1. Is Euphoria In It's Final Form?


I don't think the code you see written in Euphoria is going to keep that
way. It is inevitable that by 2000 (or later) Euphoria shall have:

- C like syntax (totally avoidable, but makes Euphoria EXEs bulky with
- More sturdy and structured variable usage and declaration

But, what I'd like to see (NOT the C code smile is:

- High or True Colour support built in
- A 3D graphics library to simplify 3D projects
- Et cetera

- Nate

P.S. Here are some quotes some of my friends made:

"To live in and praise the United States of America, is a crime against
world peace. Their English is called American. More people speak the proper
(UK) dialect of English than American." - Scott Maxted

"Don't stand to the Star Spangled Banner, for it is evil and is for
gun-happy people"
- Kyle Labelle

"Fuck you America. I'll burn your fucking flag until you guys cede
yourselves to Britain." - Andy Brainard

"America will pay the concequences for being naive and bigheaded"
- Dieter Hemmlen

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2. Re: Is Euphoria In It's Final Form?

Nate, I myself have spoken negatively about America, however, as was pointed
out then, I better foccus on the bad points of Holland, the country I do
have some responsibility about, then the states. Same goes for you, why dont
you concentrate on the bad points of Canada or on the bad points of
nationalism in general.


>P.S. Here are some quotes some of my friends made:
>"To live in and praise the United States of America, is a crime against
>world peace. Their English is called American. More people speak the proper
>(UK) dialect of English than American." - Scott Maxted
>"Don't stand to the Star Spangled Banner, for it is evil and is for
>gun-happy people"
>- Kyle Labelle
>"Fuck you America. I'll burn your fucking flag until you guys cede
>yourselves to Britain." - Andy Brainard
>"America will pay the concequences for being naive and bigheaded"
>- Dieter Hemmlen

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3. Re: Is Euphoria In It's Final Form?

Nate Brooman wrote:
> P.S. Here are some quotes some of my friends made:
>"To live in and praise the United States of America, is a crime against
>world peace. Their English is called American. More people speak the proper
>(UK) dialect of English than American." - Scott Maxted
> "Don't stand to the Star Spangled Banner, for it is evil and is for
> gun-happy people"
> - Kyle Labelle
> "Fuck you America. I'll burn your fucking flag until you guys cede
> yourselves to Britain." - Andy Brainard
> "America will pay the concequences for being naive and bigheaded"
> - Dieter Hemmlen
These quotes have *NO* business in this list.

We've had the tagline discussion before, whereby some were offended
by anothers' tagline statements/sentiments, and my understanding
of that issue was taglines are considered a part of the person.
To wit:a sig or tagline that was congruent and contiguous, repeatedly
amended to one's post, was a form of expressive freedom, provided
they are kept short, and didn't verbally abuse.

This is different. You aren't pledging or proffering these
quotes as a tidy attachment to your persona.  It isn't short, and
by the laws in my country (as well as most of the countries that
are represented in this forum) your post is a de facto case of
verbal abuse.  Your parents are your legal guardians, and as
such, they are responsible for your actions.  If anyone was
to bring charges against you for this verbal abuse (the f' word)
they would be the ones arrested, charged and made to stand trial.
Do you want that?

In short:I don't give a flying rip how old you are.  You are either
mature or you aren't.  The sincerity of an apology, and the
actions after that apology are (part of) what dictate a person's
maturity level.  Repeating the same behavior after an apology
renders the apology null, as if it never happened.  It's akin
to praying to (whatever entity) for forgiveness for murder
and turning around and killing the boy scout that is helping
the old lady across the street.  Asking someone to forgive
you for wrongdoing carries the responsibility of not repeating
the wrongdoing.  Once or twice or thrice... maybe, we are all
human.  But nevermore.

Let your political   statements be posted to a political   forum.
Let your programming statements be posted to a programming forum.

No, I will not accept any more excuses from you, nor apologies;
not until I see that your maturity level has risen to a point
that I feel you can carry the responsibility of that apology.

BTW:you may wish to reconsider whom you call friends, as they
seem rather myopic to me.

I'm truly sorry for having to post this on this forum, but
I didn't feel I had a choice, and I felt that it was indeed
the right thing to do.

take care all, and care of all as well--Hawke'

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4. Re: Is Euphoria In It's Final Form?

Listen, free speech is what I'm excersising. I don't by any means obey
American law. Your laws are foolish.

- Nate

> From: Hawke <mdeland at NWINFO.NET>
> Subject: Re: Is Euphoria In It's Final Form?
> Date: September 10, 1998 8:14 PM
> Nate Brooman wrote:
> > P.S. Here are some quotes some of my friends made:
> >"To live in and praise the United States of America, is a crime against
> >world peace. Their English is called American. More people speak the
> >(UK) dialect of English than American." - Scott Maxted
> > "Don't stand to the Star Spangled Banner, for it is evil and is for
> > gun-happy people"
> > - Kyle Labelle
> > "Fuck you America. I'll burn your fucking flag until you guys cede
> > yourselves to Britain." - Andy Brainard
> > "America will pay the concequences for being naive and bigheaded"
> > - Dieter Hemmlen
> These quotes have *NO* business in this list.
> Period.
> We've had the tagline discussion before, whereby some were offended
> by anothers' tagline statements/sentiments, and my understanding
> of that issue was taglines are considered a part of the person.
> To wit:a sig or tagline that was congruent and contiguous, repeatedly
> amended to one's post, was a form of expressive freedom, provided
> they are kept short, and didn't verbally abuse.
> This is different. You aren't pledging or proffering these
> quotes as a tidy attachment to your persona.  It isn't short, and
> by the laws in my country (as well as most of the countries that
> are represented in this forum) your post is a de facto case of
> verbal abuse.  Your parents are your legal guardians, and as
> such, they are responsible for your actions.  If anyone was
> to bring charges against you for this verbal abuse (the f' word)
> they would be the ones arrested, charged and made to stand trial.
> Do you want that?
> In short:I don't give a flying rip how old you are.  You are either
> mature or you aren't.  The sincerity of an apology, and the
> actions after that apology are (part of) what dictate a person's
> maturity level.  Repeating the same behavior after an apology
> renders the apology null, as if it never happened.  It's akin
> to praying to (whatever entity) for forgiveness for murder
> and turning around and killing the boy scout that is helping
> the old lady across the street.  Asking someone to forgive
> you for wrongdoing carries the responsibility of not repeating
> the wrongdoing.  Once or twice or thrice... maybe, we are all
> human.  But nevermore.
> Let your political   statements be posted to a political   forum.
> Let your programming statements be posted to a programming forum.
> No, I will not accept any more excuses from you, nor apologies;
> not until I see that your maturity level has risen to a point
> that I feel you can carry the responsibility of that apology.
> BTW:you may wish to reconsider whom you call friends, as they
> seem rather myopic to me.
> I'm truly sorry for having to post this on this forum, but
> I didn't feel I had a choice, and I felt that it was indeed
> the right thing to do.
> take care all, and care of all as well--Hawke'

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