1. Video Capture

Hi All,
	I was doing some simple coding last night and got disappointing 
results, those annoying enuff to make you dump a project. i keep getting 
the message saying my AVI capture driver is poorly installed. i have run 
this same program on my dads computer and it still gives me the same 
result. If the it works on any other systems without erroring out please 
inform me. And if you have any idea how i can properly install a video 
capture driver please inform me. 
	The first half of the code is my latest low-level routines include 
file. the real code is at the bottom. Please give me feeback

Jordah Ferguson

--File   : SpyLoJiK ver 0.0.1     
--Version: 0.0.1
--Date   : 1/10/2002 
--Author : Jordah Ferguson

include dll.e 
include msgbox.e

-- Start of the latest version of llrtns.e By me :)

global constant
   CHAR     = #01000001,   UCHAR    = #02000001,
   SHORT    = #01000002,   USHORT   = #02000002,
   INT      = #01000004,   UINT     = #02000004,
   LONG     = INT      ,   ULONG    = UINT     ,
   POINTER  = ULONG    ,   FLOAT    = #03000004,
   DOUBLE   = #03000008,   BOOL     = CHAR     ,
   BYTE     = CHAR     ,   WORD     = SHORT    ,
   UWORD    = USHORT   ,   DWORD    = ULONG    ,
   PTR      = POINTER  ,   LPSZ     = #04000004,
   FLOAT32  = FLOAT    ,   FLOAT64  = DOUBLE   ,
   HANDLE   = ULONG    
-------------------[ Structure Constants ]-------------------            
  lladdress = 1,
  llsize    = 2,
  llctype   = 3,
  llevalue  = 4,
  lloffset  = 5
constant kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll"),
  HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY              = #00000008,
  HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE             = #00000001,
  HEAP_GROWABLE                 = #00000002,

zHeapCreate  = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapCreate", {C_LONG, C_LONG, 
zHeapAlloc   = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapAlloc", {C_LONG, C_LONG, 
zHeapFree    = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapFree", {C_LONG, C_LONG, 
C_LONG}, C_LONG),   
zHeapDestroy = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapDestroy", {C_LONG}, C_LONG),
zlstrlen     = define_c_func(kernel32, "lstrlenA",{C_POINTER}, C_INT) 
atom InternalHeap
global type Struct(sequence x)
if length(x) != 5 then 
  return 0
  return  atom(x[1]) 
  and  integer(x[2])
  and sequence(x[3])
  and sequence(x[4]) 
  and sequence(x[5])
end if
end type

global type string(sequence s) 
object x
for i = 1 to length(s) do
  x = s[i]
  if integer(x) then
    if x < 0 or x > #FF then
      return 0
    end if
    return 0
  end if
end for
return 1
end type

global function HeapCreate(integer size)
end function 

global function HeapDestroy(atom Heap)
  return c_func(zHeapDestroy,{Heap})
end function 

global function HeapAlloc(atom heap,atom size)

end function 

global function HeapFree(atom heap, atom pointer)
  return c_func(zHeapFree,{heap,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,pointer})
end function

procedure Init_library() 
  InternalHeap = HeapCreate(16384)   
  if InternalHeap = 0 then
     puts(1,"Out of memory")
  end if
end procedure
-------------------[ Memory Routines ]-------------------               

global function Alloc(object data)    
  atom MemPointer,len_
  if atom(data) then
    MemPointer = HeapAlloc(InternalHeap,data)
    if not MemPointer then
      puts(1,"Out of memory")
    end if   
    return MemPointer
  elsif string(data) then 
    len_ = length(data)
    MemPointer = Alloc(len_+1)
    poke(MemPointer,data  )
    return MemPointer
    -- Allocate objects: Check my lib in RDS Archives
    return 0
  end if
end function 

global procedure Free(atom pointer)   
  if pointer then
    if not HeapFree(InternalHeap,pointer) then
    end if  
  end if
end procedure

