1. ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

I've been writing a new editor using arwen (included).

The first public showing is now available:


Alpha version. No file save. No delete, return, undo/redo...

I am concentrating on the GUI part & syntax highlighting and
would appreciate feedback concentrated on that aspect.

Thanks to ARWEN, performance is astonishing:

		load win32lib	cursor to line 300	page down to end of file
MEditor		13 secs			1 min 40 (!!)		3 mins 14 secs
Crimson		18 secs			  44 secs			3 mins 13 secs
CodeGenie	 2 secs			   8 secs			1 min 30 secs
Edita		 2 secs			   8 secs			13 secs

What is important to people?
A pretty icon toolbar?
An explorer treeview?
A project manager?
SCCS-style source control system?
Capturing DOS output in an editor pane?
A layout designer (as opposed to a complete IDE)?

Proof-of-concept programs for any of the above might help!


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2. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

I'm at school right now. I'll download it and see if it's holding a
candle to my plans for Axiom2. I've got a laundry list of features,
and less and less time to work on them. (I'm about 1 month away from
graduating from ITT, so I have a lot of school work to do.)

> What is important to people?

  Simplicity and ease-of-use. No frilly useless features, and avoiding
annoying 'automatic' stuff, or leaving out useful 'automatic' stuff.
One feature I hate seeing in some editors is that syntax coloring is
explicitly on or off. In my next release of Axiom2, syntax coloring
will turn on/off based on file type, and each file type (Eu, C, Java,
etc) will have its own native coloring scheme. Very useful for the
jack-of-all-trades programmer.

> A pretty icon toolbar?

  Pretty, yes. Frilly, no. Don't make it too flashy or (ugh) animated,
but make sure we know what each button does. Too many buttons may turn
off some users. No toolbar may do the same, too.

> An explorer treeview?

  For what, file browsing? I use Kate in Linux and I don't like the
file browser. Or for code, with routine collapsing? I like that.

> A project manager?

  Yes. I'd like to be able to save a group of files as a file to open
again later. And keeping open files open when I close the app is nice
too, like MEditor.

> SCCS-style source control system?


> Capturing DOS output in an editor pane?

  This would be nice. I believe it can be done using pipes.

> A layout designer (as opposed to a complete IDE)?

  Or auto-matic code generation. Especially for multiple libraries
(Win32Lib, ARWEN, EuWinGUI, etc). Or, user customizeable code
generation. This way we could add almost any type of macro and such.

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3. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

for editor i think it's important it has as many features as possible so that
different users can find all the different things they want in it. i wont use an
editor if it's missing one feature i am used to use from my previous editor. it's
hard to let go old habbits.
and of course that it is easy to use, that it is nice to user.

the more features an editor has the better.

What I would really like is WINDOWS DEBUGGER built into a nice features-rich

i have done explorer treeview (directory browser) in my picview in archives, but
its for win32lib.

i get this error on start:

C:\Documents and Settings\tskoda\Desktop\Z003\edita\easynld.e:455
type_check failure, dirlist is -1
--> see ex.err

Pete Lomax wrote:
> I've been writing a new editor using arwen (included).
> The first public showing is now available:
> <a
> href="http://palacebuilders.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/euphoria.html">http://palacebuilders.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/euphoria.html</a>
> Alpha version. No file save. No delete, return, undo/redo...
> I am concentrating on the GUI part & syntax highlighting and
> would appreciate feedback concentrated on that aspect.
> Thanks to ARWEN, performance is astonishing:
> 		load win32lib	cursor to line 300	page down to end of file
> MEditor		13 secs			1 min 40 (!!)		3 mins 14 secs
> Crimson		18 secs			  44 secs			3 mins 13 secs
> CodeGenie	 2 secs			   8 secs			1 min 30 secs
> Edita		 2 secs			   8 secs			13 secs
> What is important to people?
> A pretty icon toolbar?
> An explorer treeview?
> A project manager?
> SCCS-style source control system?
> Capturing DOS output in an editor pane?
> A layout designer (as opposed to a complete IDE)?
> Proof-of-concept programs for any of the above might help!
> Regards,
> Pete

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4. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 20:21:37 -0800, Tone =8Akoda
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>What I would really like is WINDOWS DEBUGGER built into a nice features-ri=
ch editor!!!=20
Good suggestion. I started work on this with MEditor & Posetf, so
hopefully I can port some of that code to Edita & eu.ex, and offer the
source mods to RC for inclusion in version 2.6 of exw.exe.
>i get this error on start:
>C:\Documents and Settings\tskoda\Desktop\Z003\edita\easynld.e:455
>type_check failure, dirlist is -1
>--> see ex.err
Ah, small packaging error. unpacking has probably created:
when I wanted

You could try moving the syn directory.
I'll make dirlist an object to avoid the error & fix the zip..


