Re: Namespaces
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Oct 23, 2000
The reason I was asking about namespaces is because I think a lot of people are looking to namespaces as a way to implement OOP in Py. I don't think that it's that good of a fit, either in Py, or in Euphoria. Although namespaces *could* be implemented in an OOP sort of way, that would be inconsistant with the rest of Euphoria. My guess (and that's all it is, an uninformed guess) is that Robert's implementation of namespace will simply be a way to make local (non-global) objects in a file visible. At least, this approach seems sensible to me. For example: -- foo.e integer i -- bar.ex import foo.e as stuff -- 'i' is visible as 'stuff.i' All the namespace prefix does is make local objects visible to the importer. Because globals have the 'side effect' of being visible to anyone after they are declared, I don't even think they properly belong in the namespace: -- foo.e global integer.i -- bar.ex import foo.e as stuff -- 'i' is global, NOT 'stuff.i' Finally, I suspect that the 'modules are loaded once' rule is going to continue: -- foo.e integer i -- bar.ex import foo.e as stuff -- 'i' is visible as 'stuff.i' import foo.e as nonsense -- 'i' is visible as 'nonsense.i' the file 'foo.e' file will be loaded a single time, and made visible through the 'stuff' and 'nonsense' namespaces under 'bar.ex'. But 'stuff.i' and 'nonsense.i' both refer to the same variable. This is all speculation, but I think that trying to turn namespaces into objects goes against the Euphoria way of doing things. The problem with trying to turn namespaces into OO is that they are statically bound. Now, I *know* that there are tons of languages out there that implement namespaces dynamically (such as Python). But I don't think that Robert is likely to take that direction, and I'm not sure that's the right approach for Py, either. What I *do* think would work well would be the addition of associative arrays. Here's three examples from JavaScript, which basically do the same thing: myCar.make = "Ford" myCar.model = "Mustang" myCar.year = 1969 myCar["make"] = "Ford" myCar["model"] = "Mustang" myCar["year"] = 1969 myCar = {make:"Ford", model:"Mustang", year:1969} Anyway, that's my two bits... Thanks! -- David Cuny