global procedure FreeAllMem()  
  if not HeapDestroy(InternalHeap) then
  end if
end procedure 
-------------------[ Accessing the Memory ]-------------------           

global function lstrlen(atom addr)
  return c_func(zlstrlen,{addr})
end function  

global function PeekString(atom addr)
  return peek({addr,lstrlen(addr)})
end function  


procedure SmartPoke(atom address,atom Cconstant,object value)   
  atom membit 
  if Cconstant = CHAR or Cconstant = UCHAR then
    poke(address,value) return
  elsif Cconstant = SHORT or Cconstant = USHORT then
    poke(address,{and_bits(value,#FF),floor(value/#100)}) return
  elsif Cconstant = LONG or Cconstant = ULONG then
    poke4(address,value) return
  elsif Cconstant = FLOAT then
    poke(address, machine_func(48,value)) return
  elsif Cconstant = DOUBLE then
    poke(address, machine_func(46,value)) return 
  elsif Cconstant = LPSZ then   
    membit = peek4u(address)
    if membit > 0 then
    end if
  end if
end procedure

function SmartPeek(atom address,atom Cconstant)   
  atom membit
  if Cconstant = CHAR then
    membit = peek(address)
    return (membit-(#100*(and_bits(membit,#80)!=0)))
  elsif Cconstant = UCHAR then
    return peek(address)
  elsif Cconstant = USHORT then
    return (peek(address)+(peek(address+1)*#100))
  elsif  Cconstant = SHORT then
    membit = (peek(address)+(peek(address+1)*#100))
    return (membit - (#10000*(membit>=#8000)))
  elsif Cconstant = LONG then
    return peek4s(address)
  elsif Cconstant = ULONG then
    return peek4u(address)
  elsif Cconstant = FLOAT then
    return machine_func(47,peek({address,4}))
  elsif Cconstant = DOUBLE then
    return machine_func(49,peek({address,8}))
  elsif Cconstant = LPSZ then
    membit = peek4u(address)
    if membit > 0 then
      return PeekString(membit)
      return {}  
    end if
  end if
  return 0
end function

global function sizeOf( object data )
  if atom(data) then
    return and_bits(data,#FFFF)
    return data[llsize]
  end if
end function

global function addressOf(object data)
  atom pointer
  sequence offsetSeq,evalueSeq,dat
  integer loc
    pointer   = 0
  if Struct(data) then
    return data[lladdress]
    dat = data[1]
    data= data[2]
    if Struct(dat) and string(data) then
      offsetSeq = dat[lloffset ]
      evalueSeq = dat[llevalue ]
      pointer   = dat[lladdress]
      loc = find(data,evalueSeq)
      if loc then
        return (pointer + offsetSeq[loc])
      end if
    end if
  end if
  return 0
end function 

global function AssociatePointer(sequence Structure,atom newMem)
  atom Addr
  if newMem = -1 then
    Addr = Structure[lladdress]
    if Addr then
    end if
    Structure[lladdress] = Alloc(sizeOf(Structure))
    Structure[lladdress] = newMem
  end if
  return Structure
end function

global function AllocateStructure(sequence Structure)
  return AssociatePointer(Structure,-1)
end function 

global function FreeStructure(sequence structure)
  atom MemAddr
    MemAddr = structure[lladdress]
  if MemAddr then
    structure[lladdress] = 0 
  end if
  return structure
end function 