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5. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

Pete Lomax wrote:
> I've been writing a new editor using arwen (included).
> The first public showing is now available:
> <a
> href="http://palacebuilders.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/euphoria.html">http://palacebuilders.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/euphoria.html</a>
> Alpha version. No file save. No delete, return, undo/redo...
> I am concentrating on the GUI part & syntax highlighting and
> would appreciate feedback concentrated on that aspect.

Here are some issues I found (running Win2K).  The syn directory isn't
set up as child to the edita directory--had to move it to get it to run.
You're using integers to hold handles, and I'm getting crashes here.
Changing to atoms seems to fix things.

> What is important to people?
> A pretty icon toolbar?
> An explorer treeview?
> A project manager?
> SCCS-style source control system?
> Capturing DOS output in an editor pane?
> A layout designer (as opposed to a complete IDE)?

Here are the things that I like in an editor (I copied some of this from
MEditor into wxIDE):
  * Quickjump to funcs/procs/sections
  * Hot keys for:
    - Move to next/prev file
    - Run
    - Indent/Unindent selected/current lines 
    - Comment/Uncomment selected/current lines
    - Err file handling (like Meditor)
  * I prefer a list of files (wxIDE copied Kate's file list off to the side),
    but a tab is OK
  * Toolbar is good for common things (open, close, clipboard, run)
  * Statusbar info on current/total lines, full path
  * Reopen files on load

Matt Lewis

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6. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:33:18 -0500, Greg Haberek <ghaberek at gmail.com>

>One feature I hate seeing in some editors is that syntax coloring is
>explicitly on or off. In my next release of Axiom2, syntax coloring
>will turn on/off based on file type, and each file type (Eu, C, Java,
>etc) will have its own native coloring scheme. Very useful for the
>jack-of-all-trades programmer.
That is working already. See syn/Euphoria.syn (as per the other post
you may have to move it). All .syn (and .clr) files in that directory
are automatically loaded at startup. Suggestions for enhancements to
the .syn file format are welcome.

>> An explorer treeview?
>  For what, file browsing? I use Kate in Linux and I don't like the
>file browser. Or for code, with routine collapsing? I like that.
It would be optional (not that arwen has treeviews yet). Re-using it
for routine collapsing is a neat idea, thanks.
>> A project manager?
>  Yes. I'd like to be able to save a group of files as a file to open
>again later. And keeping open files open when I close the app is nice
>too, like MEditor.
>> SCCS-style source control system?
>  ??
A multi-version backup system. If a file gets damaged or deleted, you
can show a list of previous versions by date/time, and pick one to
restore. Incorporating it into the editor allows automatic update (and
compression of previous) whenever a file is saved. (vapourware)
>> Capturing DOS output in an editor pane?
>  This would be nice. I believe it can be done using pipes.
There's some C code in win32.hlp showing how to do it, which I can
probably translate.
>> A layout designer (as opposed to a complete IDE)?
>  Or auto-matic code generation. Especially for multiple libraries
>(Win32Lib, ARWEN, EuWinGUI, etc). Or, user customizeable code
>generation. This way we could add almost any type of macro and such.
First version might be a bit simpler than that! The outline plan is to
scan the current source looking for [top level] create() statements,
sort them by parent etc, pick & edit one window, and overwrite the
lines on exit. Associating controls with handlers etc would remain
manual. As it is really for the "first draft" rather than ongoing
work, expressions would probably not be supported either,
eg create(Window, "", 0, Main,620,10,375,y+8,0) can't be touched
because of the "y+8". Sorry, I'm rambling again.

Thanks for the feedback,

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7. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

Pete Lomax wrote:

> Ah, small packaging error. unpacking has probably created:
> 	C:\test\
> 	C:\test\edita\
> 	C:\test\syn\
> when I wanted
> 	C:\test\
> 	C:\test\edita\
> 	C:\test\edita\syn\


Edita returns a message box no euphoria syntax file.
The above doesn't eliminate the message.


My files in archive:
w32engin.ew mixedlib.e eu_engin.e win32eru.ew

Can be downloaded here:

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8. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:32:20 -0800, Bernie Ryan
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>Edita returns a message box no euphoria syntax file.
No it doesn't blink. What is the exact message and title?
>The above doesn't eliminate the message.
Did you change dirlist to an atom, and put an if sequence() around the
following for loop?


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9. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

Pete Lomax wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:32:20 -0800, Bernie Ryan
> <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:
> >Edita returns a message box no euphoria syntax file.
> No it doesn't blink. What is the exact message and title?

Error: C:edita\syn\EUPHORA.syn line 1

   Euphoria syntax file expected.

The second message box says:

Error: C:edita\syn\EUPHORA.syn line 1

 1-9 expected


> >The above doesn't eliminate the message.

