i = find( word, oldGlobal ) if i then word = newGlobal[i] end if end if if find(word, builtin) or find(word, identifier) then i = 1 word = word --so routine_id("abort_") will work end if if i = 0 then printf( 1, "Unable to resolve routine id for %s\n", {word} ) abort(0) end if -- re-apply quotes word = '"' & word & '"' end if -- accumulated out = out & word -- delimiter else out = out & char at += 1 end if end while return out end function -- if the statement is an include statement, return the file name integer at -- include statement missing? if not match( "include ", data ) then return "" end if -- trim white space while charClass[ data[1] ] = WHITE_SPACE do data = data[2..length( data ) ] end while -- line feed? if find( '\n', data ) then data = data[1..length(data)-1] end if -- not first statement? if not equal( data[1..8], "include " ) then -- not an include statement return "" else -- remove statement data = data[9..length(data)] end if -- remove data after space at = find( ' ', data ) if at then data = data[1..at-1] end if return data end function -- if statement is a with/without instruction, comment it out -- include statement missing? if match( "with ", data ) or match( "without ", data ) then -- trim white space while charClass[ data[1] ] = WHITE_SPACE do data = data[2..length( data ) ] end while -- first statement? if length( data ) > 8 then if equal( data[1..5], "with " ) or equal( data[1..8], "without " ) then -- comment out data = "-- " & data end if end if end if return data end function function trimer(sequence s) sequence t integer u if s[length(s)] = '\n' then s = s[1..length(s)-1] end if if s[length(s)] = '\r' then s = s[1..length(s)-1] end if t = reverse(s) u = find(slash, t) if not u then return s end if t = t[1..u-1] s = reverse(t) return s end function function includable(sequence name) --IGNORE=1 is table, IGNORE=2 is dir sequence s if IGNORE = 0 then return 1 elsif IGNORE = 1 then if not find(name, ignore_table) then return 1 else return 0 end if elsif IGNORE = 2 then s = dir(ignore_dir) if atom(s) then return 1 end if s = s[3..length(s)] --skip '.' and '..' for i = 1 to length(s) do s[i] = s[i][D_NAME] end for if not find(name, s) then return 1 else return 0 end if end if return 0 --unknown IGNORE option, so always ignore end function integer inFile sequence newPrior, oldPrior, includeName object data -- find the file fName = findFile( fName ) -- already part of the file? if find( fName, included ) then return else included = append( included, fName ) end if -- store locals and clear oldPrior = oldLocal newPrior = newLocal oldLocal = {} newLocal = {} -- write header --puts( outFile, "\n" ) --puts( outFile, repeat( '-', 80 ) & "\n" ) --puts( outFile, repeat( '-', 80 ) & "\n" ) --printf( outFile, "-- INCLUDE FILE: %s\n", {fName} ) --printf( outFile, "--file %s\n", {fName} ) --puts( outFile, repeat( '-', 80 ) & "\n" ) --puts( outFile, repeat( '-', 80 ) & "\n" ) --puts( outFile, "\n" ) inFile = open( fName, "r" ) while 1 do -- read a line data = gets( inFile ) -- end of file? if integer( data ) then exit end if -- include file? includeName = getIncludeName( data ) --if match("file.e", includeName) then trace(1) end if --if length( includeName ) and includable(trimer(includeName)) then -- include the file --parseFile( includeName ) if length(includeName) then --no parse puts( outFile, data ) elsif sequence(data) and length(data) >= 2 and equal(data[1..2], "#!") then --remove all #! puts( outFile, "--"&data ) else -- translate data = parseLine( data ) -- remove with/without data = removeWith( data ) -- output puts( outFile, data ) end if end while close( inFile ) --end of file header --puts( outFile, "\n" ) --printf( outFile, "--end of file %s\n", {fName} ) --puts( outFile, "\n" ) -- restore locals oldLocal = oldPrior newLocal = newPrior end procedure procedure command_length(integer i, sequence s) if length(s) > i then printf(2, "\nError - too many parameters! - %s \n", {s[i+1]}) abort(2) end if end procedure procedure get_options(sequence c) if equal(c[1], "--table") then command_length(5, command_line()) IGNORE = 1 elsif equal(c[1], "--dir") then command_length(6, command_line()) IGNORE = 2 if length(c) = 2 then ignore_dir = c[2] end if else --simulate too many parameters command_length(4, command_line()) end if end procedure sequence cmd, inFileName, outFileName -- read the command line cmd = command_line() -- get input file if length( cmd ) > 2 then inFileName = cmd[3] else inFileName = prompt_string( "File to concatonate? " ) if length( inFileName ) = 0 then abort(0) end if end if -- get output file if length( cmd ) > 3 then outFileName = cmd[4] else outFileName = prompt_string( "File to create? " ) if length( outFileName ) = 0 then abort(0) end if end if --trace(1) if length(cmd) > 4 then get_options(cmd[5..length(cmd)]) end if -- make sure they are different if equal( inFileName, outFileName ) then puts( 1, "File names must be different!\n" ) abort(0) end if -- open the file outFile = open( outFileName, "w" ) puts(outFile, "--This file was created by namespace.ex\n") puts(outFile, "--by JBrown at jbrown105 at hotpop.com\n") puts(outFile, "--based on concat.ex, by David Cuny\n") -- process the input file parseFile( inFileName ) -- close the output file close( outFile ) end procedure run() --7JfCtLOvnd9MIVvH--
70. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Ted Fines <fines at macalester.edu> Apr 29, 2001
Could you please explain namespaces? Why are they important/good/possibly bad? Who uses them and why, etc? Start at ground zero, as the only namespaces I deal with are on Netware volumes, and are certainly unrelated to what you're referring to :). Thanks, Ted --On Sunday, April 29, 2001 03:26:39 PM -0500 jbrown105 at HotPOP.com wrote: > > > Why doesn't euphoria support inline namespaces? it would make combining > include file much easier! instead, if you want namespaces, you either have > to write a program that pulls them out into seperate files, or you > have to write a program that renames the variables & routines in > a program, like I did. Anyone know why? > > TIA, > jbrown > > P.S. I inclose a namespace program in this email, > and it renames the data, not make a hundred diffrent include files. > > -- > Linux User:190064 > Linux Machine:84163 > http://jbrown105.1avenue.com > > > >
71. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by Travis Beaty <travisbeaty at arn.net> Apr 29, 2001
Howdy! >Could you please explain namespaces? Why are they important/good/possibly >bad? Who uses them and why, etc? > >Start at ground zero, as the only namespaces I deal with are on Netware >volumes, and are certainly unrelated to what you're referring to :). > >Thanks, >Ted Okay. Here's a situation in which you need namespaces. Suppose Bob wrote an include file named foo.ew, which has a global function named getValue(). Now suppose John wrote an include file named bar.ew, which also has a global function named getValue(). And now, suppose Mr. Fines wrote a Euphoria app like this: include foo.ew include bar.ew atom theValue theValue = getValue() Now then, which getValue() does the interpreter use? The one in foo.ew, or bar.ew? That's an itchy situation, and is caused by the fact that Euphoria uses one, global namespace. As you may realize, this causes a hairy situation in which the author of an include file has to hope to hell they don't use the same name for a routine as the authors of *all the other include files* that a developer might wish to include. The answer to this is to give one or more include files a separate namespace. Many languages do this. Here's a modified version of the example with a type of namespacing scheme that has been suggested here on the list: include foo.ew include bar.ew atom theValue theValue = foo.getValue() This tells the interpreter to use foo.ew's getValue, and thus clears up the ambiguity. In other words, it tells the interpreter to use the getValue() in the foo namespace. If you wanted to drop the "foo", you could tell the interpreter to assume that you're talking about the foo namespace: using foo.ew theValue = foo.getValue() end using Hope I didn't confuse you more, Travis
72. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by jbrown105 at HotPOP.com Apr 29, 2001
On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 05:38:13PM -0500, Ted Fines wrote: > Could you please explain namespaces? Why are they important/good/possibly > bad? Who uses them and why, etc? > > Start at ground zero, as the only namespaces I deal with are on Netware > volumes, and are certainly unrelated to what you're referring to :). Of course. Short answer: makes programming easier, as you don't have to worry about name conficts (i.e. two functions with the name "foo"). Now for the long answer: You see, in the early days of programming, programming languages didn't even have variables, just memory addresses. As this was very complicated, variables were quickly used to simply life. However, this introduced a new problem: two variables with the same name. At first, it was pretty minor, because people tended to write everything themselves. However, as code-sharing gained popularity, it became an extreme cause of errors. So, in euphoria, routines had their own set of variable names, and local files have their own as well. That's why you have to use "global" to share a routine, because of namespacing. The problem with euphoria is that it doesn't support inline namespaces, which allow programs to define multiple scopes in a single file. Basicly, you can have the infomation hiding of multiple files in a single file. That's why namespaces are so useful. > Thanks, > Ted You're welcome. jbrown -- Linux User:190064 Linux Machine:84163 http://jbrown105.1avenue.com
73. Re: Namespaces
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> Apr 29, 2001
Ted Fines wrote: > Could you please explain namespaces? OK, the summary first: - namespaces exist to prevent name collisions - they allow you to use multiple libraries more easily - the allow developers to break large libraries into smaller files without polluting the global namespace A name collision occurs when you include a file, and it tries to define a variable or function with a name that's already in use. This is fairly common, and programmers tend to use the same sort of naming convention. This means the user of the library has to go into one of the files and change names, which is a real pain. For example, let's imagine that wanted to use a cool library of Jiri's, and one of my own: include jiri_lib.e include my_lib.e Both of us decided to include a global routine called 'abs' because Euphoria hasn't got one. So in order to use both libraries, I'm going to have to change the name of the routine in one of the two. If there were namepaces, instead of the routines going into the 'global' area, I could tell Euphoria to place them in a different space: include jiri_lib.e into jiri include my_lib.e into my To refer to the routines in Jiri's library, I can write: jiri.abs() and those in mine: my.abs() That way, these routines can have the same name, yet still co-exist peacefully together. So, from a user's point of view, namespaces mean you can use libraries without having to go in and rename a bunch of routines if there are collisions. >From a coder's perspective, namespaces allow you to break up large files into smaller chunks, and not 'pollute' the global namespace. Here's a simple example of that: integer accumulator accumulator = 0 global procedure add( integer i ) accumulator += i end procedure global function clear() accumulator = 0 end function global function sum() return accumulator end function Here's the library in action: clear() add(12) add(334) add(-19) ? sum() Pretty exciting, huh?The routines that are declared as global are the interface that the library creates. All the internal details are hidden from the user. For example, you can use the library and never be aware that there's a variable called 'accumulator'. This is fine and good, until libraries become large - for example, like Win32Lib. Imagine you broke the example library in half. For it to work, you would have to declare things that rightfully had been local as global: global integer accumulator And we're back to the problem of name collisions again. With namespaces, you should be able to avoid this problem. I hope this helps! -- David Cuny