global function defineStructure(sequence data)
  integer xOff
  atom last
  object cConstant,Holder
  sequence ctypeSeq,offsetSeq,evalueSeq
    ctypeSeq  = {}
    offsetSeq = {} 
    evalueSeq = {}
    xOff      = 0   
  for i = 1 to length(data) by 1 do
    cConstant = data[i][1]
    Holder    = data[i][2]
    if atom(cConstant) then
      ctypeSeq  = append(ctypeSeq,cConstant)
      evalueSeq = append(evalueSeq,Holder  )
      offsetSeq = append(offsetSeq,xOff    )
      xOff     += sizeOf(cConstant         )
    elsif Struct(cConstant) then 
      if i = 1 then  
        ctypeSeq  = cConstant[llctype ]
        evalueSeq = cConstant[llevalue]
        offsetSeq = cConstant[lloffset]
        last      = length(offsetSeq)
        xOff      = offsetSeq[last]+sizeOf(ctypeSeq[last])
        last      = ctypeSeq[length(ctypeSeq)]
        ctypeSeq &= cConstant[llctype ]
        evalueSeq&= cConstant[llevalue]
        xOff      = sizeOf(last)
        last      = length(offsetSeq)
        xOff      = offsetSeq[last]+sizeOf(ctypeSeq[last])
      end if
      last      = cConstant[1]
      ctypeSeq  = append(ctypeSeq,last   )
      evalueSeq = append(evalueSeq,Holder)
      offsetSeq = append(offsetSeq,xOff  )
      xOff     += sizeOf(last)*cConstant[2]
    end if
  end for
  return {0,xOff,ctypeSeq,evalueSeq,offsetSeq}
end function

global procedure Store(sequence Structure,sequence data)
  sequence item
  integer loc,len_
  atom ctype_item,offset_item,MemAddr
    len_ = length(data)
  if len_ = 0 then
  end if 
  if len_ = 2 and string(data[1]) then
    data = {data}
    len_ = 1
  end if
  for i = 1 to len_ by 1 do
    item = data[i][1]
    MemAddr= Structure[lladdress]
    loc = find(item,Structure[llevalue])
    if loc then
      ctype_item  = Structure[llctype ][loc]
      offset_item = Structure[lloffset][loc] 
      MemAddr += offset_item
    end if
  end for
end procedure

global function Fetch(sequence Structure,sequence data)
  sequence result,evalueSeq,ctypeSeq,offsetSeq,name
  integer len_,loc
  atom MemAddr
    evalueSeq = Structure[llevalue ]
    ctypeSeq  = Structure[llctype  ]
    MemAddr   = Structure[lladdress]
    offsetSeq = Structure[lloffset ] 
    len_ = length(data)
  if not len_ then
    loc = length(evalueSeq)
    result = repeat(0,loc)
    for i = 1 to loc by 1 do
      result[i] = SmartPeek(MemAddr+offsetSeq[i],ctypeSeq[i])
    end for   
    return result
  end if
  if string(data) then 
    loc = find(data,evalueSeq)
    if loc then
      return SmartPeek(MemAddr+offsetSeq[loc],ctypeSeq[loc])
      return 0 
    end if
  end if
  result = repeat(0,len_)  
  for i = 1 to len_ by 1 do
    name = data[i]
    loc = find(name,evalueSeq)
    if loc then
      result[i] = SmartPeek(MemAddr+offsetSeq[loc],ctypeSeq[loc])
    end if
  end for
  return result
end function

-------------------[ Handling Bits ]-------------------

global function or_all(sequence s)
  atom ret
    ret = 0
  for i = 1 to length(s) do
    ret = or_bits(ret,s[i])
  end for
  return ret
end function   

global function LOWORD(atom long)
  return and_bits(long,#FFFF)
end function 

global function HIWORD(atom long)
  return floor(long/#10000)
end function  

global function shift_left (atom x, integer count)
  return x * power (2, count)  
end function

global function shift_right(atom x, integer count)
   return floor(x / power(2,count))
end function 

global function MAKELONG (atom a, atom b)
  return or_bits (a, shift_left (b, 16))
end function

global function MAKEWORD( integer lower, integer higher) 
  lower  = and_bits(lower, #FF )
  higher = and_bits(higher, #FF)
  return higher*#100 + lower
end function

global function abs(object x)  	
    return x*((x>0)-(x<0))
end function

-- Start of Actual Program

-- required DLL's
user32   = open_dll("user32.dll"  ),
avicap32 = open_dll("AVICAP32.dll"),