> Did you change dirlist to an atom, and put an if sequence() around the
> following for loop?

  Where ? What are you talking  about ?

> Regards,
> Pete


My files in archive:
w32engin.ew mixedlib.e eu_engin.e win32eru.ew

Can be downloaded here:

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10. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 11:43:33 -0800, Bernie Ryan
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>Error: C:edita\syn\EUPHORA.syn line 1
>   Euphoria syntax file expected.
Wierd. It should complain that a file called "EUPHORA.syn" does not
begin with "EUPHORA syntax file" (case sensitive, without the i). But
the second line indicates the file really is called "Euphoria.syn",
and the first line of that most probably _is_ "Euphoria syntax file".
Maybe it really is corrupted, which is what I'm trying to check.

I've added a pair of quotes around the first part of the message to
make it a bit clearer, and made it case insensitive, but otherwise I'm
stumped. It is only a plain text file, nothing complicated. 

>The second message box says:
I've added a bunch of return statements to prevent misleading
secondary messages.


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11. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

Hi Pete,
Here the results from early testing of edita

test system:  windows xp pro

when unziped syn folder was at same level as edita folder so it crashed when
I started.  crashed in  easynld.e line 455 moved syn folder under edita folder
solve it.

file:  easynld.e
	line 491,495   brush redefined as atom  else it crash

       eacolor.ew  line 323 crashed  redefined SCwinDC as atom

NOTE: ** all handles returned by windows api function should be defined as atom
in euphoria **

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12. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

Pete Lomax wrote:

> I've been writing a new editor using arwen (included).
> The first public showing is now available:
> http://palacebuilders.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/euphoria.html

I like the name "Edita". Nice!

> Alpha version. No file save. No delete, return, undo/redo...
> I am concentrating on the GUI part & syntax highlighting and
> would appreciate feedback concentrated on that aspect.
> Thanks to ARWEN, performance is astonishing:
> 		load win32lib	cursor to line 300	page down to end of file
> MEditor	13 secs			1 min 40 (!!)		3 mins 14 secs
> Crimson	18 secs			  44 secs		3 mins 13 secs
> CodeGenie	 2 secs			   8 secs		1 min 30 secs
> Edita		 2 secs			   8 secs		13 secs

Impressive. And as we know, the speed even can be improved. smile

> What is important to people?

Some years ago, I've tried many editors (say 20 or 30) for Euphoria
programming, and for general purpose usage. Since then I use ConTEXT,
which is close to what I personally need (and it's free). So my short
answer is: Look how things are done in ConTEXT. blink

> A pretty icon toolbar?

Yes, please. Should include icons for "New", "Open", "Save current file",
"Save all files", "Close current file", "Find", "Find Next".
I like it, when the icons for saveing become inactive and grey, in case
the regarding file(s) have not changed since the last saveing.

I also like a keyboard shortcut and/or toolbar icon for toggling between
normal view, and showing the characters that are "really" in the file
(i.e. making Space, Tab, Linebreak characters visible by showing special
symbols for them). I hope this is understandable. smile

> An explorer treeview?

At least for the first version of Edita, this it not necessary
(IMHO, of course).

> A project manager?

Useful, but not a basic tool for me.

> SCCS-style source control system?

So far I have neither used nor missed something like that. But if I had
it, maybe I would like it. I don't know.

> Capturing DOS output in an editor pane?

Yes! Also capturing Windows console output, please.

> A layout designer (as opposed to a complete IDE)?

Later. I'd suggest to make a rock solid editor with all basic editing
functions first. When I tested those 20 or 30 editors, I found several
of them with "bells and whistles", but which lacked basic functionality.
Well, of course "basic" can mean different things to different people ...

For general purpose usage, the only thing missing for me in ConTEXT is
automatic highlighting of URLs and making them "clickable" ...

Make everything as simple and straight-forward as possible.

Concerning the SYN files, it's IMHO simpler when Edita defines its own
comment character(s), which is/are the same for all SYN files, rather
than defining individual comment character(s) in each SYN file.
This also would avoid the following current disadvantage, that you
mention in 'Euphoria.syn':
"If the language does not support line comments then you can't comment
the syn file!"

Is it possible to add user-defined sections to a SYN file? People would
like to add syntax higliting for Win32Lib or ARWEN routines, for global
routines of their own often used private libraries etc.

BTW: The author of ConTEXT uses a sytax file in order to define the
     syntax of syntax files. blink

My best wishes for Edita!


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13. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

Me wrote:

[this and that] smile

BTW: Edita should not crash, when the SYN subdirectory is missing
     or when it's empty.


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14. Re: ARWEN users - Edita alpha released

I just tried Edita, and I have to say it's very fast.
The only problem is that it crashes a lot. You should change all the
variables that are used for storing pointers or handles from Windows:
use atoms instead of integers.

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