-- Required Functions
zDefWindowProc          = define_c_func(user32,  
zCreateWindowEx         = define_c_func(user32,  "CreateWindowExA", 
zRegisterClassEx        = define_c_func(user32,  "RegisterClassExA", 
zLoadCursor             = define_c_func(user32,  
zMoveWindow             = define_c_func(user32,  
zSendMessage            = define_c_func(user32,  
zLoadIcon               = define_c_func(user32,  
zGetMessage             = define_c_func(user32,  "GetMessageA",     
zTranslateMessage       = define_c_proc(user32,  
zDispatchMessage        = define_c_proc(user32,  
zPostQuitMessage        = define_c_proc(user32,  "PostQuitMessage", 
zcapCreateCaptureWindow = 


-- Some Constants:
WM_CREATE            = 1,
WM_CLOSE             = 16,
WM_SIZE              = #5,
WM_USER              = 1024,
CapWndStyle = or_bits(#10000000,#40000000),
ProgName    = "AVI Capture Demonstration by Jordah Ferguson 2002",
ClassName   = "AVI Capture: Lojik Software"  

atom MainWnd,CaptWnd
MainWnd = 0
CaptWnd = 0
-------------------[ WNDCLASSEX STRUCTRURE ]------------   
  WNDCLASSEX = defineStructure({
  {UINT  ,"cbSize"       },
  {UINT  ,"style"        },
  {PTR   ,"lpfnWndProc"  },
  {INT   ,"cbClsExtra"   },
  {INT   ,"cbWndExtra"   },
  {HANDLE,"hInstance"    },
  {HANDLE,"hIcon"        },
  {HANDLE,"hCursor"      },
  {PTR   ,"lpszMenuName" },
  {LPSZ  ,"lpszClassName"},
  {HANDLE,"hIconSm"      }})
  WNDCLASSEX = AllocateStructure(WNDCLASSEX)
  -------------------[ POINTAPI Structure ]----------------
  POINTAPI = defineStructure({
  -------------------[ MSG Structure ]-------------------
  MSG = defineStructure({
  {HANDLE  ,"hwnd"   },
  {UINT    ,"message"},
  {WORD    ,"wParam" },
  {LONG    ,"lParam" },
  {DWORD   ,"time"   },
  {POINTAPI,""       }})
  MSG = AllocateStructure(MSG)
  constant MSGPOINTER = addressOf(MSG)  
-------------------[ Error Box: MACRO]

procedure Error(sequence msg)
  if message_box(msg,"Spy LoJik 2002",MB_ICONINFORMATION) then end if
end procedure

integer junk,ret
-- Wrap of the functions

procedure RegisterClassEx(atom lp)
  ret = c_func(zRegisterClassEx,{lp})
  if not ret then
    Error("Failed to reister class")
  end if
end procedure

function CreateWindowEx(atom ex,sequence lpsz,sequence wndname,atom st,
                        atom x,atom y,atom cx,atom cy,atom pHwnd)
  atom buffer1,buffer2
  buffer1 = Alloc(lpsz)
  buffer2 = Alloc(wndname)
  ret = 

  if not ret then
    Error("CreateWindowEx failed")
  end if
   return ret
end function

function SendMessage(atom hwnd,atom msg,atom wParam,atom lParam)
   return c_func(zSendMessage,{hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam})
end function

function capCreateCaptureWindow(sequence Name,atom ExS,atom x,atom 
y,atom cx,atom cy,atom pHwnd,atom cId)
  atom buffer,ret
  buffer = Alloc(Name)
  ret = c_func(zcapCreateCaptureWindow,{buffer,ExS,x,y,cx,cy,pHwnd,cId})
  if not ret then
     Error("Failed to create the capture window")
  end if
  return ret
end function 

procedure GetDriverDescription()
  atom buffer1,buffer2
  sequence Desc Desc = {}
  buffer1 = Alloc(80)
  buffer2 = Alloc(80)
  for n = 1 to 10 do
    junk = c_func(zcapGetDriverDescription,{buffer1,80,buffer2,80})
    Desc &= PeekString(buffer1)&"   "&PeekString(buffer2) &"\n"
  end for
  Error("Device Names: Device Versions\n"&Desc)
end procedure

------[ Callack Functions: The real Code at work~ ]------ 

function ErrorCallBack(atom hwnd,atom ErrId,atom lp)
   if hwnd != CaptWnd then
    return 0
   elsif not ErrId then 
    return 1
    Error(sprintf("Code: %d \nMSG: ",ErrId)&PeekString(lp))
   end if
   return 1
end function
constant ECB = call_back(routine_id("ErrorCallBack"))

atom xPos,yPos
function WndProc(atom hwnd,atom msg,atom wParam,atom lParam)
  if msg = WM_CREATE then
    CaptWnd = 
    junk = SendMessage(CaptWnd,WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERROR,0,ECB)
    junk = SendMessage(CaptWnd,WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT,0,0)
  elsif msg = WM_SIZE then
    xPos = LOWORD(lParam)
    yPos = HIWORD(lParam)
    junk = c_func(zMoveWindow,{CaptWnd,0,0,xPos,yPos-50,1})
  elsif msg = WM_CLOSE then
    if hwnd = MainWnd then
    end if
  end if
   return c_func(zDefWindowProc,{hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam})
end function
constant lpfnWndProc = call_back(routine_id("WndProc")) 

procedure WinMain()
atom size,aWNDCLASSEX,icon,cursor
  size = sizeOf(WNDCLASSEX)
  icon = c_func(zLoadIcon,{0,#7F04})
  cursor = c_func(zLoadCursor,{0,#7F00})
    {"cbSize"       ,size       },
    {"lpfnWndProc"  ,lpfnWndProc},    
    {"hInstance"    , instance()},
    {"hIcon"        , icon      },
    {"hCursor"      , cursor    },
    {"style"        , #0020     }, -- CS_OWNDC
    {"hbrBackground", 16        },
    {"lpszClassName", ClassName }})
  MainWnd = CreateWindowEx(0,ClassName,ProgName,
            #104F0000,   --or_bits(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,WS_VISIBLE)
            #80000000,   -- CW_USEDEFAULT
            #80000000,   -- CW_USEDEFAULT
  while c_func(zGetMessage,{MSGPOINTER,0,0,0}) do
      c_proc(zTranslateMessage, {MSGPOINTER})
      c_proc(zDispatchMessage,  {MSGPOINTER}) 
  end while   
end procedure

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2. Re: Video Capture

Hi Jordah,
    Your code works great on my computer. It doesn't display any driver
installed, but when i click OK it displayes the image ok. I tried to
make it to capture the movement, but i only got a still image.
    I don't know you've troubles in your computer. Try to make your
Windows to recognize it as a capture device (like it recognizes the
scanners), maybe that's the problem.
    My configs: P3 550mhz 256mb Running Win98 SE
    The camera is Creative (I don't remember the model, i'm at work

--- jordah ferguson <jorfergie03 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> 	I was doing some simple coding last night and got disappointing 
> results, those annoying enuff to make you dump a project. i keep
> getting 
> the message saying my AVI capture driver is poorly installed. i have
> run 
> this same program on my dads computer and it still gives me the same 
> result. If the it works on any other systems without erroring out
> please 
> inform me. And if you have any idea how i can properly install a
> video 
> capture driver please inform me. 

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3. Re: Video Capture

After fixing the typo on line 470 (it said e_c_func instead of 
define_c_func) i ran the program, only to get an access violation. If it's 
of any help, here's the function that caused the crash:

77E9486F   push        ebp
77E94870   mov         ebp,esp
77E94872   push        ecx
77E94873   push        ecx
77E94874   mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
77E94877   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+18h]
77E9487A   and         dword ptr [ebp-4],0
77E9487E   push        ebx
77E9487F   push        esi
77E94880   push        edi
77E94881   mov         edi,dword ptr [edx+1Ch]
77E94884   test        eax,eax
77E94886   mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],edi
77E94889   je          77E8E03B
77E9488F   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp+14h]
77E94892   mov         edx,dword ptr [edx+8]
77E94895   add         eax,ecx
77E94897   cmp         word ptr [edx+2],1
77E9489C   mov         dword ptr [ebp+18h],eax
77E9489F   jne         77ED0633
77E948A5   mov         esi,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
77E948A8   mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
77E948AB   sub         esi,edx
77E948AD   sub         eax,ecx
77E948AF   sar         esi,1
77E948B1   cmp         eax,esi
77E948B3   mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],esi
77E948B6   jl          77EA2798
77E948BC   test        byte ptr [ebp+1Dh],4
77E948C0   jne         77E99A44
77E948C6   test        esi,esi
77E948C8   jle         77E948DB
77E948CA   mov         esi,dword ptr [ebp-4]
77E948CD   movzx       eax,word ptr [edx]
77E948D0   inc         edx
77E948D1   mov         al,byte ptr [eax+edi]
77E948D4   inc         edx
77E948D5   mov         byte ptr [ecx],al   <-- *CRASH!*
77E948D7   inc         ecx
77E948D8   dec         esi
77E948D9   jne         77E948CD
77E948DB   cmp         edx,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
77E948DE   jb          77EA27A2
77E948E4   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
77E948E7   pop         edi
77E948E8   pop         esi
77E948E9   pop         ebx
77E948EA   leave
77E948EB   ret         18h

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4. Re: Video Capture


Don't know if this relates to what you're trying to do or not, but there are
a bunch of people constructing Personal Video Recorders (Tivo emulator) on
Linux boxes.  Downloadable code, drivers, & links can be found at:

and there's an article talking about it in November Popular Science
Might be an interesting Euphoria / Linux project?

Dan Moyer

----- Original Message -----
From: "jordah ferguson" <jorfergie03 at yahoo.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 3:10 AM
Subject: Video Capture

> Hi All,
> I was doing some simple coding last night and got disappointing
> results, those annoying enuff to make you dump a project. i keep getting
> the message saying my AVI capture driver is poorly installed. i have run
> this same program on my dads computer and it still gives me the same
> result. If the it works on any other systems without erroring out please
> inform me. And if you have any idea how i can properly install a video
> capture driver please inform me.
> The first half of the code is my latest low-level routines include
> file. the real code is at the bottom. Please give me feeback
> Jordah Ferguson
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> --File   : SpyLoJiK ver 0.0.1
> --Version: 0.0.1
> --Date   : 1/10/2002
> --Author : Jordah Ferguson
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> include dll.e
> include msgbox.e
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> -- Start of the latest version of llrtns.e By me :)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global constant
>    CHAR     = #01000001,   UCHAR    = #02000001,
>    SHORT    = #01000002,   USHORT   = #02000002,
>    INT      = #01000004,   UINT     = #02000004,
>    LONG     = INT      ,   ULONG    = UINT     ,
>    POINTER  = ULONG    ,   FLOAT    = #03000004,
>    DOUBLE   = #03000008,   BOOL     = CHAR     ,
>    BYTE     = CHAR     ,   WORD     = SHORT    ,
>    UWORD    = USHORT   ,   DWORD    = ULONG    ,
>    PTR      = POINTER  ,   LPSZ     = #04000004,
>    FLOAT32  = FLOAT    ,   FLOAT64  = DOUBLE   ,
> -------------------[ Structure Constants ]-------------------
> constant
>   lladdress = 1,
>   llsize    = 2,
>   llctype   = 3,
>   llevalue  = 4,
>   lloffset  = 5
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> constant kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll"),
>   HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY              = #00000008,
>   HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE             = #00000001,
>   HEAP_GROWABLE                 = #00000002,
> zHeapCreate  = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapCreate", {C_LONG, C_LONG,
> zHeapAlloc   = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapAlloc", {C_LONG, C_LONG,
> zHeapFree    = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapFree", {C_LONG, C_LONG,
> zHeapDestroy = define_c_func(kernel32, "HeapDestroy", {C_LONG}, C_LONG),
> zlstrlen     = define_c_func(kernel32, "lstrlenA",{C_POINTER}, C_INT)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> atom InternalHeap
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global type Struct(sequence x)
> if length(x) != 5 then
>   return 0
> else
>   return  atom(x[1])
>   and  integer(x[2])
>   and sequence(x[3])
>   and sequence(x[4])
>   and sequence(x[5])
> end if
> end type
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global type string(sequence s)
> object x
> for i = 1 to length(s) do
>   x = s[i]
>   if integer(x) then
>     if x < 0 or x > #FF then
>       return 0
>     end if
>   else
>     return 0
>   end if
> end for
> return 1
> end type
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> global function HeapCreate(integer size)
>   return
> c_func(zHeapCreate,{or_bits(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,HEAP_GROWABLE),size,0})

> zcapGetDriverDescription=
> e_c_func(avicap32,"capGetDriverDescriptionA",{UINT,LONG,LONG,LONG},LONG)
>  ,
> -- Some Constants:
> WM_CREATE            = 1,
> WM_CLOSE             = 16,
> WM_SIZE              = #5,
> WM_USER              = 1024,
> WM_CAP_START         = WM_USER,
> CapWndStyle = or_bits(#10000000,#40000000),
> ProgName    = "AVI Capture Demonstration by Jordah Ferguson 2002",
> ClassName   = "AVI Capture: Lojik Software"
> atom MainWnd,CaptWnd
> MainWnd = 0
> CaptWnd = 0
> -------------------[ WNDCLASSEX STRUCTRURE ]------------
>   WNDCLASSEX = defineStructure({
>   {UINT  ,"cbSize"       },
>   {UINT  ,"style"        },
>   {PTR   ,"lpfnWndProc"  },
>   {INT   ,"cbClsExtra"   },
>   {INT   ,"cbWndExtra"   },
>   {HANDLE,"hInstance"    },
>   {HANDLE,"hIcon"        },
>   {HANDLE,"hCursor"      },
>   {HANDLE,"hbrBackground"},
>   {PTR   ,"lpszMenuName" },
>   {LPSZ  ,"lpszClassName"},
>   {HANDLE,"hIconSm"      }})
>   WNDCLASSEX = AllocateStructure(WNDCLASSEX)
>   -------------------[ POINTAPI Structure ]----------------
>   POINTAPI = defineStructure({
>   {LONG,"x"},
>   {LONG,"y"}})
>   -------------------[ MSG Structure ]-------------------
>   MSG = defineStructure({
>   {HANDLE  ,"hwnd"   },
>   {UINT    ,"message"},
>   {WORD    ,"wParam" },
>   {LONG    ,"lParam" },
>   {DWORD   ,"time"   },
>   {POINTAPI,""       }})
>   MSG = AllocateStructure(MSG)
>   constant MSGPOINTER = addressOf(MSG)
> -------------------[ Error Box: MACRO]
> procedure Error(sequence msg)
>   if message_box(msg,"Spy LoJik 2002",MB_ICONINFORMATION) then end if
> end procedure
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> integer junk,ret
> -- Wrap of the functions
> procedure RegisterClassEx(atom lp)
>   ret = c_func(zRegisterClassEx,{lp})
>   if not ret then
>     Error("Failed to reister class")
>   end if
> end procedure
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function CreateWindowEx(atom ex,sequence lpsz,sequence wndname,atom st,
>                         atom x,atom y,atom cx,atom cy,atom pHwnd)
>   atom buffer1,buffer2
>   buffer1 = Alloc(lpsz)
>   buffer2 = Alloc(wndname)
>   ret =
>   if not ret then
>     Error("CreateWindowEx failed")
>   end if
>   Free(buffer1)
>   Free(buffer2)
>    return ret
> end function
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function SendMessage(atom hwnd,atom msg,atom wParam,atom lParam)
>    return c_func(zSendMessage,{hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam})
> end function
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function capCreateCaptureWindow(sequence Name,atom ExS,atom x,atom
> y,atom cx,atom cy,atom pHwnd,atom cId)
>   atom buffer,ret
>   buffer = Alloc(Name)
>   ret = c_func(zcapCreateCaptureWindow,{buffer,ExS,x,y,cx,cy,pHwnd,cId})
>   if not ret then
>      Error("Failed to create the capture window")
>   end if
>   Free(buffer)
>   return ret
> end function
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> procedure GetDriverDescription()
>   atom buffer1,buffer2
>   sequence Desc Desc = {}
>   buffer1 = Alloc(80)
>   buffer2 = Alloc(80)
>   for n = 1 to 10 do
>     junk = c_func(zcapGetDriverDescription,{buffer1,80,buffer2,80})
>     Desc &= PeekString(buffer1)&"   "&PeekString(buffer2) &"\n"
>   end for
>   Error("Device Names: Device Versions\n"&Desc)
>   Free(buffer1)
>   Free(buffer2)
> end procedure
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> ------[ Callack Functions: The real Code at work~ ]------
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> function ErrorCallBack(atom hwnd,atom ErrId,atom lp)
>    if hwnd != CaptWnd then
>     return 0
>    elsif not ErrId then
>     return 1
>    else
>     Error(sprintf("Code: %d \nMSG: ",ErrId)&PeekString(lp))
>    end if
>    return 1
> end function
> constant ECB = call_back(routine_id("ErrorCallBack"))
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> atom xPos,yPos
> function WndProc(atom hwnd,atom msg,atom wParam,atom lParam)
>   if msg = WM_CREATE then
>     CaptWnd =
> capCreateCaptureWindow(ClassName,CapWndStyle,10,10,180,180,hwnd,1)
>     GetDriverDescription()
>     junk = SendMessage(CaptWnd,WM_CAP_SET_CALLBACK_ERROR,0,ECB)
>     junk = SendMessage(CaptWnd,WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT,0,0)
>   elsif msg = WM_SIZE then
>     xPos = LOWORD(lParam)
>     yPos = HIWORD(lParam)
>     junk = c_func(zMoveWindow,{CaptWnd,0,0,xPos,yPos-50,1})
>   elsif msg = WM_CLOSE then
>     if hwnd = MainWnd then
>       c_proc(zPostQuitMessage,{0})
>     end if
>   end if
>    return c_func(zDefWindowProc,{hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam})
> end function
> constant lpfnWndProc = call_back(routine_id("WndProc"))
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> procedure WinMain()
> atom size,aWNDCLASSEX,icon,cursor
>   size = sizeOf(WNDCLASSEX)
>   icon = c_func(zLoadIcon,{0,#7F04})
>   cursor = c_func(zLoadCursor,{0,#7F00})
>     Store(WNDCLASSEX,{
>     {"cbSize"       ,size       },
>     {"lpfnWndProc"  ,lpfnWndProc},
>     {"hInstance"    , instance()},
>     {"hIcon"        , icon      },
>     {"hCursor"      , cursor    },
>     {"style"        , #0020     }, -- CS_OWNDC
>     {"hbrBackground", 16        },
>     {"lpszClassName", ClassName }})
>   RegisterClassEx(aWNDCLASSEX)
>   MainWnd = CreateWindowEx(0,ClassName,ProgName,
>             #104F0000,   --or_bits(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,WS_VISIBLE)


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